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What is love addiction, how to get rid of it on your own, what are its causes and who becomes its victim, you can find out thanks to the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" ...

“I really love him! I want him to be with me every minute. Let me suffer, but this is the same love! - so I thought once. The more he moved away, the more I was drawn to him, like on a rope. It hurt, but I was terrified that he would leave. Tried to hold on when he pushed away. She tried to stop it, but after a while she ran to him again. I considered it love. Until I finally realized it was something else. Until I tried desperately to understand - that's what it was.

Love songs, love movies, love books... It's everywhere! And so you want it for yourself. Experience this firework of feelings. Occupy the most important place in someone's life. Be loved.

And one day you meet a person who is wonderful in every sense, you fall in love, you feel real euphoria, you draw rainbow pictures of a wonderful life together in your fantasies. You constantly want to be near him, to see him… But for some reason, over time, you feel more and more unhappy. Instead of fullness - emptiness, instead of inspiration - weakness, instead of joy - dissatisfaction.

You begin to understand that love should not be like this. This is no longer that magical feeling sung by poets, inspiring to accomplishments, but a painful dependence on a person to whom all the forces of your soul are directed. This is not what you dreamed of.

The difference between love and love addiction

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish true love from love addiction (addiction). In both cases, a person experiences strong emotions. But if love inspires, gives strength, encourages action for the sake of a loved one, then love addiction manifests itself differently:

    obsessive desire to keep the object of adoration in sight;

    anxiety when he is not around;

    lack of own hobbies and interests, except for the beloved;

    detachment from other close people, because all the inner space is occupied by him;

    the desire to keep even against his will;

    general depressed state, exhaustion, irritability against the background of experiences.

Love is directed to a partner, to his feelings, his interests, to what excites him, what is important to him. This aspiration give away him to make him happy. Love addiction is worries for oneself: how to me good with him to me it's bad without him to me he is needed. This desire receive for myself.

But why is this happening? Who is addicted and why?

Who suffers from love addiction

What is love addiction, how to get rid of it on your own, what are its causes and who becomes its victim, you can find out thanks to the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology".

Faced with the problem of love addiction in relationships are people whose psyche carries the properties of a visual vector. They can be called impressionable natures, emotional, sensual. Vivid imagination, vivid fantasies, creativity, the ability to empathize, the talent to see beauty in the world around us, people, relationships - all this is about the representatives of the visual vector.

It is these people who most of all dream of love. It is they who are able to experience the whole gamut of feelings, falling in love. It is they who are ready to give the chosen one precious particles of their soul - delightful emotions - and make him happy.

But, unfortunately, in certain states they are also subject to love addiction (dependence).

Causes of love addiction

Emotions are the basis of the human psyche with a visual vector. The root emotion is fear. Developing, such a person learns to transform fear for himself into an emotion directed at others, that is, empathy, sympathy, on which love is based (in the broad sense - for people in general, this is not only about romance).

For the owners of the visual vector, it is vital to experience the full range of feelings that they are capable of, share their emotions with others and receive mutual feedback. It is perfectly normal if a person who causes strong, positively colored experiences in the soul becomes especially expensive.

But there may be a pitfall here. The feeling that only this person is able to create in you such a desired feeling of fullness, thereby giving brightness to your existence, can lead to painful dependence on him. After all, we all want joy from life and are ready to grab hold of ways to get it.

In addition, sometimes the development of the owner of the visual vector does not go as it should, for various reasons. For example, if in childhood there was a lack of a sense of security and safety from parents - the child's feeling that he is loved by them unconditionally, unconditionally. Or he was forbidden to cry and show strong feelings, referring to the need to be strong and restrained. Or he was a witness to frightening pictures from his family life: scandals, threats, beatings. Even harmless (seemingly) scary tales about goats eaten by a wolf can have an impact.

This may be a factor due to which the psyche of the carrier of the visual vector remained in unconscious fears. On the other hand, even a well-developed person after severe shocks, under severe stress, can slide down the emotional amplitude into a state of “fear”.

Under the pressure of fear, what could develop into true love begins to acquire the properties of love addiction. A woman (more often this is a female problem, but this is also true for men with a visual vector) is afraid for herself - loneliness, the departure of the chosen one, the loss of a sense of security that he gives her. Next to him, she is calmer, she is not so scared, but he is not around - anxiety begins to overcome, thoughts come down to one thing: "Where is he? Why not with me?

