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The big war, which the United West launched "in response" to the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States by ensuring the presence of its troops in Afghanistan and direct aggression in Iraq, received a new impetus 10 years later. Starting in the form of "revolutions" in the Maghreb countries, this war turned into a ground operation of the special forces of the Western Coalition forces in Libya, and now, apparently, a repetition of a similar scenario should be expected in Syria.

I call it the Great War, and not a series of military and other special operations of NATO countries against some "dictatorial regimes" - for the reason that all these special operations are fronts and directions of strikes within the framework of one military STRATEGY deployed by the West in the Asian region.

It is clear that all the small and large goals of this war, taken apart, can look like a series of seemingly unrelated local conflicts, when in one case there is a struggle for oil and gas, and in the other - for opium or against nuclear facilities. . However, the Great War is the Great War, because all its goals, reasons and causes are actually connected together and carried out within the framework of a single strategy and a single command. At the very least, the United States, without a doubt, is waging a Great War, and not just participating in one or another, strictly unrelated events of a regional scale.

Politicians and experts are guessing: which country will become the next victim of the Big War operators (read - the global aggressor) after the fall of the Assad regime in Syria (since the fall of this regime is a foregone conclusion - the West has not just a position on this matter, but a specific Plan and budget). Most observers name Iran as the next target of the international aggressor - and this is logical, since the Great War in the coming years will not only continue, but also grow, and from the regimes obviously hostile to the West in Asia Minor and the Middle East, only Iran will remain after the fall of Syria.

From our point of view, a much more preferable point for the United West today (for the period up to about 2014) is still not Iran, but former Soviet Central Asia. And to understand this, you need to deal with the hidden goals of the Great War.

Among the main goals of the escalation by the West of its incursions into the countries of Malaya and Central Asia are usually named as follows.

First, according to official version the West itself, the world community, led by the “civilized” West, is, as it were, fighting international terrorism in this part of the world and different kind opponents of democracy and freedom represented by the ruling regimes of certain countries.

Secondly, if in fact, along with the “promotion of freedom and democracy in the third world countries” and traditionally for its foreign policy, the West is strengthening its positions in this region of the world in order to ensure control over hydrocarbon deposits and their transportation routes, including to prevent their delivery to the increasingly competitive China.

Thirdly, he outlined this point of view in his article “Will Russia and China Stop NATO’s Ground Invasion of Libya?” member of the Expert Council of the EurAsEC Institute Alexander Kashansky, “The West is defending itself against the advancing and aggressive South,” but prefers to do so on enemy territory.

Fourthly, the growing aggressiveness of the West is explained by its objective desire to escalate the Great War in connection with the growth of the so-called global financial crisis. According to many Russian analysts, the Anglo-Saxons can nullify the colossal and growing foreign debt of the United States in one single way - to start a war in order to nullify the debt bubble under its pretext, and at the same time support their stagnant economy with military orders.

Fifth, the owners of the Federal Reserve System(US Federal Reserve), which are the main creditors of the North American economy, are obviously not going to wait for the Anglo-Saxons to solve their problems by continuing the work of the printing press, increasing the already gigantic financial bubble. They want to participate in the war in order to solve their problems with the hands of debtors.

There are also sixth, seventh, eighth, etc. From the long list of reasons for the escalation of the Great War, we note, perhaps, another and very important reason, not directly related to the policies of the US State Department, NATO, the Fed or the European Union. We are talking about the need of the main subjects of the world economy (the so-called “global market”) that has entered a period of crisis to continue its extensive development - to extract profits through further monopolization of control over the emission of world currencies, to increase oil and gas production, and to increase high world prices. on raw materials and armaments, in the forcible capture of new sales markets, in the promotion and "promotion" of new information resources, etc. From our point of view - this is the main and long-term reason for the gradual transformation of the Great War into World War. And today the West is faced with the task of not just saving the dollar or the American economy, not just reformatting the global financial system and keeping the Bretton Woods agreements, but preserving the very model of the economic and political system that exists on planet Earth, the foundations of which are now increasingly being questioned by peoples. and politicians within the Western world itself. In this case, however, it must be borne in mind that the main "combat" actions during the new World War will still be carried out without the use of direct military force and the use of traditional weapons - such force will be used for demonstrative purposes only in relation to the most intractable regimes.

The launch of a military operation against Iran to some extent meets the interests of a narrow circle of beneficiaries of the Great War. The war of NATO and its satellites with Iran would allow the United West to solve global problems related to keeping the dollar, keeping the existing financial and economic model, and keeping control over the planet through the formation of a new world order. However, in such a scenario of the development of events, there is one big BUT - is the West ready to go for broke and is it not easier for the forces of the Western coalition to starve Iran out using the methods of information and financial and economic warfare?

The start of a military operation against Iran will inevitably lead to an increase in anti-war and anti-government sentiments within the Western countries and, above all, in the European Union, which is undergoing a serious economic crisis. And if the American voter, fooled by his own politicians and the media, as well as bribed by unlimited dollars printed in unlimited quantities, will support any decisions of the State Department, then with Europe (as well as Israel, which is not taken into account today), everything does not look so simple.

We understand that, on the one hand, the war in Iran will allow the Anglo-Saxons to bend the European Union and suppress in Western Europe - through the hands of collaborators and European bureaucrats - all sorts of Eurocentric, anti-American and pacifist sentiments (the world financial oligarchy would be happy to develop such a scenario), however, on the other hand, it is not very clear whether the Anglo-Saxons and, in particular, the Republicans need it today, who, if NATO is drawn into military operation against Iran, they will have to deal not only with pacifying the booze in the ranks of the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union, but also with the continuation of the curtailment of the already dubious "democratic" institutions and norms in the United States itself, which will lead to a serious drop in the rating and influence in this country of the Republicans and the white minorities?

