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What if your iPad was stolen? Or what should be done to prevent this? Even if the tablet is taken over by attackers, how to secure personal data and at the same time not lose it forever. The answers to these questions are worth knowing, regardless of whether your iPad is with you or it has already caught a cold. Or maybe you just forgot it somewhere? The tips below will help you take action and learn what to do when you need to get your iPad back quickly and keep your data safe.

It's critical to know if Find My iPad is turned on. You can check this in the tablet settings in the iCloud section.

To avoid gaining access to data on your tablet, and to prevent an attacker from turning off Find My iPad, you must enable the iPad unlock with password feature.

Many users make the mistake of storing their Apple ID password on the device itself, such as in notes. The same applies to answers to secret questions. If the ill-wisher has access to your device, he can easily turn off the tablet search function, and also, by changing it, will block access to your data. If this Apple ID is still used on any of your devices, then they can be harmed by blocking and / or remote erasing. We recommend that you remember your Apple ID account and password and do not store this information on your device in a form that is easily accessible and obvious to others.

You cannot find your iPad. Was he stolen? Or is he just forgotten?

If your device is stolen, report your iPad to law enforcement. You will be asked for the serial number of the iPad and its IMEI. This data can be viewed on the box from the device or on the warranty card, if one was issued upon purchase. If the data on the device should not be made available to third parties under any circumstances, then erase the iPad remotely. To do this, follow the same links that are indicated at the beginning of the article, find the missing iPad in the list of devices and click "Erase iPad". Note that if you erase it, you won't be able to track your iPad's location. The function of activating the device without entering the ID and password for which it was blocked will also be blocked. Taking such a device to an authorized service center will also not bring results for a thief. According to the requirements of Apple's service policy, devices are accepted for service only with the "Find iPad" function turned off. If your lost iPad is turned off, put on airplane mode, or just doesn't have an Internet connection, you can still put it in Lost Mode or erase your data, but the changes will take effect when the iPad connects to the Internet.

If Find My iPad was turned off after all

In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to return your iPad, but it is still possible to secure the data. First, change your Apple ID password to prevent an attacker from accessing purchases and personal information from iCloud: go to the Apple ID management site, enter your ID and password, go to the "password and security" section, answer security questions, change your password on new. Most likely, the lost iPad has various applications for accessing social networks, mail and other online services. To access them, it is also very desirable to change passwords and close all open sessions. Contact your operator's support service and block the SIM card so that an attacker cannot spend funds from your account or use the services associated with your number (client bank, two-step identification, etc.).

With these simple instructions, you can protect yourself and your device. And their knowledge and proper application will help you not to get into a mess if your iPad is stolen or lost.

Having an expensive gadget on hand, it is imperative to activate all the features related to the security of the device, especially when you are dealing with Apple technology, which has an enviable protective functionality. In this article, we will tell you how to secure your iOS device and help you cope with a life situation in which an iPhone or iPad can be lost or, worse, stolen.

In contact with

Have you turned on Screen Lock Password (Touch ID) and Find My iPhone?

Every owner of an iPhone or iPad with iOS 7 or a newer version of iOS has two main tools to protect data and the device itself from unforeseen circumstances:

  • Screen lock + Touch ID(Home button equipped with a fingerprint sensor) - will prevent access to personal data using a lock password and fingerprints. The function is activated along the way Settings -> Touch ID and password. Even if your device is not equipped with a Touch ID sensor, do not be lazy to use a four- or six-digit PIN to unlock the device, because in the future it can protect personal data from falling into the wrong hands.

  • Function " "- will provide a wide range of tools to find the device, block and delete data and contact the person who finds or takes possession of your gadget. The function is activated along the way Settings -> iCloud -> .

By activating these two functions, or at least the second, you can solve an unexpected problem even without the help of law enforcement. If the functions are not enabled, then you can safely take the box from the iPhone (iPod touch or iPad) and documents on the purchase of goods and go to the nearest police department to file a statement about the theft. Well, if everything is included, then proceed to the steps described below.

How to Find a Stolen or Lost iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch

If you did not find the device in its place, this does not mean that it was lost. Perhaps the gadget just fell behind the sofa and you can't find it.

1 . Go from your computer to the site.

2 . Enter the password as well.

3 . Tap on the icon " ».

4 . At the top of the list of devices, select the gadget of interest.

5 . If the device is located near you on the map, just click " Play sound».

