Your repairman.  Finishing work, exterior, preparatory

A competent choice of a sufficiently functional and reliable electric meter in operation is a prerequisite for effective metering of electricity in the territories of any form of ownership. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that representatives of the Energy Sales Service simply will not connect the object to the power supply system if there are any comments to the metering device installed on it.

In order to decide which electricity meter to choose for a particular object, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features and details of this procedure. In this regard, just before buying, you need to learn the following important points well:

  1. First, according to accepted rules(i.e. theoretically) the responsibility for the operation of the electricity meter should lie with the local branch of the power company. However, in everyday practice, it is most often completely shifted to the residents of the house or owners of office premises. Thus, it is the user who is responsible for the product already purchased by him and must ensure its repair or replacement in case of non-compliance with certain requirements;
  2. Secondly, the solution of the question of how to choose an electric meter for your apartment should be approached with the utmost responsibility, especially since various models There are more than enough of these devices on the market. At the same time, most private buyers are concerned not so much with the price of the meter installed in the apartment, but with its reliability and compliance with all the requirements;
  3. And, finally, before choosing an electricity meter, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the existing varieties of modern metering devices, which differ not only in their technical characteristics (number of recorded phases, current load and accuracy class), but also in ways to control energy consumption.

We will take a closer look at the features of choosing electricity meters suitable for a private user, which differ in the above parameters, in the following sections.
Please note: The designs of obsolete products of the induction type are not considered in this article.

Types and classes of electric meters

Before choosing an electricity meter, it is necessary to clearly define the parameters by which the main difference between one model and another is observed. At the same time, even a superficial acquaintance with modern electronic devices for controlling electrical energy allows us to conclude that they all differ in the following indicators:

  • the number of fixed phases (one or three);
  • number of tariff regimes;
  • accuracy class of the recording device;

In addition, products of this class differ in some design details that depend on a particular manufacturer (the presence of additional functionality, for example).

Let's look at each of these differences in more detail.

Considered number of phases

Single-phase electric meters are installed in communal apartments and service premises, the power supply of which is organized according to a scheme with a single phase voltage of 220 volts. In contrast, three-phase meters are able to take into account the consumption of electricity in 3 phases at once and are most often used in country farms equipped with special power equipment (heating boilers, water heaters, pump motors and other mechanisms), as well as in production.

Additional information: All the equipment listed above functions normally only in three-phase circuits with a voltage of 380 volts. Simultaneously with a three-phase device in country house a conventional single-phase meter is also installed. It controls the consumption of electricity in the circuits used for local lighting and for powering all household consumers in the house (electric kettles, washing machines, TVs, irons, etc.).

As for the difference in the number of modes used in the device, which make it possible to differentiate the costs for the consumed energy carrier, modern electronic products can have from one to 3 tariffs. Multitariff of modern electronic devices allows the consumer to choose the time of use household equipment based on economic considerations.

It is for this reason that the issue of differentiating the accounting of consumed electricity requires more detailed consideration.

Selecting an electric meter by the number of tariffs

Modern multi-tariff electronic devices allow you to take into account the consumption of electricity depending on the time of day and the workload of electrical networks. At the same time, in two-tariff meters, payment for electricity is differentiated depending on the time of day in terms of day / night. As for the 3-tariff devices that are currently widely used, the price per kW / hour is minimal in them at night and below the norm during periods of low load on the supply substations. And only in the so-called peak periods of consumption (maximum load) the tariff for electricity increases slightly.

Taking into account these factors, it is necessary to decide which electricity meter is better to purchase: a regular one-tariff one, involving a fixed payment per kWh, or with differentiated accounting. In the event that your established lifestyle allows you to operate electrical appliances with high power consumption at night or during periods of semi-peak circuit loading, the choice of a multi-tariff product will be fully justified. Otherwise, the savings from this is unlikely to exceed 200-300 rubles. per month, which does not justify the cost of a good, but relatively expensive electronic device. In such a situation, we advise you to purchase an electricity meter with a fixed rate and worry about finding other ways to optimize your electricity costs.

Differences in accuracy class

Electric meters, as you know, differ not only in their design and the number of tariffs included in them, but also in the accuracy class. This parameter characterizes the magnitude of the error in taking readings and is very important for the correct assessment of electricity consumption. This is explained by the fact that with a large measurement error, weak currents are simply not fixed as effectively operating quantities (like water dripping from a tap), which is very disliked by the services that supply the energy carrier.

It is for this reason that modern metering devices are subject to special requirements for the accuracy class, which for household electricity meters is regulated at level 2.0. At the same time, it is a mistake to assume that the higher this indicator, the better it is for the apartment. So, using a metering device with a higher accuracy rate (0.2%, for example) can lead to inflated readings of electricity consumption, for which you don’t have to pay at all.

Important! For domestic conditions, an electric meter with an accuracy class of no higher than 2.0 is quite sufficient, which meets the requirements of the main regulations. And for those who are trying to force you to install a more accurate device, advise you to familiarize yourself with the above regulatory requirements.