And what is the result?

Consequences of love addiction

And the result is sad: both the dependent person himself and his chosen one suffer. Wanting to keep her beloved close, afraid to be alone, a woman can break into tantrums, resort to emotional blackmail (up to demonstrative suicide attempts), be prone to outbursts of unreasonable jealousy and suspicion. Thus, to torment yourself and him, nullifying the opportunity to build harmonious pair relationships.

Trying to chain a man to her in this way, a woman only pushes him away. At the same time, she herself wastes her spiritual strength on streams of negative emotions, exhausting experiences and haunting doubts. For such a woman, the personality of a man is like a lifeline without the ability to swim - it grabs onto it, afraid of drowning, but cannot even get out on solid ground.

Isn't it a nightmarish alternative: the one that can become an inspiring muse, gently enveloping the heart of a beloved man with warmth, sensuality and affection, the one for which he could move mountains, chained to him with a heavy burden, weakened and lost, does not allow him to breathe freely, soul tears, demands and threats. Repels him with his bad internal states, after all, a man feels them, even if he is not always aware of them.

Not always love addiction manifests itself so defiantly. And if there was no hint of a relationship? She fell in love, but he does not even know about it or does not reciprocate. And it seems that the thought comes that such a relationship has no future, but in fantasies everything is so wonderful, but in reality ... at least it’s calmer with him. And to try to switch attention to another man there is neither the strength nor the special desire. After all, it seems that only with him and could be.

I could… But as a result, neither with him, nor with anyone else. Alone, alone with her experiences, pain and unfulfilled dreams. How to get rid of love addiction to a man, if it seems that he is the only one? The key word is seems.

Love addiction: how to get a girl out of a painful attachment

You can get out of love addiction by understanding the nature of this phenomenon. As noted above, love addiction usually leads to the feeling that only with this person it is possible to experience strong emotions that are so necessary for the visual vector and be filled with them. Or a sense of security arises precisely in the presence of this person, if the psyche of a visual woman is in a state of fear.

So, in order to get rid of love addiction, you need to fight the reasons that prompted it. And how to deal with fear? Fear for oneself is the lowest point on the conditional emotional amplitude. If you switch to higher emotions, there will be no room for fear. A person with a visual vector needs to realize his sensory potential. And this is possible only when interacting with other people.

Shift your focus from yourself to those around you. relatives, friends, maybe strangers - for those who really need sympathy and sincere participation. Surrounded by everyone there are those who need understanding, help, just a heart-to-heart talk.

For the owner of the visual vector, building emotional connections with people means healing your soul, giving it nourishment for an existence without worries and fears, and making the life of those around you brighter. This is its purpose.

As for the exclusivity of the object of dependence - this is an illusory sensation. Yes, this person is special to you. But there are thousands, millions, billions of people around! And if you are able to feel affection for one, then it is possible to build strong emotional bonds with others. This is your potential, your talent, your need.

The training "System-Vector Psychology" becomes a real lifesaver. She makes it clear what a visual vector is, what are its needs, its capabilities, ways of implementation, why dependence arises in a relationship, how to get rid of it and how to open up for true love, desired by both.

happy relationship

Everyone is capable of building happy, harmonious relationships. Representatives of the visual vector can create such a sensitive, strong, exciting connection with a partner that everything that happened before it will seem like a dream. It is important to correctly apply your innate qualities. Want to make the chosen one happy, love him, take care of him, and not get hung up on the thought of how to get it for yourself. Inspire him, don't constrain him.

Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Love is a wonderful feeling! It inspires, inspires, gives joy, improves mood and colors life in bright colors. But sometimes it happens that it does not bring any pleasure, life turns into hell and torment. In this case there is no place for love, there is only love dependence. This condition is long and difficult. In terms of strength, it can be compared with drug or alcohol addiction. Such a feeling hurts and mercilessly. How to learn to live a full life without someone whose heart has chosen a different path?

Signs of love addiction

Love addiction in men is much less common than in women. As a rule, it is the woman who literally becomes a victim of addiction.

If a woman loses her "I", neglects her daily activities or hobbies, then it is quite possible to conclude that she has a love addiction. How to overcome this difficult state? This is the main question now not only for the woman herself, but also for her close circle.