If on the map it is located in an unfamiliar place or is not displayed at all, go to the next step.

How to activate Lost Mode on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

If, nevertheless, the iPhone or iPad was stolen, the first thing to do is to transfer the device to Lost Mode. Thanks to him, you can set a lock password on the gadget (if it has not been set before) and leave a personal message on the lock screen, which indicates the phone number that you can call to return the device to the owner.

To perform these actions:

Follow steps 1-4 from the previous instructions.

1 . On the right in the menu with the device, activate " Lost Mode».

2 . Enter a number where you can be contacted and click " Further».

3 . You can selectively write the message text and click " Ready».

We are waiting for a call. If he doesn't, we'll take more drastic measures.

3. We turn to law enforcement agencies

As mentioned above, if the first two points do not help, then it's time to contact the police. Do not forget to bring documents with you (you will need at least the serial number of the device, we described in detail how to find it). Investigative work is usually carried out in conjunction with a mobile operator, so it would also not be superfluous to take a service agreement. The measure is useless. Two of my friends (one dialer and one iPhone) had phones successfully found, though after a few months, in third hands and in a rather shabby condition.

4. We erase the data

If all else fails, and you understand that the gadget can no longer be returned, then delete the data remotely.

Follow steps 1-4 from the first part of the instructions, then on the right in the menu with the device, tap on the button " Erase iPhone».

Let's hope you never run into these kinds of problems, but if they do, you know what to do!

Finding a turned off iPhone is not the easiest task, but it can be done. After reviewing the information below, you will learn how to find your iPhone if it is turned off. In addition to the official tools that Apple has provided, you can also download other apps from the App Store to find your device if it's lost or stolen, which means you can double insure yourself with a few apps that set up one once and forgotten forever, but in difficult times will help you find your device.

The easiest way to find a turned off iPhone

With the release of the 8th version of the iOS mobile operating system, the owners of "apple" gadgets have access to an amazing and very useful feature, the task of which is to send a message indicating the last location of the gadget before turning it off.

For the function to work, it must first be activated. This is done in the following way.

You open iPhone Settings, go to iCloud, and turn on Find My iPhone if it's disabled. This option allows you to track your lost smartphone using other devices. After that, you click on the Find My iPhone icon and activate the Send Last Location option by dragging the slider to the appropriate position.

Information about the current or last fixed location of the iPhone will be sent to the corresponding section of the service, so you will know where the iPhone is even if it runs out of power or someone deliberately turns it off.

iPhone search through the application

Apple offers an alternative way to find a disabled iPhone - using the Find My Phone app. Download it from the official AppStore to any "apple" gadget, log in with your data (Apple ID).

The application will show a list of all devices associated with this account. Click on the icon of a disabled iPhone, and the system will notify you of its last known location.

Here you can also send a message to the lost phone (will be displayed when you turn it on for the first time), delete the data stored in its memory and perform other available functions.

There are no other functions that suggest the possibility of searching when the iPhone is turned off. If the Find My iPhone application has been disabled and/or the smartphone has not been tied to an Apple ID, you will not be able to find out the location of the gadget on your own - you will have to contact law enforcement agencies and try to solve the problem using their resources, so be vigilant, attentive and careful .

Often in the lives of different people such unpleasant things happen as the loss or theft of their personal electronic devices. For example, your suitcase was lost at the airport, in which your ipad was lying, or after a party at a club, you left your iPhone somewhere. And how to find the iPad if stolen? - you ask.

The solution to this problem still exists and this program called Find my iPhone.

The program was designed specifically to search for Apple devices, such as iPhone, iPad, iPod or macbook. Now it will be much easier to find ipad or any other device.

Benefits of Find my iPhone

The program searches for an Apple device using the following functions:

  • the program shows on the map the location of your device, accurate to the street;
  • using the program, it is possible to send a short message to your device in which you can ask to return someone else's thing to its owner;
  • the program also allows you to lock any Apple device using a complex password;
  • all personal data and information can be completely deleted from the device using the program.

Thus, even if you managed to find an iPad or iPhone, but it is impossible to return it, you can easily protect all your personal data and completely block your device from interference by unauthorized persons. In order to use the help of the Find my Iphone program, you must activate your iCloud account. If the device is activated in iCloud, it will show its current location on the map.