Choice of electric meter by current load

After studying the question of what kind of electricity meters are, immediately before buying, you should decide on the maximum possible current load, which can be determined in the following ways:

  • measurement of the effective value of the electric current at the input to the apartment (for this you need the so-called current clamps);
  • determination of the current load by the cross section of the conductors in the wiring installed in your home;
  • calculation of the total power of household electrical equipment used in the house, taking into account the fact that some more consumers will be additionally connected.

In the first two cases, you can hardly do without the help of professionals, but the third method is quite accessible to any competent user. To implement it, it is enough to find out from the passports the power of all devices connected to the sockets and sum them up. To the amount received, it is necessary to add a couple of kilowatts, taking into account the current consumption of various illuminators. In the event that the figure resulting from the calculations is within 10 kW, a counter designed for 60 Amperes will be quite enough. With large values ​​​​of the total amount of consumption, you will have to purchase a product for 80 or even 100 amperes.

Analysis a large number user feedback indicates that a single-phase meter with a maximum current load of 60 amperes is enough to account for consumption in a house with a standard set of household appliances. This can be explained by the fact that even with a large number of consumers differing in power, the probability of their simultaneous inclusion is very small. A completely different matter is the installation of a three-phase metering device in a private house, in the electrical circuits of which the total current load can reach 100 Amperes.

Please note: The use of a meter with such a current load is possible only after obtaining a special permit from Energosbyt.

In conclusion, we note once again that no matter which electric meter you prefer, it must first of all meet all the requirements of the current regulations. Only in this case, you can easily register it with the relevant authorities and get permission to connect.

Every house has Appliances and installed lighting system. To ensure its performance, the user monthly consumes a certain amount of electricity, which is accounted for by special devices - meters. It is very important that installed equipment met the requirements of the consumer. And for this it is important to know which one is better to put in an apartment and what characteristics it should have. We propose to deal with this issue in more detail.

Read in the article

Scope of the meter for electricity

Metering devices are in demand in residential buildings and industrial enterprises where there is a lighting system and / or equipment powered by the mains. With the help of meters, the consumption of electricity by a specific consumer is controlled. Manufacturers offer meters for single- and three-phase networks, which allow you to keep records at one or several tariffs at once.

Attention! By keeping track of meter readings in a timely manner, you can optimize your energy costs.

Take note:

Types of electricity meters for an apartment by design type

Finding out which is better to put an electric meter in a private house or an apartment, it is worth getting acquainted with the main views. Manufacturers offer electronic and induction models that differ in design and principle of operation. We offer to get acquainted with each type separately, so that it is easier to make a choice in favor of a particular type.

Electronic electricity meters

Compact devices, the operation of which is controlled by various microcircuits. The structure includes element base, and special methods of information processing are used. The data sent by the current and voltage sensor is sent to the converter, which encodes the information and displays it on the display in a form suitable for the user.

In apartments, you can put electric single-phase meters. However, thanks to the ability to take into account active and reactive power, manufacturers offer three-phase models.

Demanded with the possibility of differentiated metering of consumed electricity. Manufacturers offer two- and multi-tariff models.

Induction electricity meters

Such devices are equipped with two coils that initiate the formation of an electromagnetic field. Under the influence of magnetic fluxes, the aluminum disk begins to move, provoking the movement of numbers on a mechanical scoreboard. The more energy the consumer consumes, the faster the value on the induction electricity meter changes.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric meters of various designs

Electronic meters have a complex design. During operation, they convert the incoming signal into data displayed in digital format, which are displayed on the scoreboard. Single-phase electricity meters are relevant for apartments located in apartment buildings.

Such electricity meters for an apartment are characterized by a number of advantages:

  1. Small measurement error.
  2. Possibility of splitting indications for several tariffs.
  3. The minimum percentage of theft.
  4. Wide functionality. Some models come with a remote control, built-in clock and extended memory.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Sensitivity to power surges.
  2. High cost and repair costs.
  3. Less reliable than other types of counters.

Induction meters for an apartment are still in demand, although the demand for them is gradually decreasing. Their main advantages include:

  1. Reliability of operation. Induction meters rarely fail;
  2. Long service life.
  3. Stability at significant changes voltage in the network to which the apartment is connected.
  4. Availability.

The disadvantages include a large error, a high probability of theft of electricity.

Which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment: selection rules

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of metering devices for an apartment, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. At the same time, few people know how to choose an electric meter for an apartment so that it fully meets the requirements. We offer you to get acquainted with the main criteria and rules for choosing a suitable device.

How to choose an electric meter for an apartment by the number of phases

Manufacturers offer single and three-phase metering devices. When deciding which electric meter to choose, the location of the future installation should be taken into account. In an apartment, as a rule, a single-phase network is installed, supplying voltage of 220 V at a maximum load of 10 kW. That is why in apartments, cottages and private houses, a single-phase device is most often installed. If the house is connected to a three-phase network with a voltage supply of 380 V, then the choice is made in favor of a three-phase model.