Love addiction is entirely inherent, as mentioned earlier, to women with low self-esteem. The praise of colleagues, superiors, success in career affairs - all this is a breath of clean air for such a woman.

Successful completion of the project, work delivered ahead of schedule, a compliment from the customer - a way out of a spiritual crisis. Work is really capable of treating many mental ailments.


There is nothing scarier than when the world starts to narrow down to a small space where there is a couple of people who find it very difficult to figure out their relationship.

It must be remembered that communication with your family, friends and just acquaintances, even with work colleagues, is another valuable medicine. Sometimes a friend, mother, sister can play the role of the best psychotherapist who can help a woman who is exhausted and tormenting herself with advice, find the strength to fight and live on.

Nowadays, there are many tricks that can quickly get out of a state of love addiction and make you indifferent to a person for whom, it would seem, feelings will never run out.

Getting rid of love addiction can be carried out by such proven methods:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • gestalt therapy;
  • hypnotic detachment;
  • neurolinguistic programming.

Often these techniques help in the question of how to get rid of love addiction, significantly reducing suffering after a certain number of sessions. With the help of psychologists, a woman begins to treat the object of her unhappy love much more calmly, and sometimes she completely erases him from her heart.

Unfortunately, these procedures do not have a positive result in all cases. Alas, many women simply believe that all the proposed methods have been exhausted and have no result.

It is important to educate a free person, not dependent on any circumstances. Such an attitude can include drawing, going to a concert and theater, painting, tourism and many other hobbies! Just one weekend trip with loved ones to nature or going to a concert can cause a storm of positive emotions. And then there will be no time or energy left to thoughtlessly shed tears just because the beloved never called or wrote, although he promised to do so.

Love addiction is a complete set of unhealthy reactions: wild affection, oaths and promises, hostility and rejection, panic, breakdowns, tantrums, possibly reunion, then again a painful break, and so on ad infinitum.

Say no to the past!

The partner, who depends on the relationship and has already become their victim, begins to suffer, alarming signs appear. As a result, this anxiety gives rise to dissatisfaction with oneself, a feeling of emptiness and uselessness appears, which may well cause depression and even provoke thoughts of suicide.

A victim of love addiction can aggravate her condition herself if she actively pursues her former partner, trying not to move away from him, but on the contrary, more and more imbued with the news of his life in any way.

The news that a former partner has a new passion can have very negative consequences. In this case, the feeling of emptiness can only intensify, a feeling of guilt appears. In such cases, as a rule, events will repeat in a circle until the victim of love tries to pull himself together and start living on.

Important rule

There is one golden rule: you should not start a new relationship immediately after the previous ones were broken off, those that were the most painful. After all, in this way you can transfer love addiction to a new person. A break is needed. Fascinating activities, as mentioned above, are sports, dancing, yoga! Anything to heal the soul.

Only after she is completely freed from previous grievances and disappointments, then when a person can realize what happened and put everything in order in his head and heart, you can start a new path. Towards something bright and bright, towards a new love, where there will no longer be a place for tears and insults, sorrows and sorrows, where there will never again be a place for such an ailment as love addiction, the signs of which, unfortunately, always manifest themselves very clearly.

The world is beautiful!

But there is no need to bring yourself to such a state when even the work of psychologists can cost a lot of work. It is better to look around and understand that the world is wonderful. It has a lot of interesting and entertaining. Realizing this, a woman will immediately notice how life will give her pleasant gifts. It is important to remember that relationships will bring happiness and satisfaction only when they are built on mutual respect and mutual desire to be together. And people who have chosen a different path should not be kept. They need to let go and focus on your life.

In the West, love addiction is treated in groups that work on the principle of Alcoholics Anonymous. You will have to deal with your emotions on your own. There is no doubt that you will succeed!

12:41 3.01.2013

So, you came to the conclusion: your passion is destructive and causes you suffering. With your mind, you realize that it is high time to put an end to the relationship. But there's nothing you can do about it! Now it is important to understand: it is pointless to delay the end any further. It is naive to believe that you will be able to painlessly easily forget your loved one and get out of the crisis. The breakup of a relationship is a strong emotional trauma, and be prepared for the fact that the wound will hurt for a long time. But if you can translate emotions into a rational sphere and learn to control them, in time the pain will pass and only pleasant memories will remain.

