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History of the Fatherland from antiquity to the end of the 15th century.
Peoples and states on the territory of our country in antiquity. Ancient people in our country. City-states of the Northern Black Sea region. Nomadic pastoral tribes. Turkic and Khazar Khaganates.
Eastern Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries.: resettlement, occupations, life, beliefs. Tribal relations. Relationships with neighbors. The emergence of statehood: internal and external factors. Cities. Formation of territorial communities.
Formation of the Old Russian state in the 9th-10th centuries. Novgorod and Kyiv. Norman theory. Ancient Russian cities. Craft. Trade. The first Russian princes. Prince and squad. Slavs, Finno-Ugrians and Turks. Russia and Volga Bulgaria. Byzantium and Russia. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Baptism of Russia. "The Tale of Bygone Years".
Russia at the end of the X - the first half of the XII century. Formation of large landed property. Categories of free and dependent population. The specificity of the community structure. Old Russian cities, crafts, trade. Yaroslav the Wise. "Russian Truth". Princely feuds. Vladimir Monomakh. Russia and the States of Europe. Russia and the Steppe.
Culture and life of Ancient Russia. Oral folk art, writing, literature, arts and crafts, architecture. Daily life and customs of ancient Russians.
Russia in the XII - the first half of the XV centuries. Political fragmentation of Russia. Reasons for fragmentation. The formation of political centers and the formation of three socio-cultural models for the development of ancient Russian society and the state: Novgorod the Great; Vladi-Miro-Suzdal Principality; Galicia-Volyn principality. Features of the development of the economy, political institutions, culture of the Russian lands of the specific period. Consequences of fragmentation.
The struggle of Russia against the aggressors in the XIII century. Invasion of Batu, resistance to the conquerors. The dependence of Russia on the Horde, its consequences. Separation of Southwestern Russia. The struggle of North-Western Russia against expansion from the West. Neva battle. Battle on the Ice. Alexander Nevskiy.
Russia in the middle of the XIII-XIV centuries. The struggle for political leadership in Russia. Princely power and the Horde. Moscow princes and their politics. Ivan Kalita. Moscow is the center of the unification of Russian lands. Princely power and the church. Monasteries. Sergius of Radonezh. Russia and Lithuania. Golden Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries. Battle of Kulikovo, its meaning. Dmitry Donskoy. Features of cultural development. Theophanes the Greek. Andrei Rublev.
Muscovy in the second half of the 15th century. Ivan III. Termination of Russia's dependence on the Horde. Completion of the political unification of the Russian lands. Ivan III. Change in the system of government. Boyar Duma. Orders. Estate-landownership and forms of dependence of peasants. Sudebnik 1497. The beginning of the enslavement of the peasants.
State and Church. Heresy. Muscovy and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XV-XVI centuries. Turko-Tatar khanates in the XV-XVI centuries.
Culture and life of the Moscow State in the second half of the 15th century. Folklore. Book business. Chronicle. Literature. Socio-political thought. Architecture. Frescoes and icons. Everyday life.
History of the Fatherland in the XVI century.
Muscovy in the 16th century Estate-representative monarchy. Ivan IV. Reforms of the 50s 16th century "Chosen Rada". Zemsky cathedrals. Oprichnina. The formation of autocracy.
Foreign policy of Ivan IV. The conquest of the Volga region and Western Siberia. Relations with the Crimean Khanate. Livonian war. The peoples of Russia in the XVI century. The results of the foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible.
Culture and life in the XVI century. Folklore. Education. Beginning of typography. Socio-political thought. Literature. The development of journalism. Architecture. Iconography. Dionysius. Life, customs. "Domostroy".
Russia in the XVII-XVIII centuries.
Russia at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. Exacerbation of social and political contradictions. dynastic crisis. Destruction of the appanage system. Boris Godunov. Trouble. The phenomenon of imposture. Power and Cossacks. Rebellion of Ivan Bolotnikov. Power and zemshchina: confrontation and interaction. Social and national factors in the Time of Troubles.
Liberation struggle against the Polish and Swedish interventionists; militia of Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. Beginning of the Romanov dynasty.
Russia in the 17th century Political system. The beginning of the formation of elements of absolutism. Order system. The fate of class-representative institutions. Local government. Laws. Cathedral Code of 1649
Economic and social development. Formation of a single economic space of Russia. The growth of commodity-money relations. Craft. Development of small-scale production. The emergence of manufactories and wage labor. Growth of cities and trade. Development of Siberia and the Far East. Trade fairs. The final enslavement of the peasants.
Peoples of Russia in the 17th century. New territories within Russia. National composition of the country's population. State status of the annexed territories of the Volga region, Ukraine, Siberia and the Far East. Economy. Religion. Culture.
autocracy and the church. Church after the Troubles. Reform of Patriarch Nikon. Church split. Archpriest Avvakum. Strengthening differences between the church and royal authorities.
Popular movements. Causes and features of popular performances. City uprisings. The uprising led by Stepan Razin. Performances of the Old Believers.
Foreign policy. Russia and the Commonwealth. Accession of Left-bank Ukraine and Kyiv to Russia. Russian-Turkish relations. Crimean campaigns. Russian pioneers in Siberia and the Far East.