What accuracy class should the electric meter have

Any metering device has a measurement error. This necessarily affects the accuracy of the readings. As a result, with the same number of kilowatts consumed, the readings of electricity meters may differ if they refer to different classes. The deviation from the real value is a few percent.

For household equipment installed in apartments, the average deviation is 2%. This means that if the consumer consumed 100 kW, the meter will display a value from 98 to 102 kW.

Attention! When choosing an electricity meter, remember that the lower the class, the greater the deviation.

The accuracy class of the device is placed on the front panel in a circle. Its value is equal to the measurement error. In addition to devices of the 2nd class of accuracy, it is permissible to install devices with an accuracy of 1; 0.7 or 0.5. However, their purchase will cost much more.

Which electricity meter to put on the number of tariffs

Modern models allow you to pay for the consumed electricity at various rates. They can be:

  • single tariff, allow you to pay at a single rate for any time of the day. All induction models are single-tariff;
  • two-tariff. The cost depends on the time of day. A single-phase two-tariff meter allows you to optimize costs. Tariff T1 is set for electricity consumed from 07:00 to 23:00, T2 - from 23:00 to 07:00;
  • multi-tariff. Such devices may have three or more tariffs. Night, corresponding to the time from 23 to 7-00, peak, falling on the maximum load of the network from 7 to 9 and from 17 to 20, as well as semi-peak, falling on the remaining time.

Types of electricity meters by current strength

Each meter is designed for a certain rated current. For single phase models given value is in the range of 5 ÷ 80 A, for three-phase - 50 ÷ 100 A. This range is conditional and depends on the specific model.

Attention! The value of the passed current has a direct impact on the cost of the electric meter. It is not advisable to purchase a model for an apartment with a significant margin of rated current.

When choosing a device, you should focus on the characteristics of the cable used to supply electricity to the apartment. It does not make sense to exceed the current strength for which the cable is designed.

Related article:

In the publication, we will consider why such meters are needed, what are their advantages and disadvantages, device, principle of operation, as well as an overview of popular models and manufacturers, recommendations from experts.

Requirements of Decree 442 on the replacement of electricity meters

Decree 442 is aimed at strengthening control over the electricity sales market. The document raises the requirements for the accuracy class of metering devices used in apartments and private houses by citizens of the Russian Federation.

Attention! Decree 442 on the replacement of electricity meters fixed the requirement to stop the production of metering devices with an accuracy class below the second, as well as their repair.

The duration of the check interval is set to six years. If the meter does not meet certain requirements, after the first verification, an order will be issued to replace it.

Such regulatory requirements are aimed at increasing the level of safety in the consumption of electricity. In this case, the replacement of meters should be carried out at the expense of the consumer. Such a requirement is established by article 221. In some cases, the replacement can be made at the expense of the municipal service, which is worth asking the representatives of the energy sales organization.

Terms of operation of the electric meter in the apartment

The service life is reflected in the data sheet of a particular device. If the manufacturer's recommendations are followed and properly configured, any meter will correctly calculate the amount of electricity consumed. That is why, throughout the entire period of operation of the electric meter in the apartment, the values ​​\u200b\u200breflected on the display can be considered reliable.

Modern devices can last 25÷30 years. The technical passport displays the date of the first verification, which was carried out at the manufacturing plant. The countdown is from this date. At the end of the service life, the meter must be replaced.

The planned verification of the device depends on its accuracy class. If the device:

  • first or second class, verification is made every 16 years. If violations of operation are detected or the error exceeds the standard value, the equipment must be replaced. After a re-check after 32 years from the start of operation, the time comes to replace the electric meter in the apartment;
  • accuracy class 2.5. Replacement is made after the next verification.

List of documentation for replacing the electric meter

The procedure for replacing a meter in an apartment building includes the following steps:

  • filing an application with the energy sales organization;
  • preparation of the necessary package of documents;
  • drawing up an act;
  • verification of the electric meter;
  • sealing the counter with the preparation of the relevant act.

Advice! When preparing documents, you should follow the recommendations of the relevant regulations.

The application should include the following information:

  • date and place where the document is issued;
  • name and contact information of the applicant;
  • the address at which the metering device is located;
  • requirements for the type and characteristics of a new electricity meter. If a voltage of 380 V is supplied to the house, a three-phase two-tariff meter will be required, which allows accounting for consumed kilowatts at two rates;
  • number and date of conclusion of the electricity supply contract.

How to change the electricity meter in the apartment? Provide a standard package of documents, which includes:

  • a document confirming the identity of the owner of the apartment.
  • if the application is submitted by another person, a power of attorney issued in accordance with all the rules is provided along with an identity document;
  • passport, which contains information about the place of registration.

The received documents are analyzed by the energy sales representatives. If a positive decision is made, at the time when electricity meters are installed in the apartment, a replacement act is drawn up, which the contractor and the applicant will have to sign. It provides:

  • the address where the meter will be replaced;
  • installation location;
  • technical characteristics of the meter to be replaced (type, number, production date, current readings);
  • technical characteristics of the new meter;
  • installation date;
  • information about the energy supply organization whose employees made the replacement.