Decision is made!

The hardest part is making the decision to cut the connection. Not the one that can be canceled when feelings flood over you again, but the one that is final and irrevocable. Until now, you have not done this because you consider the person you love to be your relatives and friends. It seems to you that he understands you (or will be able to understand), but circumstances prevent him from proving his feelings with deeds. Answer honestly: if he truly understood, loved and appreciated you, would he make you suffer like this? Mentally fence yourself off from him with an invisible wall. Say to yourself, “I don’t want to take this anymore. I am a strong and independent person. And I will not allow myself to be offended. From that day on, I forbid myself even to think about him.

Gestalt therapy

An important point: the relationship must acquire completeness. This will not happen while resentment and omissions live in your soul. The ideal option is to express to the subject of passion everything that you think about it (in person, on paper, in an email). If for some reason this is not possible, use the Gestalt therapy technique: put an empty chair in front of you and imagine that your passion is sitting there. Tell him everything that worries you: about how shameless and callous he is, about how he tortured you. But do not forget about the good: after all, he gave you pleasant moments! Thank you sincerely. And forgive - only then will your heart be free. And then say goodbye. Forever and ever.

Contract with yourself

Any decision needs reinforcement. Make an "Agreement with yourself". Writing! Give yourself time to suffer: a week, two, three. This will be the time when you allow yourself to remember him with tears in your eyes and feel miserable and abandoned. As soon as the period of suffering is determined and recorded in writing, the situation will be under control. Use this time to intensely "live" emotions: learn to regulate them, like the sound on the radio. When feelings begin to overwhelm you, let them out (cry, remember, speak out loud), but every time after the "attack" smile and say: "That's it, now I don't think about it." You will be surprised how much easier it will be for you! In the contract, be sure to indicate the incentive prize that you will receive after its expiration: a box of expensive sweets, new shoes, or an interesting trip.

Discrediting the image

Women tend to idealize the object of their passion, attributing to him those features that he never possessed. Often behind the harsh "male" reticence lies an elementary inability to keep up the conversation, and his softness and pliability are just a consequence of internal weakness. So, take a blank sheet of paper and first describe all its advantages - it will surely be easy to do. Now focus on his shortcomings. Take off your rose-colored glasses and remember all the situations in which he did not behave the way you wanted. Think about whether he is really as kind, generous, smart, gentle, courteous, honest as he seems. And believe me: if it were so, you would not be sitting in tears now and not making this list.

Now destroy the half of the leaf with the enumeration of the merits without a trace. But re-read the shortcomings in those moments when longing rolls up to the throat.

"Filling" the soul

When your finger is cut, you hardly open the wound with a nail, but you probably smear it with brilliant green - so that it goes faster. Now you have the same wound in your soul, and if you constantly “pick” it, it will bleed. Use means that heal the soul: listen to your favorite music, watch a good movie, read a novel a la The Thorn Birds, go to the theater, have a party with your friends. Psychologists say that they are especially useful in such a state of play (with animals, children): they return us to children's reality.

In addition to the soul, the body also needs care. Solarium, gym, going to the beautician and hairdresser, buying new clothes - all these are small acts of self-love. When a man leaves your life, to whom all the internal energy flowed, a void forms in your soul. Fill it with something productive and you won't have time to suffer.

In love of her own accord

Do you know how famous psychotherapists bring ladies out of love addiction? They ... fall in love with them! Usually a woman who is inclined to "hang" on a man suffers from mental loneliness. The psychotherapist first creates the image of an “ideal husband” in his own face, then transfers the patient’s feelings to himself, and only then gradually disappoints her and brings her down to earth, reducing the dependence to “no”. For you, this technique can be a lifesaver! Try to transfer your emotions to a more accessible object - a person who cares about you, who loves and appreciates you. And first of all - on your own spouse (if you are married). Of course, you will not get 100% of the result, but you will surely refresh your feelings for your husband.

You are strong!