From our point of view, the position on Iran may not become a bone of contention, but certain contradictions between the Republicans and the owners of the FRS who are trying to solve their problems with their hands. And it is possible that it is easier for Republicans to at least partially nationalize the Fed than to lose power in the long term in their own country.

Objectively, the Anglo-Saxons today are quite satisfied with the economic boycott of Iran, and the fact that the growing China and India continue to buy oil from Iran should prompt the Strategic Planning Headquarters of the Great War to three obvious thoughts.

Thought first is that it is in the American interests today to support the hysteria around Iran in every possible way, up to bringing NATO troops and, accordingly, the armed forces of Iran to full combat readiness, in order to strengthen its presence in the Persian Gulf, while maintaining the ability to block Iranian oil terminals at X hour. But, of course, not to start open hostilities until the conditions for a “revolution” from below are ripe in this country and the current political regime in this country begins to collapse under the pressure of the opposition.

Hence the second thought: Today it is easier for Americans to cut off the channels for the delivery of hydrocarbons to China in other parts of the world. Taking into account that China has bought almost completely unproduced gas in Turkmenistan, the easiest way is to unleash another ("saxaul") revolution right here - or in some other way "persuade" the leadership of Turkmenistan to turn around 180 degrees - towards the NABUCCO gas pipeline, the project the launch of which is called into question due to the erroneous assessment by Western experts of the real volumes of gas reserves in the Turkmen field "Galkynysh" and the beginning of a decline in gas production in Azerbaijan. (On Turkmenistan as a weak link in Central Asia, see the article by the Chairman of the Council of the EurAsEC Institute Valery Munirov "Challenges of the CSTO" (answers to the questions of the weekly "Arguments and Facts").

You can also try to block the transit of Turkmen gas to China through the territory of Uzbekistan, which, by the way, can save the NABUCCO project. The only question is how best to do it - by force or through political agreements. It is clear that the United States will not take Uzbekistan in economic tug in response to the termination of the transit of hydrocarbons through this country to China (30 million Uzbekistan is not 4 million Georgia), therefore, another scenario may be chosen. This scenario is known and has already been tested by the American intelligence services during the organization of the riots in Andijan and in neighboring Kyrgyzstan. From our point of view, this scenario may well be launched again not in the fall of 2012, but in the spring of 2013. Moreover, the reason for this already exists. So, in October 2011, Hillary Clinton visited Tajikistan, who not only called on the government to democratize the country's political system, but, according to some sources (see Alexander Gorbatov's article "The First Ambushes on the Silk Road"), supported the leadership of Tajikistan in his intentions to complete the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station in the upper reaches of the Vakhsh River, which caused indignation in the leadership of Uzbekistan, who feared a decrease in water flow to the Amu Darya ... It would seem - where is the USA and where is Tajikistan? And why would the US administration get involved in such a dubious and already controversial project as the construction of some kind of hydroelectric power station in a distant mountainous country? Apparently, American potential "investors" liked the Rogun project for the very reason that it could become a time bomb in relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

It is possible that the Taliban will soon be sent here - to Tajikistan and to the Tajik-Uzbek border, with whom the Americans, as if leaving Afghanistan, seem to have found mutual language. By eliminating Bin Laden (or the one whom the Americans passed off as Bin Laden), the United States formally "solved" its task in this region. But you need to know the Anglo-Saxons - they can’t just leave Afghanistan, but only in exchange for some agreements and maintaining control over the situation. Most likely, the Americans agreed with the Taliban on the covert support of the latter in their advance to the north - to Tajikistan and other republics. former USSR with the aim of creating an "Islamic caliphate" in the region with the participation of the Taliban. (By the way, the Americans also need a controlled activation of the Taliban in order to influence the leadership of Pakistan and keep in their hands fickford cord relations between Pakistan and India.) Of course, following the Taliban, NATO units will come to this region in earnest and for a long time. Officially, in order to “prevent” the advance of “international terrorists” and drug traffickers into the region, but in reality, to ensure control over deposits, gas pipelines and transport routes along the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan axis, that is, the so-called Great Silk Road.

Hence the third thought: since in the event of the outbreak of a military conflict in the region of Tajikistan (or the start of another "revolution" here), the question will arise about Russia's position in relation to the events in this country, which is a member of the EurAsEC, the CIS, the CSTO and the SCO, the US State Department will announce along the way - unofficially - about the beginning of another "reset" of relations with the Russian Federation, and at the same time with Kazakhstan - on the terms of limiting the supply of Russian and Kazakh energy carriers to China. (Note that even today China plans to contract not only the main volumes of Turkmen gas exports, but also a significant part of the gas exports of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.) Of course, before the choice is to stop gas transit to China or face the prospect of a “revolution” and its well-known consequences - will be Uzbekistan.

The only thing holding back today the intensification of the actions of NATO forces in Syria, as well as in the Iranian and Central Asian directions, is the upcoming November this year. presidential elections in the United States itself, the outcome of which - due to the growing intensity of the hidden dialogue between the world's leading "power centers" - today even CIA analysts are not able to predict. Thus, answering the question: when and where will Russia be drawn into the Great War? - we can say: most likely, this will happen in the spring of 2013 and this will most likely be connected with the events in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, as well as the growing pressure of the West on Uzbekistan.

In all this geopolitical context, one more very important point: in order for Russia to be more accommodating in future battles and unequivocally take the right side, starting from autumn 2012, the “orange” scenario will be activated here, as well as the so-called “anti-Eurasian” scenario, which implies the activation of projects that are alternative to the integration policy of the Russian leadership.