Culture and life in the XVII century. Strengthening the secular nature of culture. Education. Scientific knowledge. Literature. Architecture and painting. Theatre. The largest representatives of spiritual and artistic culture. Estate life. Customs and mores.
Russia in the first half of the 18th century Transformations of Peter I. Prerequisites for transformations. Reforms in the economy, the administrative-state sphere, the army. assertion of absolutism. Formation of the bureaucratic apparatus. Opposition to reforms. Economic and social policy. The value of transformations.
Foreign policy of Peter I. Northern War (main battles, results). Petersburg is the new capital. Prut and Caspian campaigns. Formation of the Russian Empire. Russia and Europe in the first quarter of the 18th century.
Changes in culture and life. The science. The formation of the education system. Creation of the Academy of Sciences. Literature and art. Architecture. Changes in life. The value of the cultural heritage of the Petrine era.
Palace revolutions. Causes and essence of palace coups. Domestic policy. Expansion of the privileges of the nobility. The main directions and results of foreign policy.
Russia in the second half of the XVIII century. Domestic policy of Catherine II. "Enlightened Absolutism". reform projects. Fixed commission. "Golden Age" of the Russian nobility. Letters granted to the nobility and cities. Provincial (regional) reform. Tightening domestic policy. The fight against freethinking. N.I. Novikov. A.N. Radishchev.
The growth of manufactories and crafts. Entrepreneurship, commercial and industrial companies. The beginning of the decomposition of the feudal system. Social politics. The tightening of serfdom.
The peoples of the Russian Empire in the XVIII century. The national composition of the population. National Policy. Economy. Religion. Culture. Customs and mores.
The uprising led by Yemelyan Pugachev: causes, goals, composition of participants, main stages, results, significance.
Domestic policy of Paul I. Change in the order of succession. Commission for drafting the laws of the Russian Empire. Policy towards the peasantry. Discussions about the personality and politics of Paul I.
Foreign policy. Main directions. Russian-Turkish wars. Russian military art. A. V. Suvorov, F. F. Ushakov. Accession of the Crimea, the Northern Black Sea region. Georgievsky treatise.
Russia's participation in the sections of the Commonwealth. Accession of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, part of Latvia. Fight against revolutionary France. Outcomes and consequences of foreign policy.
Culture and life in the second half of the XVIII century. Development of the education system. Formation of domestic science. academic expeditions. M. V. Lomonosov. Russian enlighteners. Architecture, sculpture, painting, music: styles and directions. The largest cultural figures, outstanding technicians and inventors. Palaces and mansions. Changes in the life and customs of the nobility, peasants and townspeople.
Russia in the 19th century
Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century Domestic policy of Alexander I. "Unspoken Committee". Reform of the supreme governing bodies. MM. Speransky. N.N. Novosiltsev. Polish constitution. The political reaction of the early 20s. Results of domestic policy.
Foreign policy. The international position of Russia and the main directions of foreign policy at the beginning of the century. Russian-French relations. Tilsit world. Russia in the Caucasus. Polish question. Wars with Turkey, Iran, Sweden. Annexation of Finland and Bessarabia.
Patriotic War of 1812. Reasons for the war. Plans and forces of the parties. Smolensk and Borodino battles. M.I. Kutuzov. partisan movement. Results of the war. Foreign campaign 1812 - 1814 The role of Russia in European and world politics.
Socio-economic development. Decree on "free cultivators". The abolition of serfdom in the Baltics. The economic crisis of 1812-1815 Agrarian project AA. Arakcheev. Development of industry and trade.
Decembrist movement. Southern and Northern societies: participants, programs, goals, main events, significance.
Russia in the second quarter of the XIX century. Domestic policy of Nicholas I. Strengthening the role of the state apparatus. Centralization, bureaucratization of state administration. Tighter control over society (police surveillance, censorship). Strengthening the social base of autocracy. Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Strengthening the fight against revolutionary sentiments.
Socio-economic development. Contradictions of economic development. The beginning of the industrial revolution. New phenomena in industry and agriculture. Reform of the management of state peasants. Trade. Cities. Results of socio-economic development.
Social movement of the 30-50s. Conservatives. Liberals. Westernizers and Slavophiles. Socialists.
The peoples of Russia in the first half of the XIX century. national relations. Polish question. Polish uprising 1830-1831 National policy of autocracy.
Caucasian war. Peoples of the Caucasus. Causes and main stages of the war. Muridism. Imamat. Shamil movement. Results of the war.
Foreign policy. Russia in European and world politics in the second quarter of the 19th century. Wars with Iran and Turkey. Russia and Central Asia. Exacerbation of the Eastern Question. Crimean War (participants, their goals, main battles). Defense of Sevastopol. P.S. Nakhimov, V.A. Kornilov. Results of the war.
Culture and life in the first half of the XIX century. The development of the education system, its class character. Scientific discoveries. Russian pioneers and travelers. The main styles in artistic culture (romanticism, classicism, realism). Literature, the "golden age" of Russian poetry. Formation of the Russian national music school. Theatre. Music. Painting. Architecture. Life and customs.