Psychologists assure that any woman has such an inner strength that allows her to change her profession without much effort every 5 years. So won't you survive the end of the novel? English scientists have already proven that love fever owes its appearance to catecholamines - biologically active substances that control the body's activities. If they are produced too rapidly, when a person is “shaking” from emotions and experiences, then after a while exhaustion and a decrease in their level occur. That's when apathy, longing and lack of interest in life come. So this phenomenon is natural, and there is nothing to be surprised at. Doctors give their recipe for love neurosis: always maintain a slightly elevated level of catecholamines in the body, but do not go too far - that is, be in love in moderation. And for this you need to reconsider your attitude to love: maybe you just expect and demand too much from her? In the end, our life is what we imagine about it, and if you learn to receive only positive emotions from love, protecting yourself from torment and addiction, then you will become the happiest woman!

Signs of a fading relationship

A self-respecting woman will not cling to a relationship that needs to be ended - even if love still lives in her heart. She will find the strength to let go of a man who is no longer interested. How to define it?

  • You become the initiator of your rare meetings.
  • You want to tell him a lot, but the opportunity does not appear.
  • He does what is convenient for him: your plans and desires are not taken into account.
  • Thinking about him, you experience bitterness, pain, anxiety.
  • You catch yourself on the fact that you are often immersed in memories: you grab onto the past, not finding anything in the present.
  • You lose faith in yourself: you consider yourself unattractive, not smart enough, not sexy.

If all this is about you, say: "Goodbye!" first. If he does, it will hurt you a lot more.

Doesn't let go

It also happens like this: you made the decision to leave, you struggle with feelings alone, and he seemed to wake up: he calls, sends sms, even waits at the office. And offers to forget everything and start over! The heart is ready to tremble ...

Stop! Don't fall for this bait. Now he has revived, because he feels that he is losing you. You hurt his pride with your actions. He is trying to prove to himself (and to you) that you are dependent on him: if you call, you will come running. He really feels like he needs you right now. He is sorry to lose what you gave him. But as soon as you say "yes!", you can be sure - everything will return to normal, and you will again roar into the pillow. So be firm: ask him not to disturb you, change your mobile number, and if necessary, change your place of work. Break all the threads between you.

5 ideas that bring you back to life

Use them on your path to healing!

  1. Diary of Joy. Fill your life with positive emotions! Every day, in a beautiful notebook, write down jlyj a joyful event that happened to you. Analyzing the minutes you have lived, you will learn to find joy in the simplest things.
  2. A wish list. There can be 15, 45 or 124 of them. Transfer to paper everything that you have ever dreamed of, everything that you want to receive from life. Then group the desires into abstract, difficult to achieve and those that have a chance to be fulfilled, imagine an image of already fulfilled desires (reception of materialization of thoughts) - and move in the right direction.
  3. Laughter therapy. A sense of humor is a great remedy for apathy and sad thoughts. Have an April Fool's Day: watch a comedy, browse joke sites, draw a caricature of your ex-passionate. And it will immediately become easier to live!
  4. Fireworks of communication. This is what you need to not feel lonely. Come up with a funny nickname - and get into any chat: two hours of communication with strangers will revive you and remind you how many more cool men there are in the world!
  5. Creation. Indeed, why not pour out your feelings on paper? Maybe write a stunning story with a happy ending, which will then be published in a women's magazine? Or paint a picture called "Freedom"? Dare!

Meditation for the abandoned

“Oh, he left me! Oh, now I'm on my own!" What are you crying about? Why do I react so desperately to loneliness? I like to be surrounded by people, but I know how to live alone and celebrate my loneliness! This is the state when all strangers left and I was left alone with the person closest to me - with myself. After all, there is a whole world around me. What is there to cry about?

Yes, a small child, when left alone, screams. No one entertains him, no one feeds him, and he himself is helpless. But why, left alone, do I scream and suffer? Am I still a little girl? Can't live without a babysitter...

The world did not undertake to take care of me and even more so to entertain, and if he gave me a good companion in life - thank you, world! If the fellow traveler left me - thank you for what it was! Yesterday we could celebrate our love together, today we will celebrate loneliness - this is normal. All outsiders are gone. I was left on my own. The person who left me makes me completely understand: apparently, he simply considers me an adult.

Many guys and girls, as well as men and women, are interested in how to get rid of falling in love. There can be many reasons for this: lack of reciprocity, lack of time, emotional imbalance, and so on. Fortunately, psychologists know the means to help cope with this condition.