Economic aspects of electricity meters

For those who decide which electricity meter is best for an apartment, the price of a particular model may be the main criterion in the selection process. The cost depends on the desired characteristics and design features. You can find out how much an electric meter costs, you can find out when you make an application at the energy sales organization. We suggest you find out the average prices so that you can prepare in advance for upcoming expenses.

How much does an electric meter cost

The cost of the model can become the main criterion when choosing a meter. A wide range allows you to choose suitable option for families of all income levels. How much does an electricity meter cost? You can find out average cost in the following table:

Model Counter characteristics Average price, rub.

Multi-tariff, 1st class1 800
One-rate, 1st class800

Two-tariff, 1st class8 050

Single-tariff, three-phase4 800

MERCURY 201.4 10-80 A 220 LCD
single phase1 050

How much does it cost to install an electric meter in an apartment?

The installation of metering equipment should be carried out by specialists of the energy sales organization or specialized companies providing a service of this kind. Only in this case it is possible to guarantee the stability of the device and the reliability of the displayed information. Of course, you will have to pay separately for such a service. Many subscribers are concerned about how much it costs to install an electric meter in an apartment? Perhaps you will have to pay more for installation than for the meter itself?

In fact, the cost depends on the characteristics of the selected equipment and on the services of which company the user decided to use:

Attention! Some companies set a separate price for installing an electricity meter of a certain model.

How much does it cost to replace an electric meter in an apartment?

If the energy sales organization issued an order to replace the meter, the consumer is obliged to do this as soon as possible. How much does it cost to replace an electric meter in an apartment? Depends on the device model. AT this case dismantling of the old counter and subsequent installation of a new one. For the replacement of a single-phase meter, you will have to pay 2,000 rubles, a three-phase one - 3,500 rubles.

After analyzing the information provided, everyone is able to decide which electric meter is better to put in the apartment. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Share in the comments which electricity meter you use at home and how satisfied you are with its functionality.

This article will help you decide which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment. Here is a complete classification of existing devices by type of construction and energy, number of phases, billing of these devices, as well as all data on their choice and correct installation. The article discusses the most popular models and current prices for them.

Which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment: classification of devices

When looking for where to buy a meter for electricity, it is important not to forget that the choice and purchase of a device must be made taking into account all factors. The device is not subject to return and exchange if there are reasons that prevent its installation, because the registration of the sale is accompanied by making the appropriate marks in the passport. This document contains a serial number as well as a stamp affixed by a government attorney.

Replacing the old with a new device is performed in the following cases:

  • non-compliance of the device with the requirements put forward by the power company;
  • device failure;
  • moving into new housing.

Note! There is only one reason for returning an electric energy meter - the presence of a factory defect.

Devices for calculating electrical energy are classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Construction type ( mechanical type or induction and electronic).
  2. Number of phases (single- and three-phase).
  3. Type of measured energy (devices for measuring reactive, active energy, as well as universal ones).
  4. Tariffs (one-, two- and multi-tariff).

Which electricity meter is better for an apartment: prices, advantages and disadvantages of devices

Now such a problem as the replacement of electricity meters is especially relevant, at whose expense the installation of the device worries many citizens. From a theoretical point of view, measuring devices are included in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the electricity supplier company., But in fact, the solution of the issue falls on the shoulders of residents living in an apartment or in a private house, who are required by law to have a device for metering consumed electricity, as well as to carry out its timely replacement in case of non-compliance with the requirements or serious damage.

There are more than 400 types of measuring equipment for electricity on the market. When the task is to buy electricity meters for an apartment, the price in this case is of secondary importance.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing an electronic type electricity meter

Electronic designs are complex devices whose main task is to convert the incoming signal into a digital data format. The result is reflected by a mechanical dial or screen.

Design advantages:

  • the error in the readings is very small;
  • functionality allows you to keep records within several tariffs;
  • the percentage of theft of electrical energy is very small.

Note! Electronic structures have additional functionality, which allows you to buy an electricity meter with a remote control, increased memory or a built-in clock.

Disadvantages of electronic type devices:

  • high sensitivity to sharp drops network voltage;
  • high price;
  • designs are not particularly reliable in relation to operation;
  • repairs are very expensive.

The average price of electricity meters in this category is in the range of 900-3100 rubles. The cost depends on the design features of the device and the availability of additional functions, as well as on the manufacturer. Before deciding to buy electric meters with a remote control, it is worth considering that the cost of remote-controlled devices is three times more than that of standard devices.