Today, the anti-Russian strategy of the Western intelligence services and the politicians who serve them is being built on the formation of two controlled external and hostile to Russia political vectors. As the first (western) vector of the attack on Moscow, the Poland-Ukraine link is considered, in which Warsaw is assigned the leading and guiding role, as the second (southern) vector, the Turkey-Kazakhstan link is considered, in which Ankara is given the lead role. Already today, Poland and Turkey are pumped up with Western money and personnel, designed to form a long-term strategy for the cultural (based on the Slavic factor) and economic integration of Ukraine and Belarus with Poland - called the strategy of including Ukraine in the European Free Trade Area, and, accordingly, the strategy of similar integration of Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries (on the basis of the Turkic factor) - with Turkey, called the "Great Silk Road" project).

According to the plans of the architects of the "new world order", Ukraine should be de-Russified and converted to Catholicism or various forms of Uniatism, while the former Soviet republics of Asia should be de-Russified and Islamized. Of course, if these two Western projects succeed, there will be no Eurasian Union with the participation of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and even Belarus. And in order to speed up the process of delimitation of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan with the integration of Ukraine into the European Union, and Kazakhstan into the future "Islamic Caliphate, the global aggressor will strike at the weak (in politically) to the link of the CIS and the EurAsEC - for Belarus, specifically - by the President of this country Alexander Lukashenko. But how and when exactly the “orange” attack on the President of Belarus and, after that, a new attack on Vladimir Putin in Russia will begin, we will tell in our next report.

Vladimir Tamak, EurAsEC Institute

Basmachism is a military-political and religious anti-Soviet movement in Central Asia during the Civil War. It reached its climax in 1918-1919, when tens of thousands of local residents stood up under the banner of the Basmachi. Nevertheless, by the mid-1920s, the movement had almost completely died out. What is the reason?

dashing raiders

The word "basmach" comes from the Uzbek "basma" - an armed raid. The ideological basis of Basmachi was pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism.

The start of the movement is usually considered to be February 1918, when the Red Army finally defeated the self-proclaimed Turkestan autonomy, which covered the lands of present-day Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

The raiders were especially active in the Ferghana Valley and adjacent areas, in the Samarkand and Sardarya regions, in Khiva, Eastern Bukhara and the Krasnovodsk region. Basmachi detachments were divided into small (up to a hundred people) and large. The number of the latter could reach several thousand people or more.

Their tactics were typical of guerrilla warfare in mountainous and desert areas: the Basmachi tried to avoid clashes with numerous and well-armed enemy units. Emphasis was placed on organizing ambushes and dashing cavalry raids. As a rule, they organized base points in hard-to-reach places. Intelligence information was provided by local residents.

According to the laws of war

The Basmachi were a very serious and insidious opponent. Their methods of warfare differed from the combat tactics of the Whites, with whom the Bolsheviks successfully fought on the fronts of the Civil War. One of the most famous kurbashi (commanders) was Irgash. In the spring of 1918, he put together a detachment of 500 people, but suffered a series of defeats.

But already in next year he was able to create a group of 15 thousand people. Among other things, his fighters participated in the anti-Bolshevik uprising in Tashkent in 1919.

In addition to the Irgash, at least 40 Basmachi detachments operated in the Ferghana region. One of them numbering about 700 people was commanded by Madamin-bek. In November 1918, he made a major raid against Russian villages located in the Ferghana region.

In Moscow, realizing that the success of Soviet power in Central Asia directly depends on the fight against the Basmachi, they decide to send an additional contingent of the Red Army to the region. In February-March 1920, the Red Army went on the offensive against the Kurbashi units.

During the winter, the groups of Akbar-Ali, Makhkam-Khoja, Parpi and other commanders were defeated and surrendered, with a total number of more than five thousand people. The Irgashi detachments also suffered heavy losses. Some of them went to China and Afghanistan.

By 1923 Andijan, Kokand and other regions of Fergana were completely cleared of gangs. Many leaders of the Basmachi were captured and were handed over to the revolutionary military tribunal, which sentenced them to death.

During the first 10 months of 1922, in the Ferghana Valley alone, the Red Army destroyed about 120 Basmachi detachments with a total number of more than four thousand people. 320 commanders were killed, and 175 surrendered.

On the territory of Tajikistan, due to the complexity of the mountainous terrain, the armed struggle against the Basmachi continued until June 1925. By spring, about 400 robbers remained in the mountains. Over the next few months, the Red Army took control of Dushanbe, Faizabad and other areas.

Through negotiations

There were those among the Basmachi who voluntarily agreed to stop the fight. So, Madamin-bek, whose detachment was defeated in February 1920, agreed to include the surviving 1200 people in the Red Army. On this occasion, the commander of the Turkestan Front, Mikhail Frunze, organized a military parade in Fergana.

Those who went over to the side of the Soviet government began to be called "Red Basmachi". At the same time, a number of historians argue that their subordination to the command of the Red Army was only formal. The fact is that when it came to clashes with fellow tribesmen, the defectors did not want to fight.


Most of the Basmachi was liquidated by the end of 1926. The movement began to raise its head again after the start of forced collectivization in the late 1920s.

As historians note, the leaders of the Basmachi, many of whom took refuge in Afghanistan, received some support from Great Britain. London benefited from the weakening of Soviet power in Central Asia.

However, the support of the British and popular discontent did not help the Basmachi. By 1933, they were again defeated and finally driven out of the region. The last detachments abandoned armed confrontation with the Soviet authorities in 1942, when the USSR and Great Britain agreed to end the cross-border Cold War.