Russia in the second half of the XIX century. Domestic policy of Alexander II. Reforms of the 60-70s Background and projects of reforms. Alexander II. Abolition of serfdom. Preservation of serf survivals in the post-reform village. Judicial, zemstvo, city, military reforms. YES. Milyutin. M.T. Loris-Melikov. Historical significance and consequences of the reforms.
Social movement of the 60-70s. Conservative, liberal, radical currents in social thought, their representatives. Zemsky constitutionalism. Revolutionary Populism: Theory, Organizations, Leaders, Tactics.
Domestic policy of Alexander III. Politics in the peasant question. Labor law. Strengthening the positions of the nobility. National and religious policy. K.P. Pobedonostsev.
Socio-economic development in the post-reform period. Completion of the industrial revolution, its consequences. Agriculture. Industry. Railway construction. Industrial rise. Development of the domestic market. Formation of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Changing position of the nobility. The stratification of the peasantry.
Beginning of industrialization. N.Kh. Bunge. S.Yu. Witte. "Golden decade" of Russian industry. Results of socio-economic development.
Social movement in the 80-90s."Modernizers" and traditionalists. The crisis of revolutionary populism. liberal movement. Spread of Marxism in Russia. conservative camp.
Foreign policy. The main directions of foreign policy. European politics. Annexation of Central Asia. Far East policy. Sale of Alaska. Russian-Turkish war 1877 - 1878 Russia's participation in military alliances. The results of foreign policy in the 60-90s.
The peoples of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX century. The national question and ways of its solution under Alexander I. The national policy of Alexander III. Status of the peoples of Central Asia.
Culture and life in the second half of the XIX century. Achievements of Russian scientists, their contribution to world science and technology. Development of education. Publishing expansion. democratization of culture. Directions in literature and art. Realistic art (literature, theater, painting). Artistic crafts. Figures of Russian culture. Russian patrons. Cultural achievements of the peoples of the empire. The contribution of Russian culture of the XIX century. into world culture.
Population growth. Changing the face of cities. Development of communications and urban transport. Changes in the life and way of life of townspeople and peasants.
Russia in the 20th century
Russia at the beginning of the 20th century(1900-1916). Socio-economic development at the beginning of the 20th century. continued industrialization. The first monopolies The economic crisis and its consequences. Russian entrepreneurs. The role of foreign capital. The specifics of the agrarian system in Russia. Landownership. Community. Contradictions of socio-economic development.
Domestic policy of Nicholas II at the turn of the century. Autocratic power at the beginning of the century. The idea of ​​popular representation in the public mind and domestic politics. VC. Plehve. P.D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky.
Foreign policy of Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Russo-Japanese War. Russia's initiatives for general disarmament.
Far East policy. Russo-Japanese War: causes, main battles, results. Rapprochement between Russia and England. Aggravation of Russian-German relations. Growing threat of world war.
Social movement at the turn of the century. Ideas of conservatism, liberalism, socialism, nationalism in public life. Genesis of political parties. Features of the Russian multi-party system.
Revolution of 1905 - 1907: causes, nature, driving forces, main stages and events. Manifesto October 17, 1905 Armed uprising in Moscow. Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire 1906 Duma Monarchy. results of the revolution.
Reforms P.A. Stolypin. The evolution of the political system. Agrarian reform: main provisions, implementation progress, results. Projects of reforms in the field of religious and national policy, local self-government, education system, improvement of the life of workers. Policy in the field of cooperation. Industrial rise. Restructuring of agrarian relations.
Culture at the beginning of the 20th century Development of natural and social sciences. Styles and trends in art. "Silver Age" of Russian poetry. Russian avant-garde. Patrons. Russian, culture of the beginning of the 20th century. - an integral part of world culture.
Russia in the First World War. The role of the Eastern Front in the war. War and Russian society. regime crisis.
Russia in 1917-1920 February Revolution. Causes, character, driving forces, features of the February Revolution. Fall of the monarchy. Dual power. Provisional government, its domestic and foreign policy. Tips.
Russia in February-October 1917 The main political parties (the Cadets, Social Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks) in 1917. Crises of power. Speech by General Kornilov.
October uprising in Petrograd. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets, its decrees. The creation of a government headed by V.I. Lenin.
The establishment of Soviet power in the country. Creation of the Soviet state. Economic and social policy of the new government. Nationalization of banks, industry, land. Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly. Exit of Soviet Russia from the World War. Brest peace. Adoption of a one-party system.
Civil War: essence, prerequisites, participants, stages, main fronts. Red and white. "War communism": ideology, politics, economics. Red and white terror. The position of the peasantry. "Greens". Intervention. The national factor in the war. Causes and cost of the Bolshevik victory in the war. Results of the war. Consequences of the civil war. Russian emigration.
Soviet Russia, USSR in 1920 - 1930s. Economic and political crisis of the early 20s: origins, essence, consequences. Peasant uprisings. Revolt in Kronstadt. Famine of 1921
NEP: essence, activities, contradictions, results.