Prices for meters with remote control (remote control):

Instrument modelprice, rub.
Mercury 231 AM 01 380 5(60)8500
3F.1T.Mercury-230AM-02 10-100A 380V8500
3F.1T.CE6803V(M, W) 5-60A 230V 4PR.M6(M7)R32 DIN8500
3F.1T.CE6803V(M, W) 10-100A 230V 4PR.M6(M7)R32 DIN10000
3F.1T.TRIO U 1A4 DV 5-50A 220/380V G07 PL.COR.LEMZ10000
3F.1T.MERCURY-230AM-03 5-7.5A 380V 0.5S12000
Mercury 230 ART 01 WITH REMOTE25000

Why is it profitable to buy an induction electricity meter: strengths and weaknesses

Electromechanical devices are still found in old Soviet-era buildings. New generation devices have been significantly modified, however, they use a similar principle of operation. The design looks like a plastic box equipped with a viewing window. You can see through the glass rotational movements disk and electricity consumption credentials.

The meter is equipped with 2 coils that create electromagnetic fields due to the passing voltage. Thanks to these magnetic fluxes, an aluminum disk is set in motion, which affects the wheels that display numbers. The rotational speed of the disk in old electricity meters, as well as in new ones, depends on the volume of electricity consumption. This is also displayed on the indicators of the device.

Note! Obsolete induction devices gradually go out of circulation, although they are not without certain advantages.

Advantages of induction devices:

  • reliability in relation to operation, low percentage of breakdowns;
  • unlimited service life of electric meters;
  • sudden voltage drops in the electrical network do not have negative impact on the device;
  • affordable price.

This design option also has disadvantages:

  • significant errors often occur in the readings;
  • devices are absolutely not insured against theft of electricity;
  • the device performs independent (self-propelled accounting without the participation of consumers).

The cost of induction type electric meters varies between 750-3300 rubles.

Prices for induction accounting equipment:

Instrument modelprice, rub.
AGAT 1-1 SOE-52/50-11Sh 390141350
Mercury 201.5 63289865
CE 101 R5 145 M6 889631160
CE 101 S6 145 M6 889621145
CE-6803V M7R32 1477133260

Electricity meters: types of structures by the number of phases

On sale there are devices with one or three phases. You need to buy a single-phase electric meter if the apartment is powered by a single-phase network, consisting of 2 wires, with a voltage level of 220 V. In this case, the maximum allowable network load is 10 kW. This type accounting equipment is most often used in private houses and city apartments.

Note! It is allowed to connect the device to a three-phase power supply, however, for this you need 3 devices - a single-phase electric meter for each phase.

The price of single-phase electricity meters is on average 870-2700 rubles.

If the house is fed by a network with 3 phases and a voltage of 380 V, it would be more expedient to buy a three-phase electric meter. The need for such powerful equipment is due to the high energy consumption.

Most often, these networks are powered by:

  • apartment buildings;
  • small industries and factories;
  • workshops;
  • panel board general purpose.

average price three-phase electricity meters is in the range of 2800-3300 rubles.

This type of equipment is also used in the private sector, if devices with high power consumption are used:

  • three-phase electric motors;
  • electric boilers for heating;
  • welding machines and other specialized tools.

The price of three-phase electricity meters:

Instrument modelprice, rub.
Mercury 230 AM-02 534692847
CE-6803V M7R32 1477133258
Mercury 231 AM-01 824123079
CE 6803V М7P31 1332813089
Mercury 230 AM-01 357892847
Mercury 230 AM-03 471892847

What is better to put electric meters in the apartment according to the accuracy class

The operation of any accounting equipment is accompanied by some errors in relation to the readings. Differences in its indicators depend on which class the counter belongs to. A deviation of only a few percent from the actual volume of consumption is allowed.

Household devices for apartments have an average deviation of 2%. In practice, this manifests itself as follows: if the consumer has spent 100 kW of electricity, then the data displayed by the meter will be in the range of 98-102 kW.

Note! The lower the accuracy value (class) in the technical data sheet of the device, the less errors occur when metering electricity. Such counters are much more expensive than others.

If you determine which electricity meters are better, based on the error rate, you should give preference to the 2nd class of devices. On sale there are devices of several varieties with different percentages of error:

  • 0,2-05%;
  • 2,5%;
  • 1-2%.

Features of the choice of devices by accuracy class

Electricity consumerAccuracy class of instrument readingsMains voltage class
Electricity producersWithout Borders
Multi-family residential buildings1.0 and aboveWithout Borders
Consumers with power levels over 670 kW0.5 and above (units equipped with the function of measuring by the hour and the ability to store information for 3 months)Without Borders
Individuals2.0 and upWithout Borders
Consumers with a power level of less than 670 kW1.0 and aboveUp to 35 kW
0.5 and aboveOver 110 kW

Single-tariff and multi-tariff electricity meters: price and features

With the advent of electronic devices on the market, the system for recording data on consumed energy has changed significantly. Having completed the installation of an electric meter in an apartment, it is now possible to carry out accounting within several tariffs. Modern devices are able to support 2-3 tariffs, and some models even more.

How much do electricity meters cost: prices for four-tariff appliances:

The operation of a multi-tariff meter is based on a breakdown of accounting by time. For example, the calculation of energy consumption at a daily rate starts at 7.00 and ends at 23.00. The countdown of the night mode of billing starts at 23.00 and ends at 7.00.