In the USSR, we were given a picture of the friendship of the peoples of the USSR. But they hid the fact that Soviet power was imposed on the entire territory of the former Turkestan (present-day Central Asia) by coercive force. Before the October Revolution, Western (Russian) Turkestan was a flourishing outskirts with a developed agriculture and the processing industry. After the arrival of the Bolsheviks in Turkestan, Civil War, which led to significant destruction and economic decline. The introduction of fuel energy has begun.
The Soviet government actually bought the loyalty of the Central Asian republics in exchange for concessions.
After the collapse of the USSR corporation at the end of 1991, almost all the industry built during the years of Soviet power was dismantled, the able-bodied population of the former Central Asian republics works abroad, mainly in the Russian Federation.
In the period from 1918-42, the entire population of Turkestan rose to fight the red plague of Bolshevism and communism. This liberation movement was called Basmachi and had a sharp negative value during the years of Soviet power. But you can't hide the truth. Soviet power could not hold on to the territory of the USSR. The population of the former Turkestan is loyal to the white population of pre-revolutionary Turkestan, and not to the Jewish Red Bolshevik gangs. Before the October Revolution, Turkestan was white, Russian, after it, red, Jewish.

Samarkand 1930. There were water mills that could provide the whole city with electricity, street vendors were treated to water with ice and last year's snow, poured with syrup (similar to ice cream).
How did they manage to freeze the water and keep the ice from last winter? (see BADGIR).

Why were madrasahs and mosques destroyed, why did Ulug-bek's minaret lean?

There was a civil war, Samarkand was almost destroyed.

1929 - the Vatican was formed, religions began to be planted.

8:08-teahouse, a sign in 2 fonts: in Latin and Cyrillic.

In those days, the Soviet government carried out the Latinization of the languages ​​​​of the USSR.

What Samarkand looked like in 1930 when it ceased to be the capital

The Soviet government completed the construction of the Turksib (Turkestan-Siberian Railway) and confidently entrenched itself in the vast territory of Turkestan.

Zhirinovsky is right in asserting from the rostrum of the State Duma about the voluntary-compulsory imposition of Soviet power in Turkestan.
The money invested in Turkestan has gone like water in the sand, everything that was built during the years of Soviet power has now been dismantled, the able-bodied population of Central Asia is working in Russia. With the current political system, no one will develop and invest money in Central Asia. The Bolsheviks artificially divided Turkestan into republics and nations.

Zhirinovsky. The Uzbeks took Samarkand and Bukhara from the Tajiks. Kazakhs and Kyrgyz are one people.

Briefly about the history of Turkestan:

In 1868, Samarkand was occupied by Russian troops and annexed to the Russian Empire and became the center of the Zeravshan district, which was transformed in 1887 into Samarkand region. In the same year, the Samarkand garrison under the command of Major General and Baron Friedrich von Stempel repelled an attempt by Samarkand residents to overthrow the Russian government. In 1888, the Trans-Caspian railway was brought to the city station, which was subsequently extended to the east.

After the October Revolution, the city became part of the Turkestan ASSR. In 1925-1930 it was the capital of the Uzbek SSR, and since 1938 - the center of the Samarkand region of this union republic.

Rail transport reached Samarkand in 1888 as a result of the construction of the Trans-Caspian Railway in 1880-1891 by the railway troops of the Russian Empire in the territory of modern Turkmenistan and the central part of Uzbekistan. This railway started from the city of Krasnovodsk (now Turkmenbashi) on the coast of the Caspian Sea and ended at the station of the city of Samarkand.

It was the Samarkand station that was the terminal station of the Trans-Caspian railway. The first station of the Samarkand station was opened in May 1888.
Later, due to the construction of the railway in other parts of Central Asia, the station was connected to the eastern part of the Central Asian railway and subsequently this railway was called the Central Asian Railways.

V Soviet years not a single new line was connected to the Samarkand station, but at the same time it was one of the largest and most important stations of the Uzbek SSR and Soviet Central Asia.

By the time of the beginning of the territorial expansion of the Russian Empire, on the territory of modern Uzbekistan there were three public education: Emirate of Bukhara, Khanate of Kokand and Khanate of Khiva. In 1876, the Kokand Khanate was defeated by the Russian Empire, the Khanate was abolished, and the central territories of the Khanate were included in the Fergana region.
By the beginning of the 20th century, Central Asia was part of the Russian Empire and at the beginning of the formation of Soviet power, despite the resistance of the Basmachi to the Bolsheviks, all of Central Asia became part of the Soviet Union, from the Turkestan ASSR, the Bukhara Republic and the Khorezm Republic.

From November 27, 1917 to February 22, 1918, an unrecognized independent state existed on the territory of Uzbekistan - the Turkestan autonomy.

In January 1918, after the Turkestan autonomy refused to comply with the ultimatum presented to recognize the power of the Soviets, to eliminate the self-proclaimed Turkestan autonomy from Moscow arrived in Tashkent 11 echelons with troops and artillery , under the command of Konstantin Osipov.

From February 6 to February 9, 1918, street battles took place, with significant casualties and destruction in which more than 10 thousand civilians died. This operation for many decades eliminated the trust of the local population in the Russian revolution, central and local Soviet power. The response to the liquidation of the Turkestan autonomy was a powerful national liberation partisan movement, known in Soviet historiography as the Basmachi, liquidated by the Soviet government only in the 1930s.
From school, we were painted the image of the Basmachi as villains who resisted Soviet power. We were lied to about what this Soviet power really was.