The difference between infatuation and love

Not everyone manages to determine the line between a fleeting passion and a serious feeling. Moreover, even scientists and psychologists who have seriously studied this issue have not been able to come to a common conclusion. a number of characteristics can be distinguished to determine the difference between falling in love and love.

You are attracted to good looks.In addition to physical characteristics, you also appreciate the moral qualities of a person.
Occurs quickly (sometimes this feeling is calledIt is born gradually, as people get to know each other better.
Feelings are vivid, but episodic (they can suddenly flare up and instantly fade away).Emotions are calmer, but have a permanent character.
A man in love does not notice anything but the object of his adoration.The present makes you forget about friends, relatives and work.
Passes if people are separated by distance.Parting tempers the feeling, making it even stronger.
Accompanied by violent quarrels from scratch.Disagreements are constructive.
People in love are often selfish and only care about their own good.Love implies the word "we".
There are a lot of requirements for the object of adoration.Selflessness and desire to please the second half.

Should I get rid of love?

Before you figure out how to get rid of love, you need to understand whether it is worth doing. Unfortunately, this wonderful feeling is not always good for a person. It is worth fighting with him in the following cases:

  • if the object of adoration does not reciprocate your feelings;
  • if falling in love negatively affects your mental and physical state;
  • if you are driven by pathological jealousy;
  • if you experience a manic attachment to a person;
  • if the romantic feeling interferes with your studies or career growth.

Unfortunately, not every girl or young man in love can cope with the problem on their own. Rather, they will deny its existence in every possible way. It is friends and relatives who can notice deviations in time.

Love Treatment Methods

If you are looking for a cure for love, try to take the advice of psychologists. So, the most popular are the following methods:

  • Prevention will help you prevent an unwanted condition. If you think that now is not the time for love, try to fight all its manifestations: do not read novels, do not watch tearful TV shows, do not listen to sad music, and most importantly, limit communication with the opposite sex.
  • Logical comprehension implies that you need to look at the current situation from the outside. Try to evaluate all the pros and cons of your condition.
  • In accordance with the method, it is recommended to critically evaluate the object of your adoration. It is possible that there will be much more negative qualities in it than positive ones.
  • will allow you to look into the future. Imagine how your relationship will develop in a week, a month, a year. If you do not see positive aspects in the future, get rid of love immediately.
  • To put your thoughts on the shelves, lead the right way of life. You must have responsibilities, responsibilities, hobbies. It is possible that in the head there will no longer be room for romantic fantasies.
  • A frank conversation with a friend, relative or psychologist is the best cure for love. Having told your story in detail, you are likely to come to the conclusion yourself that the feeling is harmful to you.

Sigmund Freud became famous for his bold theory that all human actions are driven solely by sexual instinct. However, it is precisely because of this position that many do not take his recommendations seriously. Still, you should listen to his advice on how to get rid of love.

Freud paid special attention to such a feature of the psyche as sublimation. Love gives a person energy. If this feeling is undesirable for you for one reason or another, try to transform it into another form. Direct this energy, for example, into art, sports, education and other areas. It is possible that you can achieve amazing results.

The best medicine is change

As you know, in order to cope with a particular state of mind, you need to change external circumstances. So, a girl in love can get rid of an obsessive feeling by resorting to the following measures:

  • cardinal (hairstyles, wardrobe, and so on);
  • finding new hobbies (or you can return to hobbies that occupied you as a child);
  • new interesting acquaintances (possibly with the prospect of a romantic relationship);
  • change of scenery (if you do not have the opportunity to travel, try to explore your city in search of new routes and places to walk);
  • making changes in everyday life (for example, you can rearrange furniture or learn how to cook new dishes).

Can't do without the help of loved ones

If you are looking for ways to get out of love, enlist the support of family and friends. The fact is that it is very difficult to cope with heart experiences alone. Sometimes the problem is so acute that only with the help of those around it becomes possible to solve it. That is why you should not hesitate to ask for help.

The best option is a sincere conversation. With a friend, relative, work colleague - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to be honest about all your experiences. You will be surprised, but it will immediately become easier. In addition, it is quite possible that your interlocutor has previously been in a similar situation. It is possible that by the end of the conversation you will be laughing together at a problem that seemed unsolvable just a couple of hours ago.