Useful advice! The cost of electrical energy consumed in daytime, much higher than at night. All energy-intensive costs, such as laundry, can be scheduled for the night to save.

The price of day/night electricity meters is much higher than conventional one-rate ones. But not all apartments have a significant difference between the cost of electricity during the day and at night, so the cost of buying multi-tariff equipment may not pay off. Before buying, it is worth making cost calculations broken down by day / night and comparing them with the results of a single tariff.

If the savings reach 35-50%, you can safely replace the electric meter in the apartment with a multi-tariff one, but if the difference is only 100-200 rubles, then such an acquisition would be inappropriate.

How much do electric meters for an apartment cost: prices for single-tariff appliances:

Instrument modelprice, rub.
AGAT 1-1 SOE-52/50-11Sh 390141350
Mercury 201.5 63289865
Mercury 230 AM-02 534692845
CE 101 R5 145 M6 889631155
CE-6803V M7R32 1477133260

How to properly replace the electricity meter in the apartment

Devices of the modern generation are more advanced than older models, because they work out a fairly large amount of electrical energy, excluding the appearance of serious problems:

  • drops;
  • failures;
  • short circuits and fires.

Requirements of Decree 442 on the replacement of electricity meters

According to the updated Decree No. 442, the rules for controlling the market with the retail sale of electrical energy have been changed. The document prescribes that the transfer of readings from electricity meters used by citizens of the Russian Federation should be carried out using exclusively electrical appliances, and the minimum acceptable accuracy class of devices is 2.0.

Note! If the accuracy class of the device is less than the permissible value, it should be carried out. Such a device can be used for the duration of its declared service life or until a serious breakdown.

After Decree No. 442 was issued, the service life of electric meters corresponds to the duration of the intertest interval - 6 years. This means that an inappropriate device can be used until the first check by the authorities, then it must be replaced. To date, the production of devices with an accuracy class below 2.0 is stopped. Repairs are also not allowed.

On the one hand, the procedure for changing metering equipment is designed to increase the safety of electricity operation, on the other hand, the question arises at whose expense the replacement of electricity meters is carried out. Subject to Article 221, payment for the replacement is made by the owner of the dwelling.

There are circumstances in which payment is made by the municipal service. This applies to those contracts received during the installation of electricity meters in an apartment where there is a corresponding mark, otherwise the owner will cover all costs on his own.

Related article:

What is the best device to choose? The main characteristics of the devices. Review modern models. Connection and repair of rectifiers.

Terms of operation of the electric meter in the apartment

The operational life of any device is prescribed in the technical passport. During this period, subject to correct settings and the absence of violations of the operating rules, the device keeps a record of the energy consumed as accurately as possible. Therefore, all data obtained during this period can be considered reliable.

To check the service life of the device, just look at the technical data sheet. There is a note showing the time of the first check of the meter, performed on the territory of the manufacturing plant. Most often, the equipment is considered fit for 25-30 years, after which it is necessary to replace the device.

The terms for replacing electric meters in apartments are set after a scheduled check of the device:

  1. If there is a meter in the apartment with an accuracy class of 2.0 or 1.0, then the planned verification of electricity meters is performed every 16 years. In the process of control, errors and any violations can be detected. Then the metrological service will recommend replacing the equipment. The average service life of such devices is 32 years.
  2. If there is a device with an accuracy class of 2.5, the homeowner is obliged to replace the metering equipment after the expiration of its service life according to the technical passport. A signal for replacement can also be the detection of errors in the operation of the device.

Note! A law passed in 2012 mandates that all class 2.5 metering devices should be replaced with devices marked 2.0 or 1.0.

How much does it cost to replace electricity meters in apartments

All procedures for the installation of accounting equipment must be carried out by highly professional specialists. Electrical work is extremely difficult and dangerous. The electrician must have the right to carry out the unsealing and sealing of the meter. It is not forbidden to use the services of private companies, however, you should find out in advance whether the master has the appropriate permission. Otherwise, such actions may be illegal.

The cost of single-phase multi-tariff electricity meters Mercury is 1280-1400 rubles. The price of similar one-tariff devices is in the range of 670-700 rubles. Added to this is the cost of service for dismantling the old device, installing new equipment and connecting it.

Installation of electricity meters in the apartment: service prices:

Name of serviceprice, rub.
Installation of single-phase single-tariff equipment1500-2000
Installation of single-phase multi-tariff equipment1500-2000
Dismantling the device500
Installation of three-phase equipment with direct connection2500-3000
Installation / replacement of equipment on a support / pole5000-7000
Dismantling the device on a support/pole35000

How to change electricity meters in an apartment: features of the procedure

Replacement of metering equipment, as well as its maintenance, is one of the duties of the owner of the premises where the meter is located:

  1. If the device is installed in a common corridor or on a common site, it acts as public property. In this case, the expiration date of the electricity meter, as well as its timely replacement, are controlled by the Homeowners Association, the Management Company or the owner of the building, if it is the property of an organization or municipality.
  2. If the device is installed inside a store or apartment, the entire responsibility for its condition and replacement rests with the owner.