Basmachism (from the Turkic “basma” - raid + suffix -chi) is a military-political partisan movement of the local population of Central Asia in the first half of the 20th century, which arose after the 1917 revolution in the Russian Empire. The first significant centers of this movement arose after the defeat of the Kokand autonomy by the Bolsheviks in the territory of Turkestan, and after the national demarcation - in the territories of modern Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, which set as its goal the fight against Soviet power and the expulsion of the Bolsheviks.
(All the people of Turkestan rose to fight the Red Infection, but the forces were unequal.)

The tactics of the Basmachi struggle was to, based in hard-to-reach mountainous and desert areas, make horse raids into densely populated areas, kill Bolsheviks, commissars, Soviet workers and supporters of Soviet power. The rebels resorted to partisan tactics: avoiding clashes with large units of regular Soviet troops, they preferred to suddenly attack small detachments, fortifications or settlements occupied by the Bolsheviks, and then quickly retreat.

Negotiations with representatives of the people (Basmachis). Fergana. 1921

Large organized armed groups of representatives of this movement were referred to in the Soviet media as Basmachi. The members of these armed groups called themselves Mujahideen, that is, participants in jihad - the holy war of Muslims against infidels, that is, non-Muslims.

In Soviet times, the concepts of Basmach and Basmachism had a connotation of extreme condemnation
. After the collapse of the USSR, the attitude towards the Basmachi in the independent republics of Central Asia is gradually being revised. Currently, this movement is called "the liberation movement of the peoples of Central Asia."
According to the official version, the Basmachi as an organized force was eliminated throughout Central Asia in 1931-1932, although separate battles and clashes continued until 1942.

Basmachi war against Soviet power (Wikipedia):

Main Conflict: Russian Civil War

Location: The whole of Western Turkestan, the territories of Eastern Turkestan, Afghanistan and Persia adjacent to Russia / USSR

Reason: The defeat of the Kokand autonomy by the Bolsheviks.

Outcome: Elimination of the Basmachi movement.

After the national-territorial demarcation of Central Asia, on October 27, 1924, the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic was formed with its capital in the city of Samarkand.
On September 1, 1930, the capital of the Uzbek SSR was moved from Samarkand to Tashkent.

The peasant population of the Uzbek SSR, like other republics of the USSR, was subjected to collectivization and dispossession. In 1931, more than 3.5 thousand kulak families were evicted from the republic, mainly to the Ukrainian SSR.
The population offered resistance - in January-March 1930 alone, there were 105 armed anti-collective farm demonstrations in the republic.

Forced Latinization of the languages ​​of the USSR.

I recommend watching an excellent film of 1955: the sunset of the Emirate of Bukhara.
You won't regret the time spent. It shows the Civil War on the territory of Turkestan
and the resistance of the Basmachi (liberation movement) to the hordes of the Reds.
Lots of interesting details.

Sunset of the Emirate of Bukhara (1955)

Map of battles in Central Asia in 1917-1923.

In those years, like Chechnya in our years, there was an unhealed wound on the body of the country, only many times bigger size- Basmachi of Central Asia, militants well-armed and supported in every way by England, based mostly in Afghanistan, intense struggle against which until the early thirties, and their last gangs disappeared only in 1942.

Iran participated in anti-Soviet activities to a much lesser extent than its neighbors - there were also bases for thousands of Basmachi, it was from Iran that trucks with British weapons for bandits went to Afghanistan, British and American intelligence acted in Iran, as at home, there in which case spies and traitors fled from the USSR. However, the Shah of Iran did not particularly allow the Basmachi to attack the USSR from their territory, despite the pressure of "sworn English friends." Naturally, not because there were ardent supporters of socialism in the Iranian elite, but for much more prosaic reasons - they still well remembered the strength of Russian weapons and the courage of Russian soldiers, whom Persia had the misfortune to get to know closely in the not so distant past by attacking the Russian Caucasus , Tsarist Russia received a fair amount of property in Persia.

At the beginning of 1921, the government of Soviet Russia concludes an agreement with Persia (Iran), according to which it renounced property in the territory of Iran (there was no way to manage this property anyway), however, Article 6 of the agreement provided for the right of the Soviet governmentany time to introduce their troops into the territory of Persia, in the event of attempts by third countries to turn Persia into a base for military actions against Soviet State. Few people know thatthis agreement is still in effect. .

In the early 1920s, the Rockefellers actively tried to control the oil fields of Northern Iran. These are now traitors and idiots from the so-called. "Russian leadership" easily agree with the seizure of all Iraqi oil by the Americans and the British, renounce their influence wherever possible, even in Azerbaijan and Georgia, and then the leadership of Soviet Russia was well aware of the consequences of such "control" and skillfully defended national interests even with a completely destroyed peasant country behind them. A harsh unofficial statement from Soviet Russia followed, and Rockefeller flew out of Northern Persia like a cork from a bottle - the Persians were unobtrusively reminded of article number 6.

" If Russia managed to maintain dominance in the Caspian Sea, this would be a more important victory for it than the victory of the West, which achieved NATO expansion to the East ," - K. Weinberg, former Minister US defense.

This is the meaning given to the region by Anglo-Saxon geopolitics. And at this time, the so-called. The “President of Russia” himself offers military installations on the territory of Azerbaijan for “sharing” with the Americans and looks favorably on the penetration of American oil and gas companies into the Transcaucasus, which they did not even dare to dream of until recently.

And at that time, the completely bloodless USSR only strengthened its positions in the region - a very interesting autonomy was formed on the border with Iran in 1923 - Red Kurdistan, which was discussed in the previous article. If anyone does not know, there are many Kurds living in the northwestern part of Iran who periodically dream of an independent Kurdish state with weapons in their hands. On Iranian lands, of course. The fact that “in which case” the Kurds can begin to dream of independence together “with their Soviet brothers” immediately brought the Iranian leadership to mind and “in which case” did not come. For these reasons, and with the support of Russia's enemies in Iran, it was much more difficult than in its neighbors, although there were no more reasons to love Russia there than in Turkey or Afghanistan.