How to get rid of obsessive love? Sometimes you need shock therapy. If your lover is not yet aware of your feelings, then why not talk about them directly? Of course, this is not easy, but certainty will come in your life. There are not so many options for the development of events:

  • he (or she) will reject your feelings, which, of course, will serve as the strongest disappointment, but will help you free yourself;
  • it may well turn out that the object of your affection, just like you, is in love, but is embarrassed to admit it (in this case, you will have a chance to build a strong relationship with the prospect of further development).


How to get rid of the state of love? At first glance, this question may seem silly and frivolous, because everyone goes through romantic experiences. However, it is worth considering the individual psychological characteristics of each person. Sometimes falling in love not only interferes with study and work, but can also lead to serious psychological problems and even suicide attempts, which should never be allowed. That is why modern psychology pays such close attention to this issue.

How to get rid of love addiction: treatment methods

The assertion that true love is God's reward, the brightest and noblest feeling, does not require proof. Each person wants to meet the only soul mate, and is immensely happy when Cupid's arrows hit his heart. However, there is a category of people whose feelings for a partner have reached enormous proportions and crossed the border of the norm, transforming into a destructive, uncontrollable, abnormal love addiction.

Pathological attachment to a companion is one of the forms of behavioral addictions. This destructive obsessive passion, depriving the dependent subject of the ability to objectively assess the real situation and take a sober look at his own status. Love addiction destroys inner harmony, deprives of peace of mind, rewards with pain, suffering and depression.

Subservient passion for a person of the opposite sex is similar in symptoms to alcohol addiction and drug addiction. Like other types of addictions, love addiction destroys the personality and is accompanied by excruciating “withdrawal”. An irresistible craving for a partner deprives the subject of autonomy, independence and freedom. A person who has fallen into the bondage of Cupid ceases to exist in the real world, creating his own fantasy reality, in which the only important being is the object of her love. A person who has been captured by manic passion is convinced that love and suffering are inevitable companions. She mistakenly believes that showing her feelings means sacrificing herself.

Love attachment promises the development of dangerous mental disorders, including depression, anxiety-phobic conditions, constitutional psychopathy. Bondage from a partner is the path to degradation, complete loneliness in the world of black blues.

How to set an anomaly: signs of love addiction

Although the signs of addiction are obvious and vivid, the subject who has fallen into the captivity of Cupid is not able to detect the symptoms of love addiction on his own. What signals notify that matters of the heart are beginning to methodically destroy a person’s life? Psychotherapists point to the following signs confirming the development of love addiction.

Signal 1. "Voluntary" sacrifice

A person voluntarily and consciously devotes his life to creating comforts for the chosen one and satisfying his needs. The dependent subject ignores his own interests and desires, becoming a nanny and nurse for his companion. The landmark of the activity of a person who has fallen into the ranks of the victims of love is the creation of comfortable living conditions for his partner, the prevention of his difficulties, the solution of all problems.

Signal 2. Denial of individuality

A typical symptom of love addiction is the refusal of a person from his own point of view. This situation, when a dependent person completely "dissolves" in the world of his partner, begins to look at what is happening through the eyes of his chosen one, accepts his opinion as the only true theory. The individual develops behaviors borrowed from the object of love. A person refuses personal hobbies and hobbies. Such a subject gradually loses its uniqueness, serving false purposes.

Signal 3. Loss of the meaning of life in the absence of a partner

The most terrible symptom of love addiction is the conviction of a person that his life is aimless and meaningless without a chosen companion. Such a subject is sure that if his chosen one is not around, he will die in splendid isolation. The thinking of a dependent person is fixed on one goal - to keep a partner by any means. A sick individual develops morbid jealousy. He tries to find strong arguments confirming the betrayal and cooling of feelings in his chosen one.

How to overcome love addiction: the path to freedom

Love addiction leads to the destruction of a unique individuality and merging with a group of unfortunate faceless victims. Manic passion leads to moral devastation, the formation of deep depression, the development of anxiety disorders and personality degradation. Therefore, overcoming obsessive craving for a life partner is a necessary step to maintain uniqueness, independence and happiness. How to get rid of cruel love addiction? We follow the advice of psychologists.