Formation of the USSR. National policy in the 20s - 30s. Discussions in the party leadership on the principles of the formation of a union state. The policy of equalizing the economic and cultural level of the Union republics. Ethnic and socio-cultural changes. International relations. Contradictions of the Soviet national policy.
The foreign policy of the Soviet state in the 1920s.: from the concept of "world revolution" to the concept of building socialism in a single country. The beginning of awareness of the national-state interests of the country's leadership. Breakthrough of international isolation.
Political life in the 1920s-1930s Exacerbation of internal party struggle. Death of V.I. Lenin. The concentration of power in the hands of I.V. Stalin. Formation of a totalitarian system. Mass repression. GULAG. Political processes of the 1930s Constitution of 1936
socialist industrialization: preconditions, sources of accumulation, method, rates. Complete nationalization of industry. Five year plans. labor enthusiasm of the masses. Results and cost of industrialization.
The policy of complete collectivization of agriculture and its economic and social consequences. Dispossession. Establishment of the collective farm system. Famine of 1932-1933: Causes and Scales. Full nationalization of the economy.
Cultural policy. Planting communist ideology. Elimination of illiteracy. Development of general and vocational education. Status of science, literature, art: achievements, difficulties, contradictions. ideological restrictions. Outstanding figures of national science and culture of the 20-30s.
International relations and foreign policy of the USSR in the 1930s. The entry of the USSR into the League of Nations, the struggle for the creation of a system of collective security. Soviet-German treaties of 1939, their consequences. Change in the foreign policy of the Soviet state in 1939 Beginning of the Second World War. The inclusion of new territories in the USSR in 1939-1940. Soviet-Finnish war, its consequences.
Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. Periods, main fronts of the war. Causes of defeats in the initial period of the war. The largest battles, their significance (the battle for Moscow, the battle of Stalingrad, the battle on the Kursk Bulge, the Belorussian, Berlin operations, etc.). National-patriotic upsurge. Mass heroism at the front and in the rear. Commanders and heroes of war. G.K. Zhukov. K.K. Rokossovsky. A.M. Vasilevsky. I.S. Konev. USSR and the anti-Hitler coalition.
Nazi "new order" in the occupied territory, the mass destruction of people. Fight behind enemy lines; partisan movement.
Soviet rear during the war. military economy. Labor heroism of the people.
Peculiarities of national policy during the war years. Deportation of a number of peoples.
Results and lessons of the Great Patriotic War. The greatness and price of the victory of the Soviet people.
USSR from the mid-1940s to the mid-1980s. USSR in the system of post-war international relations. The Cold War, its causes and consequences. Formation of military-political blocs. bipolar world order. Foreign policy of the USSR in 1945 - early 1950s. USSR and the world communist movement. The war in Korea and the position of the Soviet leadership.
Post-war reconstruction of the economy. Losses of the USSR in the war. Economic discussions. Recovery and development of industry. Difficulties and problems of agriculture. Life and life of people.
Political development of the USSR in 1945-1952. Reorganization of power structures. Ideological campaigns of the second half of the 1940s. New wave of repression.
USSR in the mid-50s - mid-60s. The struggle for power after the death of I.V. Stalin. XX Congress of the CPSU, its significance. "Thaw", its influence on the spiritual atmosphere of society. Soviet science in the era of the scientific and technological revolution. The beginning of space exploration. Education reform. Contradictions of cultural policy. Activities N.S. Khrushchev.
The foreign policy of the USSR in the mid-1950s - mid-1960s.; policy of peaceful coexistence; relations with the countries of the "Eastern" and "Western" blocs, the "Third World". The USSR and the Hungarian events of 1956. The Berlin crisis of 1961. The Caribbean crisis. Results of foreign policy.
USSR in the mid-60s - mid-80s. Conservative turn in the second half of the 60s. L.I. Brezhnev. Strengthening the party-state nomenclature. Economic reforms of 1965: content, implementation, reasons for curtailment. Growing crisis phenomena in the economy and social sphere, politics and ideology. Achievements and problems of science. The fate of the scientific and creative intelligentsia. dissident movement. Ideology and culture. Constitution of 1977 Crisis of the totalitarian system.
Foreign policy. Achieving military-strategic parity with the United States, its price. Turn towards détente in the 1970s Helsinki Accords. The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, its consequences.
USSR in the mid-1980s - early 1990s. Perestroika in the USSR. M.S. Gorbachev. Attempts to update the system. Publicity. The revival of the multi-party system. New foreign policy. The withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The collapse of the "Eastern bloc".
Crisis situation in the economy. Exacerbation of interethnic contradictions. Declaration of sovereignty by the Union republics.
August events of 1991 Dissolution of the CPSU. The collapse of the USSR. CIS education.
Russia in the 1990s Formation of the sovereign Russian state. B.N. Yeltsin. The beginning of the transition to a market economy. Contradictions and social consequences of reforms.
October 1993 events Constitution of 1993 Dismantling the system of power of the Soviets.
National-regional policy. Federal Treaty.
The war in Chechnya, its consequences. Relations between the center and the regions. Education, science and culture in market conditions.
Foreign policy of the Russian state. Russia and CIS. Russia and the world community.