The main forces of the Basmachi were defeated by the Red Army in the early 20s, but the bandits and their Western allies tried to take revenge after that for more than 10 years. In 1924-1925. Basmachi, under the control of English instructors, reorganized, received centralized control under the leadership of an agent of the British special services, a certain Ibrahim-bek, a nuker of the former Emir of Bukhara. He was actively supported, trained, supplied with weapons, ammunition and equipment by a number of foreign intelligence services, where leading role played, of course, English.

English instructors were seriously trained according to all the rules for conducting rebellion wars and sabotage operations - the Basmachi created: a special ideological department for coordinating groups of anti-Soviet and religious propagandists, a command center for sabotage acts, a communication system, encryption and transmission of coded messages.

A new strategy for conducting a rebellion-war was being worked out - in the occupied areas, "authorities" of the rebels were immediately formed, the collection of "taxes" from the population and the development of "duties" were established. The main parts of Ibrahim-bek numbering about 3000 people. were based in remote mountainous regions of Tajikistan, from where they delivered strikes on the tip of local agents. Ibrahim-bek acted mainly in Tajikistan, although he himself was an Uzbek. The Basmachi were well armed, they had a large number of automatic weapons (light machine guns) and even English mountain guns. A massive information and propaganda campaign in support of the "freedom fighters" began in the West. How familiar, isn't it?

However, the leadership of the USSR accepted the challenge without hesitation - in the spring of 1925, the troops of Ibrahim Bek fell into a trap set by the leadership of the Turkestan Front, a well-organized pursuit of bandits led to the fact that the defeat of the Basmachi was complete. Their losses amounted to 2104 people. killed and 638 people. prisoners. Subsequently, another 2279 people voluntarily surrendered. Parts of the Red Army lost 719 people. killed and wounded.

Most of the Kurbashi (Basmach chieftains) were demoralized by the terrible defeat (the irretrievable losses of the Basmachi were almost 30 times higher than the irretrievable losses of the Red Army) and either fled abroad or laid down their arms. This is the question of how our grandfathers knew how to fight. As a result, only about 30 small gangs with a total number of a little over 400 people remained on the territory of Tajikistan (former Eastern Bukhara). English plan rejection of Central Asia, to put it mildly, failed.

Naturally, there was no talk of “independent regions”, but still the situation in Central Asia remained extremely difficult - Soviet power in many villages ended at the moment when the last Red Army soldier left their territory, and real power there for a long time was something between semi-feudal -tribal system and the power of armed bandits. The Basmachi kurbashi, including Ibrahim-bek, owned most of the wells in the regions bordering Afghanistan (in the East, whoever controls the water also controls the land) and the farmers dutifully paid him “rent” until 1930. In fact, these were areas covered by a sluggish rebellion-war, where the Soviet Government until the beginning of the 30s did not even have the opportunity to establish new property relations.

One very important point, very characteristic of the East, should be noted: in Soviet military reports, the number of only active participants in the Basmachi formations was counted. It was a common situation when a gang of fifty sabers entered a large village, and a semi-regular Basmachi unit of several hundred horsemen came out of there. If the situation for the bandits did not develop in the best way, then the core of the gang went to the mountains or abroad, and the rest again turned into ordinary dekhkans: “What’s the matter, comrade chief, what a Basmach, a peasant I am!?” Often the core of the gang brought with them from Afghanistan hundreds of rifles and dozens of machine guns supplied by the British.

It was extremely difficult to fight such "flickering" gangs. However, the integrated security system created in the USSR (which will be discussed in more detail in future articles) successfully coped with this task, as well as with all the others. In the near future, the Basmachi entering the village were no longer met with butter cakes, but with bullets and saber blows. "East is a delicate matter".

England, with the support of the United States, stubbornly continued the undeclared war against the USSR and, in coordination with the provocation of the conflict on the CER, in August 1929 active operations of large Basmachi formations in the Fergana Valley (east of Uzbekistan) and in southern Kyrgyzstan in the Osh region resumed. Please note that the destruction of the USSR began precisely with well-organized "riots" in these key areas in the late 80s.

At the beginning of 1929, several large Basmachi gangs invaded the territory of the Tajik SSR from Afghanistan. The enemy concluded that the Basmachi could not withstand a direct collision with units of the Red Army, even if they had a significant superiority in manpower and weapons.

This time, a different tactic was chosen - instead of capturing the regions with the declaration of their "independence", strikes were made on almost the entire vast territory of Central Asia, which was very difficult to control by small (only 18.5 thousand people) units of the Red Army. As usual, the actions of the Basmachi were accompanied by wild atrocities against the captured Red Army soldiers and the local population, if it refused to support them. Pay attention to how almost to the smallest detail the strikes inflicted by the USSR then and the strikes from the south against Russia and the remnants of the USSR, inflicted now. One logic, one planning centers, the same approaches.

The actions of the Basmachi gangs were supported by the coordinated actions of the widely introduced agents of foreign (usually British and Turkish) intelligence agencies in the organs of Soviet power in Central Asia. The population no longer accepted the Basmachi, but in a number of areas they were intimidated, and religious authorities actively supported the rebels. This time, the actions of the Basmachi were at first more successful than 4 years ago, soon the well-trained formations of Ibrahim-bek leaked there, who again stood at the head of the three thousandth group, again declared himself the ruler, but already in 1931 he was traditionally beaten by the cavalry units of the Red Army , lost his entire grouping and fled to Afghanistan, but was soon captured as a result of a brilliant operation by the Soviet special services. Now about how it all happened.