Program disadvantages

But this service has its drawbacks, and it will not be able to help you find your devices in the following cases:

  • if your Apple device is currently turned off or is not connected to the Internet;
  • if airplane mode is enabled on your device;
  • if the person who has your device has deleted all your accounts from there and completely turned off the location function;

In the event that the attacker did not have time to perform all these actions, then the Find my Iphone program will work correctly and will definitely show where your device is located. After it is displayed in the program, you can perform any of the program's functions.

Main features of Find my iPhone

  • Location display function is able to show on the map where the device is located, and now it is quite possible to find an iPad from a computer. The accuracy of determining the coordinates will depend primarily on the model of your device. But if GPS is built into your tablet or phone, then the program can even indicate the very exact address of the building where the device is currently located. If the search is carried out according to the location of cell towers or using Wi-Fi points, then the device location area will be much larger.
  • If the person who has your device moves with it, then using the button Update location it is possible to update the current location.
  • If you decide to send a message to a person with a request to return your personal device to you, then this will help to implement the function Display a Message. In order to get a person to pay attention to your message, it is best to flag the sound notification. The alert sound will sound even if the device is in silent mode and lasts about two minutes.
  • Function remote lock will allow you to set a lock password on a lost device, without knowing which no one except you will be able to use it anymore.
  • And with the help Remote Wipe you can delete all your personal data such as accounts, phone book, messages, apps, videos and audio recordings.

Now you know how to find an iPad if stolen using a useful program - Find my iphone.

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We all hope that we will not need information on how to return a lost or stolen item. This explains the carelessness with which iPhone owners neglect such a useful feature as the Find My iPhone function.

For the same reason, iPhone owners for the time being believe that information on how to find an iPhone if it was stolen, but the find iPhone function is not turned on, is useless to them.

I dare to assume that since you are already reading this article, then this problem has already affected you, and you are looking for ways to solve it.

How to find iPhone if it was stolen, but find iPhone is not enabled

Friends, you have come to the right place, today we will consider in detail what steps need to be taken to return the iPhone to its rightful owner.

Find My iPhone is by far the fastest, most reliable way to find a missing iPhone. If you didn't turn on Find My iPhone before you lost your gadget, you've made it difficult to track your iPhone.

But not everything is as hopeless as it seems at first glance. There are several ways to try to return your device, and we will now look at them.

If you are firmly convinced that the phone was not lost in the bowels of your apartment, but was lost or stolen, immediately contact the police, the sooner you do this, the higher the chances of finding the device.

But calling the police doesn't mean you should sit back and do nothing. It is possible and necessary to try to find the loss.

Determination of location by geolocation

Imagine that the lost iPhone is turned on without active search. In this case, there is a chance to find it using the Geolocation application. If you have this function activated, Google map, Yandex navigator are installed, then your chances of finding the device increase.

Log in to your Google account from any other device, turn on location detection.

What can be done if the battery is dead or the iPhone has been turned off by the thieves?

Low battery, what to do?

In this case, a lot depends on the iPhone model, the higher the brand, the more likely it is to find a mobile phone. The hardest thing to spot is an iPhone 4S with a dead battery. Newer models are equipped with increased security features.

If your mobile phone has the eighth version of the operating system, in which there is a new iOS8 option, then there is hope of accurately determining the location of the device.

Log in using your username and password to your personal support account from apple at: From your personal account, activate the "Find iPhone" function.

To do this, visit the settings section - iCloud ”-“ FindMyiPhone ”. Set the position of the "Send Last Location" parameter to "ON", click "allow".

After that, you will be able to

  • Determine the location of the device;
  • Send a sound signal;
  • Activate lost mode;
  • Send a message to your "apple" (you can promise a reward for the return);
  • Block the device;
  • Erase all data from the device.

someone else's device

There is another way to find out where your mobile phone is by using someone else's iPhone or iPad. If you and your friends have a mobile gadget of an "apple" company, then there is an opportunity to download the free Find My iPhone program on the App Store.

Log in with your own Apple ID and password. After downloading the program, the application will determine where your Apple device is located. Press the gadget with the battery off and you will see its last location. When you're done, be sure to log out of your account.

How to find an iPhone if it was stolen but the find iPhone function is not enabled, tips

If you are one hundred percent sure that your gadget is in the wrong hands, immediately block the SIM card! Since all logins and passwords from payment systems are automatically saved on an apple device, you can lose your funds along with an iPhone.

Change all your passwords for those services that you used from your iPhone. This applies not only to finance, mail, social networks, but also other Internet services.

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Your repairman.  Finishing work, exterior, preparatory