  • History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century. Textbook. Ed. B.N. Flory. M. 2010.
  • Moryakov V.I. Khitrov D.A. History of Russia until the beginning of the 19th century (seminar for first-year students at the Faculty of History). Teaching aid. M., 2011.
  • Arapov D.Yu., Laushkin A.V. History of Religions in Russia: Guidelines and materials for the course. M., 2006.
  • Gorsky A.A. History of Russia from ancient times to 1914. Textbook for universities. M., 2008.
  • Orlov A.S., Polunov A.Yu., Tereshchenko Yu.Ya. Fundamentals of the course of the history of Russia. M., 2010.
  • History of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century. Ed. L.V. Milova. In 3 volumes. M., 2006.
  • Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgieva N.G., Sivokhina T.A. Reader on the history of Russia. M., 2016.
  • Moryakov V.I. Written report in a seminar on the history of Russia in the 1st year of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Methodical instructions. M., 2006.
  • Moryakov V.I. History of Russia IX-XVIII centuries. Textbook for university students. M., 2003.
  • Shchetinov Yu.A., Moryakov V.I., Fedorov V.A. Fundamentals of the course of the history of Russia. M., 2008.

Textbooks and teaching aids for applicants to universities:

  • Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgieva N.G. , Sivokhina T.A. The history of Russia in the schemes. Tutorial. M., 2015.
  • Arapov D.Yu., Orlov A.S., Zuikov V.V., Levandovsky A.A., Polunov A.Yu., Moryakov V.I. Handbook on the history of the Fatherland for applicants to universities. 6th ed. M., 2007.
  • Georgiev N.G., Georgiev V.A., Orlov A.S. Historical dictionary. M., 2017.
  • Moryakov V.I., Fedorov V.A., Shchetinov Yu.A. Russian history. Handbook for high school students and university entrants. M. 2003.