Note! If the contract with the tenant of the apartment indicates that the responsibility for installing metering equipment is assigned to the energy supply company, then the latter performs the procedure for a fee or allocates the amount from the funds already paid (depending on the contract).

How to replace electricity meters in an apartment: a list of documentation

For tenants apartment buildings there is a certain procedure for replacing electric meters:

  1. Submission of an application.
  2. Providing the necessary package of documents.
  3. Drawing up an act.
  4. Meter verification procedure.
  5. Sealing the device and issuing a certificate confirming this.

All documents are drawn up in accordance with the norms prescribed for them by law.

Information that appears in the application:

  1. Document's name.
  2. Date of compilation and place.
  3. The name of the applicant and his data (telephone, email and postal addresses).
  4. The address of the location of the facility where the equipment will be replaced.
  5. Requirements for a new device.
  6. Details assigned to the power supply contract.

To apply, you will need a standard package of documents provided for by the procedure:

  1. A document identifying the owner of the property where the meter is installed that needs to be replaced.
  2. A power of attorney, if the application is submitted by a representative of the property owner.
  3. Passport of a citizen with marks confirming registration.

Note! After reviewing the listed documents, the authorized bodies decide whether to replace the equipment. As a result, an act of replacement is signed between the contractor and the applicant.

Data recorded in the act:

  1. Place of installation of a new accounting device.
  2. The address where the apartment building is located.
  3. Technical data of devices to be replaced (date of manufacture, type of device, its number, it is necessary at the time of drawing up the act).
  4. Technical data of new devices.
  5. Date of installation of new equipment.
  6. Name of legal entity the person replacing the equipment.

The specialist fills in all the fields of the document in two copies, one of which is given to the applicant.

Mercury electricity meters: prices and reviews

The most popular manufacturer of electricity metering equipment on the market is Incotex. Mercury 201 electricity meters are the most popular and optimal single-phase type devices. This category devices is aimed at accounting for active energy.

The price of single-phase electricity meters Mercury 201 (single-tariff devices):

Instrument modelprice, rub.
Mercury 201.5 63289863
Mercury 201.6 836651577
Mercury 201.6 836651180
The price of single-phase electricity meters Mercury 200 ()
Mercury 200.02(R)1394
Mercury 200.04 (M)3089
Mercury 200.051771

Note! The prices for electricity meters Mercury 201 and 200, indicated in the table, may differ from the real data. The exact cost depends on the company involved in the sale of accounting equipment.

Below are the reviews left by buyers of electricity meters Mercury 201 reviews from the forums:

“My meter is in the entrance. The device worked properly, did not cause problems until receipts with large amounts began to arrive. It turns out that the device needed to be replaced a long time ago. As I was told, the readings of obsolete equipment are calculated according to the standards of electricity consumption per person without a meter. Most of the neighbors had Incotex devices, and I decided to stop at the Mercury counter. Upon closer examination, it turned out that the body is made entirely of plastic. This means that the device is completely safe. Numerical data on the dial is clearly visible. In general, I am satisfied with my purchase, although the old counter suited me quite well.

Victoria Bendas, Moscow

“When it came time to change the meter, on the advice of experts, I bought a single-phase one - Mercury 201. The device is safe and reliable. For six months of operation, I did not reveal any shortcomings. ”

Evgeny Doroshenko, Yekaterinburg

Features of connecting a single-phase electricity meter

For most models of devices, the connection diagram for single-phase electricity meters is directly the same. Single-phase equipment is equipped with 4 terminals, which is typical for devices in this category. Electrical cables are connected to them.

Rules for installing single-phase electric meters:

  1. Terminal No. 1 is the input to which the phase wire is connected.
  2. Terminal No. 2 - output for connecting el. wires leading to the apartment.
  3. Terminal No. 3 - input intended for neutral wire.
  4. Terminal No. 4 is the output to which the neutral wire is connected.

If you study in detail the diagram explaining how to connect single-phase electricity meters, even the owner of the apartment can handle this procedure. Most often, device manufacturers post instructions with inside boxes.

Note! At self-connection be sure to contact the power company to remove the seal and install it on the new appliance. Unsealed devices are not allowed to operate, so the installation of the seal should be carried out as soon as possible after the meter has been checked and connected.

To securely fix email. wires on the terminals of the device, it is recommended to use the screw fastening method. The terminals, which serve as outputs, pass current to the distributors and protective elements. The general purpose terminal for the neutral wire supplies "phase" to (protective elements) and fuses. For this reason, it would be more rational to install all the devices used in one shield.

Special protective shields increase the reliability of fixing the device and additional devices. The optimal mounting level of the shield is 170 cm from the floor. To make the counter convenient to use, this indicator is calculated based on the growth of the owner of the apartment.