  • Getting rid of love addiction is impossible without recognition: the problem exists. It is necessary to realize that the current slave situation interferes with normal life, deprives one of energy and strength, and does not promise any benefits in the future.
  • It should be remembered that it will not work to overcome the devilish addiction and heal love wounds in a matter of days. You need to be patient and be prepared for a long, painstaking work to change your own personality.
  • It will not be possible to overcome love addiction if a person has low self-esteem: he is used to underestimating his own capabilities and does not recognize the presence of personal virtues. It is the lack of self-respect that leads the individual to the ranks of the victims of love. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the opinion of one's own person and get rid of complexes. Assistance in the formation of adequate self-esteem is provided by psychological training.
  • To eliminate love addiction, you need to stop being an unconditionally submissive person, learn to say a firm “no” and defend your own interests. People around should not be allowed to push around and use a weaker person to satisfy their desires. You should stop asking for forgiveness for the slightest mistake and express your opinion clearly, without fear that a different point of view will cause inconvenience to your partner.
  • To stop love bondage, it is necessary to abandon roles in the background. You need to identify the traits of the victim in your characters and work on developing leadership qualities.
  • To remove the mark of a serf from oneself, it is necessary to spend one's vital energy on developing one's own talents, and not on satisfying the whims of other persons. Remember that each person builds his own destiny and is responsible for his actions. You should not constantly look back at others, compare yourself with others, you should preserve and develop your multifaceted inner world.
  • The hardest step to get rid of a fatal passion is to predict your future and assess the existing prospects. This action requires courage, determination, honesty and objectivity. It must be admitted that the present position of the victim will lead to the complete annihilation of the personality. It is necessary to make an unambiguous choice - to continue to exist, chained to the chains of love, or to be a free and happy person.

Hypnosis for love addiction

What to do if it is very difficult to get rid of love addiction on your own, if the treatment carried out by a psychologist does not bring liberation? Indeed, for many people, obsessive attachment to a partner becomes a very complex problem that cannot be solved with the help of psychotherapy. There are many unobvious and unconscious factors in love addiction, which are often perceived by a person as insignificant details. However, such "insignificant" links in the life program have a huge impact on the outlook of the individual and the style of his behavior. In such difficult situations with love addiction, an important step should be taken: seek help from a hypnologist.

What is hypnosis for love addiction? Hypnosuggestive therapy is a joint collaboration between a hypnotherapist and a client, focused on the complete release of the patient from stubborn irrational passion. A hypnologist is an experienced guide to the world of the subconscious, a competent expert who understands the inner world of his patient. Through immersion in hypnotic trance, the hypnologist helps the client to identify the destructive components of thinking and aims to bring about huge changes in self-perception and worldview.

Staying in a state of half-asleep provides an opportunity to voluntarily acknowledge the existence of a problem and abandon the role of a victim. Hypnosis techniques help to make a decision and make changes for recovery from love addiction. A person gains courage and becomes able to face the problem, abandoning the imposed dogmas.

Through suggestion, the hypnotherapist helps the addict to change by teaching constructive coping techniques, giving rational ideas for building a happy life. Treatment of addiction with hypnosis is necessary precisely in order to find a way to inner harmony and comfortable interaction with the outside world.

With the help of hypnosis, the patient gets rid of not only longing, resentment and hopelessness. The subject establishes the reasons why he fell into the network of harmful addiction, identifying the provocateurs of flight from himself. As a result of the treatment of addiction with hypnosis, the victim of love slavery gets rid of the feeling of his own insignificance, uselessness, hopelessness of the future and receives personal freedom.

Hypnosis sessions help not only to let go of feelings that destroy a person, but also to prevent the development of depressive conditions in the future. The hypnologist directs the patient to solve the internal problem in a constructive way, which makes it possible to avoid the development of another pathological attraction in the future.

Hypnosis treatment for addiction can:

  • completely overcome the syndrome of learned helplessness;
  • learn to love, respect and unconditionally accept your personality;
  • get rid of inferiority complexes;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • overcome intrusive thoughts;
  • eliminate irrational fears;
  • objectively assess your potential;
  • establish the required boundaries of personal freedom;
  • develop a realistic perception of the characteristics of other people;
  • form a positive outlook on life;
  • recognize yourself as the master of your own life.

Hypnosis treatment gives a person the desire to move on, helps to gain momentum to create a happy life in which there is divine love, and there is no place for manic love addiction that destroys the personality.

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