Textbooks, educational and methodical manuals for schools:

  • Borisov N.S. Story. Russian history. Grade 10. In 2 hours. Parts 1, 2. Basic level. M., 2014.
  • Borisov N.S. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century. Textbook for grade 10 educational institutions. 7th ed. M., 2011.
  • Borisov N.S. What do I know about the history of my country. Allowance for schoolchildren. M., 2009.
  • Gorsky A.A., Mityaeva O.I., Utkin A.I., Chetyrina N.A. Alekseev V.V., Bocharova Z.S. Essays on Russian history: a modern view. Textbook for teachers and teachers of national history. In two parts. Under the editorship of Professor A.I. Utkin. Part one. M., 2008.
  • Borisov N.S., Levandovsky A.A., Koval T.V. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. Grade 10. Lesson recommendations. A guide for the teacher. M, 2007.
  • Borisov N.S. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century. Textbook for grade 10 educational institutions. M., 2005.
  • Khitrov D.A., Zhigaltsova L.V. Methodological guide for participants of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Researchers "Step into the Future" in the history section. M., 2006.
  • Shchetinov Yu.A., Moryakov V.I., Fedorov V.A. History of Russia from ancient times to the present day. M., 2016.
  • Khitrov D.A., Chernenko D.A., Talyzina A.A., Kamarauli E.V. Historical project. Educational and methodological manual (series "Getting ready for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history". M., 2017.

Title: History of Russia. A short course for university applicants.

The textbook fully complies with the program of entrance exams in history to higher educational institutions and is designed for quick and effective preparation for the exam. It outlines the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 21st century. The Dictionary of Historical Terms and Concepts will be of great help in preparing for the exam.
The material of the manual can also be used in preparation for the school oral exam in history, for passing the Unified State Exam, as well as for additional classes.
For university applicants, as well as for students of general education schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, secondary specialized educational institutions.

The emergence of the Old Russian state is traditionally associated with the unification of the Ilmen and Dnieper regions as a result of a campaign against Kyiv by the Novgorod prince Oleg in 882. Having killed Lskold and Dir, who reigned in Kyiv, Oleg began to rule on behalf of the young son of Prince Rurik, Igor.
The formation of the state was the result of long and complex processes that took place in the vast expanses of the East European Plain in the second half of the 1st millennium AD. e.
By the 7th century Eastern Slavic tribal unions settled in its expanses, the names and location of which are known to historians from the ancient Russian chronicle of the “Tale of Bygone Years” by St. Nestor (XI century). These are the meadows (along the western bank of the Dnieper), the Drevlyans (to the north-west of them), the Ilmen Slovenes (along the banks of Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov River), the Krivichi (in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, the Volga and the Western Dvina), the Vyatichi (along the banks of the Oka), northerners (along the Desna), etc. The northern neighbors of the eastern Slavs were the Finns, the western neighbors were the Balts, and the southeastern neighbors were the Khazars. Of great importance in their early history were trade routes, one of which connected Scandinavia and Byzantium (the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" from the Gulf of Finland along the Neva, Lake Ladoga, Volkhov, Lake Ilmen to the Dnieper and the Black Sea), and the other connected the Volga regions with the Caspian Sea and Persia.