Unknown Campaign in Afghanistan. How ours fought

In the second half of the 1920s, the Soviet Government began severe political pressure on Afghanistan, as a result of the measures taken, the relatively friendly Padishah Amanullah Khan to Soviet Russia sharply limited assistance to the bandits and forced some of them to leave the country. But at the end of 1928, a rebellion began in Afghanistan, which quickly captured the capital. The rebels were led by the British agent Bachai Sakao (Khabibullah), who was supervised by the "super spy" Lawrence himself. It is clear that the Basmachi, controlled by the British special services, take an active part in the rebellion. The padishah was forced to flee to the mountainous regions, and immediately after that, the invasion of the reorganized and rearmed Basmachi from Afghanistan into the Soviet republics of Central Asia began.
But the Soviet Government was no match for the rabble of traitors and criminals who now rule Russia. It strikes back without hesitation:

In March 1929, Stalin held a strictly confidential meeting with Afghan Foreign Minister Sidiq Khan. The content of the conversation is not known in detail, but immediately after that there was an order to Tashkent: to urgently form a special detachment of communists and Komsomol members to be sent to Afghanistan. The participants in the upcoming campaign were personally selected by the Deputy Commander of the Central Asian Military District M. Germanovich.

“On April 15, 1929, a strange-looking detachment crossed the Soviet-Afghan border. Two thousand horsemen, dressed in Afghan military uniforms, but communicating with each other in Russian, perfectly armed and equipped, with a supply of provisions, crossed the full-flowing Amu Darya and entered Afghan territory. The crossing was made in the area of ​​the Tajik city of Termez, almost in the very place where, half a century later, Soviet sappers would build a floating bridge for the troops of the 40th Army, who entered the DRA, to become the "Limited Contingent".

English intervention in Central Asia 1918-1920 - military intervention Great Britain to Central Asia during the Russian Civil War. was integral part general plan Entente, aimed at the destruction of the Soviet Republic and the overthrow of the Bolshevik government.

There were three stages in Soviet historiography:

  • 1st (January - July 1918) - covert interference in the internal affairs of Turkestan in the form of financial and military-technical assistance to the counter-revolutionary forces of the region;
  • 2nd (August 1918 - March 1919) - military invasion of the territory of Turkestan;
  • 3rd (April 1919 - 1920) - similar to the 1st stage.

The British government entrusted the implementation of its plans to the post-established February Revolution The "British military mission in Turkestan" headed by Major General W. Malleson included R. Teague-Jones, Ward, Jarvis and others. Being in Mashhad (Northern Iran) since August 1917, the mission established ties with Turkestan bourgeois nationalists and clerical-feudal circles, as well as with the governments of Bukhara and Khiva. After the October Revolution, it became the main organization and leading center of all anti-Soviet forces in Turkestan.

Simultaneously with the sending of W. Malleson's mission to Mashhad by the British government in Turkestan, a mission was sent directly to Tashkent under the leadership of Colonel F. Bailey, which included Captain L. Blackker and a number of other Indian employees by origin. This mission was sent to Tashkent through Kashmir, China (Kashgar) and further through the Ferghana Valley (Osh and Andijan).

At the 1st stage of the intervention, the British supported the Kokand autonomy, providing it with financial assistance in the amount of 500 thousand rubles; armed and trained the army of the Emir of Bukhara. At the beginning of 1918, with the help of Malleson's mission agents, the "Turkestan Military Organization" (TVO) was created, which had the goal of rallying all counter-revolutionary forces and launching a struggle to overthrow Soviet power in Turkestan. Using the ideas of pan-Islamism and pan-Turkism, playing on national and religious feelings, the British agents supported the forces striving for the separation of Turkestan from Soviet Russia.

After the liquidation of the "Kokand autonomy" (February 1918), the British, under the pretext of protecting the interests of Great Britain from the threat from Germany and Turkey, began to transfer their troops from India to Northern Iran, bordering the Transcaspian region.

Intervention in the Trans-Caspian region Aug. 1918 - March 1919

Askhabad rebellion and the beginning of the intervention

Under the leadership of Teague-Jones, Ward and Jarvis, the Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Turkestan nationalists and Russian White Guards raised the Askhabad rebellion in July 1918, captured the Trans-Caspian region and created the "" (ZVP), which on July 26, 1918 turned to the British with a request to send military assistance. July 28 from Mashhad to the area of ​​st. Bairam-Ali, where the ZVP troops were entrenched, an English machine-gun team (20 people) arrived; Aug 12 a battalion of the 19th Punjab and several companies of the Yorkshire and Hampshire infantry regiments, the 28th light cavalry regiment and a platoon of the 44th field light artillery battery crossed the border near Artyk station (100 km southeast of Askhabad), located in Askhabad and some other points on the Trans-Caspian railway. Krasnovodsk, occupied by the English garrison (about 700 people), became the base of the interventionists. Malleson and his headquarters were located in Askhabad.