Ancient Russia in the XI - early XII centuries: the emergence of the state, Kyiv princes and their activities 6
Baptism of Russia and its meaning 12
Political fragmentation of Russia in the XII-XIII centuries: causes, main principalities and lands, differences in the state structure ...; fifteen
Old Russian culture X - early XIII in 20
13th century The history of Russia: the fight against external danger, invasions and invasions from the East and West 26
Battle of Kulikovo and its historical significance 30
The unification of Russian lands around Moscow and the formation of a single RUSSIAN state in the XIV-XV centuries 34
Muscovy in the era of Ivan the Terrible: the main directions and results of domestic policy. Oprichnina 40
The main directions of foreign policy and the expansion of the territory of the Russian state in the XV-XVI century 45
Culture and spiritual life of Russia p XIV-XVI iv 49
Russia in the late 16th - early 17th centuries. Time of Troubles its consequences 54
Russia in the 17th century: new in socio-economic and political development 60
Popular movements of the 17th century. Church split 63
Transformations in Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century: content, results, consequences 68
Palace coups in Russia in the 18th century in 73
Russia in the Era of Catherine II: Enlightened Absolutism 77
Foreign policy of the Russian Empire in the 18th century: tasks, main directions, results 81
Culture and social thought of Russia in the 18th century in 85
The main directions and results of Alexander's domestic policy 1 90
Patriotic War of 1812 Foreign campaign 96
Decembrists: the ideological prerequisites of "Decembristism", a system of views, tactics of actions 101
The main directions and results of the domestic and foreign policy of Nicholas I 106
Social Movements in Russia in the 1830s-1850s gt 111
The development of culture, science and technology in Russia in the first half of the 19th century 115
Reforms of the 1860s-1870s: content, results, consequences 119
Socio-economic development of Russia in the post-reform years 124
Changing the position of the estate, social groups in Russia in the second half of the XIX century 128
Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century: main directions 131
Populism: from "going to the people" to the terror of "Narodnaya Volya" 136
Artistic culture and spiritual life of Russia in the second half of the 19th century 140
Socio-economic and political development of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century in 145
Revolution of 1905-1907: causes, stages, main events, significance 150
Reforms of P.A. Stolypin. Directions, results and significance of agrarian reform 157
Russia's participation in the First World War: reasons, the role of the Eastern Front, vulgar 161
Features of the development of the artistic culture of Russia and the beginning of the XX century. and its MKLA and miroi) to culture 166
Revolutionary process in Russia.: February, October 170
Civil war in Russia: causes, stages, participants, results 177
New Economic Policy: Reasons for the Promise, Measures, Results 182
Formation of the USSR: prerequisites, reasons, principles for the creation of the Union 186
Industrialization policy in the USSR: methods, results, cost 189
Collectivization in the USSR: Causes, Methods, Outcomes and Consequences 192
The main directions of the foreign policy of the USSR in the 1920-1930s 196
The Great Patriotic War: the beginning, the main events of 1941-1942, their significance 201
A radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War: the main battles, the role of the rear, the value of 208
The final stages of the Great Patriotic War and World War II: main battles, defeat
and the capitulation of Nazi Germany and Japan, the reasons and significance of the victory of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition 213
USSR in the first post-war years (1945-1953) 216
The period of the "thaw" about the USSR: problems of socio-economic development 222
Foreign policy of the USSR in the mid-1950s - mid-1960s: doctrines and practice 227
USSR in the mid-1960s - mid-1980s: characteristic features of socio-political and economic development 230
Spiritual and cultural life in the USSR in the 1950s-1980s: development trends: main phenomena and events, cultural figures 235
Foreign policy of the USSR in the mid-1960s - mid-1980s: doctrines and practice 239
Perestroika in the USSR: attempts to reform the economy and socio-political system, results 243
The collapse of the USSR: causes, go consequences 249
Formation of a new Russian statehood in the 90s. 20th century:
stages and features of the political process 252
Russia in the system of modern international relations: place, role, main directions of foreign policy 257
Dictionary 263

2nd edition, supplemented.

Editorial team:

Orlov A.S., Polunov A.Yu., Shestova T.L., Shchetinov Yu.A.

This manual is intended for applicants and high school students.

The book was compiled by teachers of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, taking into account the requirements for entrance exams to universities in the history of Russia.


This manual was written by specialists in various periods of Russian history - teachers and graduate students of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

The manual is compiled in accordance with modern requirements for the entrance exam in the history of the Fatherland. The book includes the main facts, the knowledge of which is necessary for the applicant. The assessment of events is based on ideas shared by the majority of scientists. The manual takes into account the changes that have taken place in recent years in the approach to Russian history. At the same time, the authors tried to keep the most balanced points of view on the most important events and processes.

The manual is equipped with auxiliary materials that facilitate the work of the applicant. These are chronological and dynastic tables, lists of leaders of the Soviet state, schemes for the organization of state bodies of Russia, and others. The text highlights the main concepts and dates.

In addition to helping the applicant, this book can serve as a key to a deeper study of history.

The manual briefly characterizes the most important historical sources, familiarity with which allows one to penetrate the historian's creative laboratory, to find out on the basis of what data various episodes are reconstructed, how reasonably scientists can judge historical events and processes.

In a number of cases, historiographic remarks are given, and various opinions that exist in science on the most controversial issues of the domestic past are stated.

We wish you success.

Authors: Zuykov V.V. (topics I, II, V), Arapov D.Yu. (topics III, IV), Orlov A.S. (topic VI), Moryakov V.I. (topics VII-X), Levandovsky A.A. (topics XI, XIX, XX), Sidorkina M.A. (topic XII), Polunov A.Yu. (topics XIII-XVIII), Shchetinov Yu.A. (topics XXI-XXIII), Tereshchenko Yu.Ya. (topics XXIV-XXXI).