Support for TVO and Basmachi

On August 14, 1918, an English military-diplomatic mission arrived in Tashkent, consisting of Bailey (head), Blackker and the former Consul General in Kashgar (North-Western China) D. McCartney, the official purpose of which was to establish contact with the government of Soviet Turkestan. In Soviet historiography, the idea was entrenched that the main goal of the mission was to prepare a counter-revolutionary rebellion. The mission made contact with Shura-i-Ulema and the Basmachi and actively supported the activities of the TVO. By agreement between the mission and the "alliance", the organization of the rebellion and the leadership of the performances of the Basmachi were assigned to the TVO, while the British undertook to supply it with weapons and money, and then provide support for the troops. The plans of the British were the formation of the "Turkestan Democratic Republic" under the control of Great Britain. "Union" was opened a loan of 22 million rubles. The British provided the Basmachi with 100 million rubles, 20 thousand rifles, 40 machine guns, 16 mountain guns and several million rounds of ammunition. In Mashhad, a detachment of sepoys consisting of 500 people with machine guns was preparing to support the rebellion.

Agreement between the ZVP and the British August 19, 1918

On August 19, 1918, the Trans-Caspian Provisional Government (TGP) signed an agreement with Malleson, which in fact completely gave the Trans-Caspian region under the control of the British. The ZVP was obliged to fight against the Soviet power, prohibit the export of cotton and transfer all its stocks, as well as the entire Caspian fleet, the Krasnovodsk port and the Transcaspian railway Great Britain, for which he was promised financial and military-technical assistance. The British took control of shipping on the Caspian Sea and the Cheleken oil fields, exported metals, jewelry, oil, cotton, wool, carpets, food, factory equipment, railway rolling stock and more. A branch of an English bank (in Askhabad) made huge sums by accepting deposits from the population in exchange for fictitious obligations. Enterprises nationalized by the Soviet government were transferred former owners. The losses caused by the British occupation forces only to the mining and irrigation sector of the region, according to Soviet sources amounted to more than 20 million rubles. gold. The slightest manifestation of protest or discontent on the part of the population was mercilessly suppressed. Until January 1919, the Transcaspian government received 15 million rubles from Great Britain. obligations and 2 million rubles in cash, about 7 thousand rifles, several million cartridges and various military equipment; in turn, the Transcaspian government handed over food to the British troops for 12 million rubles.

Malleson's mission developed a plan to capture Turkestan by a concentric advance on Tashkent. and the Social Revolutionary-White Guard troops from the Transcaspian region, the Orenburg White Cossacks of Dutov from Aktyubinsk, the detachments of Junaid Khan from Khiva, the troops of the Emir of Bukhara, the White Cossacks of Semirechye and the Basmachi of Fergana. The proposed action was to be supported by the counter-revolutionaries. rebellions that were being prepared at various points in the region by members of the Malleson mission in cooperation with the American consul in Tashkent R. Treadwell and agents in the American Red Cross and the Christian Youth Association. They also prepared for the military action of the Austro-Hungarian and German prisoners of war (over 30 thousand people) who were in Turkestan.

On September 5, 1918, the Central Executive Committee of the Turkestan Soviet Republic decided: 1) to announce a partial mobilization of the Russian and Muslim population devoted to Soviet power; 2) establish an Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry to combat counter-revolution, speculation and looting; 3) cover the territory of Ferghana from the side of the Pamirs with military forces; 4) to concentrate stocks of cotton, wool, food, etc. in safe places. The Commissariat for National Affairs appealed to the working people of Turkestan to stand up for the defense of the Motherland from the British invaders. The formation of military detachments from the local population began.

Battle at Dushak Station

On October 9, 1918, British troops (a battalion of the Punjab and a company of the Hemshpir infantry regiments, the 28th light cavalry regiment; 760 bayonets, 300 sabers, 40 machine guns, 12 guns and 1 aircraft) together with the ZVP troops (1860 bayonets, 1300 sabers, 8 machine guns , 12 guns, 2 armored trains and 1 plane) launched an attack on the positions of the Soviet troops (2390 bayonets, 200 sabers, 29 machine guns, 6 guns and 1 plane) in the area of ​​​​st. Dushak (southeast of Askhabad) and after fierce fighting occupied the station. On October 14, Soviet troops, with the support of armed groups of the local population, inflicted a severe defeat on the enemy, in which the British troops lost up to 50% of their personnel, and liberated Dushak. During the retreat on the night of October 15, the British and the ZVP troops burned the city of Tejen to the ground and destroyed part of the inhabitants. After this defeat, Malleson forbade British troops from participating in hostilities against Soviet troops.

Denikin period

However, the British interventionists did not give up their attempts to capture Turkestan. In order to unite the anti-Soviet forces, they created the so-called. The Caucasian-Caspian Union, which included the counter-revolutionary governments of the Terek, Dagestan and Trans-Caspian regions. Convinced of the failure of the ZVP, Malleson replaced it with a “committee of public salvation” formed from Turkestan nationalists (January 1, 1919), but in fact a military dictatorship of the English interventionists was established, with the help of which Denikin’s henchmen established themselves in Transcaspia. The formation and arming of the White Guard Turkestan Army and Basmachi detachments were carried out, new counter-revolutionary actions were being prepared. On January 19, the Tashkent rebellion of 1919 broke out, which was suppressed on January 21.

The withdrawal of British troops from Turkestan

The liberation of Orenburg (January 22, 1919) and the restoration of the railway. communications with Turkestan allowed Soviet Russia to provide great material and military-technical assistance to the Turkestan Republic. In March 1919, by decision of the government of the RSFSR, all foreign consuls, as well as representatives of the American Red Cross and the Christian Youth Association, were expelled from Turkestan. The decisive resistance of the Bolsheviks of Turkestan to intervention, the indignation of the British proletariat with the policy of the British government in Russia, the growth of the national liberation movement against the British in India and Afghanistan forced the British command to withdraw its troops from the Transcaspian region to Iran in March 1919 (The last units left the Transcaspian on April 1, 1919, before August 1919, only the English garrison in Krasnovodsk remained in the region). The leadership of the armed forces in Transcaspia passed to the command

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