Reviews of sources on the history of Russia until 1917 were compiled by Shestova T.L., since 1917 - by Debikhin KN.

The publishers express their deep gratitude to Ivan Dmitrievich Kovalchenko for help in working on this book.

Ancient Russia sources

The number of written sources containing information about the most ancient period in the history of the Slavs is small. Basically, these are ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Byzantine, Arabic works.

The earliest source is the description of Scythia and the tribes inhabiting it, compiled by the father of history Herodotus (V century BC), among which, according to a number of researchers, were the ancestors of the Slavs. Separate information about the geography and history of Eastern Europe is given in the writings of Strabo (1st century BC - 1st century), Pliny the Elder (1st century) and other ancient authors.

Valuable information about the social system, customs, customs, military art of the Slavs is contained in the works of the largest Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea (VI century).

The most important sources of Russian origin are chronicles. Chronicle writing was carried out at princely courts, in monasteries, at episcopal departments. The political orientation, character and interests of the chronicler left a significant imprint on the selection and interpretation of facts. However, the weather form of the records made it possible to conclude the richest event information in the annals.

The most famous ancient Russian chronicle is The Tale of Bygone Years, which is believed to have been compiled by Nestor, a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery, in the 12th century.

When creating the Tale, a large amount of the most diverse material was used: ancient songs, legends, biblical stories, Byzantine chronicles, eyewitness memories of certain events, ancient treaties between the Kievan princes and Byzantium.

The most important source on the history of ancient Russian law is Russkaya Pravda, compiled under Yaroslav the Wise and his sons in the 11th century.

Valuable information is contained in literary works (lives of saints, teachings, legends, travel stories). An interesting monument of ethical ideas of the late XI - early XII century. is "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh".

A huge role in the study of the most ancient period of our history is played by the data of archeology, ethnography, and linguistics. An important source of the era of Ancient Russia is the epic epic. To imagine the daily life of people, their way of life allow the inscriptions on things, on the walls of temples (graffiti).

Birch bark letters are a particularly valuable source. Most of them were discovered by archaeologists in Novgorod. Birch bark letters were also found in Smolensk, Staraya Rus and other cities. Among the letters there are secret letters, and economic documentation, and wills, and even exercises in writing young townspeople.

Only a thorough comprehensive analysis of data from various disciplines allows scientists to most fully reconstruct the distant past.

A short course in the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century, For applicants to universities, Kerov V.V., 2013.

The manual briefly covers the events and processes of Russian history from ancient times to the beginning of the 21st century. The most important issues of socio-economic and state-political development of the country, foreign and domestic policy and culture are considered. Alternative points of view are presented on controversial issues. Each topic is preceded by a plan, in accordance with which the presentation of the material is built. Clear structuring of the text, conclusions, questions and tasks facilitate its assimilation, allow you to quickly and competently prepare an answer to the exam ticket. The manual is addressed to high school students and applicants, can be used in preparation for final and entrance exams.

Origin and settlement of the Slavs.
The origin of the Eastern Slavs is a complex scientific problem, the study of which is difficult due to the lack of reliable and complete written evidence about the area of ​​their settlement, economic life, way of life and customs. The first rather meager information is contained in the works of ancient, Byzantine and Arabic authors.

1.1. ancient sources. Roman historians Pliny the Elder and Tacitus (1st century AD) report Wends living between the Germanic and Sarmatian tribes. At the same time, Tacitus notes the militancy and cruelty of the Wends, who, for example, destroyed the prisoners. Many modern historians see in the Wends the ancient Slavs, who still retained their ethnic unity and occupied the territory of approximately present-day South-Eastern Poland, as well as Volhynia and Polissya.

1.2. Byzantine authors of the 6th century. were more attentive to the Slavs, as they, having grown stronger by this time, began to threaten the empire. Jordan elevates the contemporary Slavs of the Wends, Sklavins and Antes to the same root and thereby fixes the beginning of their separation, which took place in the 6th-8th centuries. The relatively unified Slavic world was disintegrating both as a result of migrations caused by population growth and the “pressure” of other tribes, as well as interaction with the multi-ethnic environment in which they settled (Finno-Finns, Balts, Iranian-speaking tribes) and with which they contacted (Germans, Byzantines). It is important to take into account that representatives of all groups recorded by Jordan took part in the formation of the three branches of Slavism - eastern, western and southern.

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