Recommendations for installing metering equipment

To seamlessly install electricity meters, experts recommend using the appropriate tool:

Before performing work, you need to make sure that the lead wire is available. It must be turned off for the period when all work will be done, so this operation must be safe and painless.

Be sure to follow all safety rules, isolate all sections of wires with high quality and be extremely attentive to the implementation of each action. You also need to take care of obtaining the appropriate permission from the control authorities and have the necessary documents available.

Updated: 09/03/2018 14:44:57

Judge: Boris Mendel

It is difficult for the modern generation to imagine that in the days of the Soviet Union people consumed electricity without accounting for it. Today, the domestic market offers such a rich assortment of electric meters that it is not surprising to get confused. They differ in price, dimensions, design and purpose. The task is further complicated by the fact that every year more and more requirements for electricity meters are imposed by supervisory authorities. We are moving towards the fact that soon Energonadzor specialists will be able to control each user without leaving their cozy office. The first automated systems have already been launched, and information from consumer meters can be entered into them remotely. The advice of our experts will help users make the right choice.

How to choose an electricity meter

  1. Net. At the first stage, it is necessary to determine in which network the electricity meter will be installed. There are single-phase models (220 V), and there are devices for the power network (380 V).
  2. Tariffs. The cost of one kilowatt of electricity largely depends on the time of day. At peak load, the price reaches a maximum, while at night the cost of electricity is minimal. If the consumer can use this moment, it is worth choosing a multi-tariff meter.
  3. Accuracy of measurements. The most important factor when selecting a suitable device, there will be an accuracy of measurements. If the new meter shows twice as much as the old one, this is unlikely to please the owners of the house or apartment.
  4. Manufacturer. Domestic devices became the most popular among buyers. They are superior to imported analogues not only in price, but also in unpretentiousness, simplicity and durability.

Our review managed to get 12 of the best electric meters. Some of them are intended for domestic purposes, others are in demand in the industrial sector. For an objective selection, the following criteria were taken into account:

  1. technical specifications;
  2. affordability;
  3. assessment of the expert community;
  4. user reviews.

Rating of the best electricity meters

Nomination place Name of product price
The best single-phase single-tariff electricity meters 1 707 ₽
2 665 ₽
3 709 ₽
The best single-phase multi-tariff ELECTRICITY meters 1 6 220 ₽
2 1 879 ₽
3 1 056 ₽
4 1 624 ₽
The best three-phase electricity meters 1 33 060 ₽
2 3 489 ₽
3 3 510 ₽
4 3 880 ₽
5 2 459 ₽

The best single-phase single-tariff electricity meters

House and apartment owners most often use the simplest single-phase and single-tariff meters. This segment is dominated by Russian manufacturers. Experts noted several high-quality models.

Accuracy of readings and reliability have become the main trump cards of the Energomer CE 101 R5 145 electric meter in the fight for the first place in the rating. These qualities are highly appreciated by experts, they are often mentioned in the forums. The device is designed to account for electricity in a household network (220 V). The reliability of the model is ensured by a durable case, and fastening is carried out on a DIN rail. The domestic product is compact in size (110x89x72.5 mm), and it weighs only 400 g. The operating temperature range is from -30C to +70C.

Users speak positively about the ease of operation, compact size, accuracy and design. Some consumers complain about the short service life.



  • not expressed.

The counter Incotex Mercury 201.5 differs from the rating winner in a more affordable price. This model is designed to account for electricity in a single-phase network, it has the first class of accuracy. Screwless housing prevents penetration outsiders inside, the manufacturer chose the mounting method on a DIN rail. The device is capable of operating in wide range temperatures (-40...+55°C), which significantly expands the scope. The counter is approximately similar to the leader in terms of dimensions and weight, but the counting mechanism of the model is mechanical.

Experts gave the second place to the device for insufficient reliability. Many users complain about a quick failure, some consumers note an increased amount of metered electricity.


  • low price;
  • simple mechanism;
  • compact dimensions.


  • overestimate;
  • fragility.

The best price for a single-phase meter is offered by the domestic manufacturer Taipit. Model Neva 103 1SO has a beautiful appearance, modern electronic filling. It is convenient to take readings thanks to a clear electromechanical device. Readings can be taken from the instrument panel even in the absence of electricity. The manufacturer equipped the device with a DIN rail mount. Unlike competitors, the meter has a reliable clamping unit in which the brackets are fixed with bolts. All these qualities allowed the product to get into the top three of the rating.

Users found some shortcomings during operation. First of all, the device overestimates the readings, which can be explained by incorrect settings. And the cunning guarantee system will not allow you to return the counter in case of failure.


  • low price;
  • reliable clamping unit;
  • large numbers on the scoreboard.


  • overestimate;
  • a cleverly crafted guarantee.

The best single-phase multi-tariff electricity meters

In a number of regions, there is a significant difference in the day and night tariffs. Therefore, it is possible to save on electricity consumption by installing multi-tariff meters. Experts have identified several suitable devices.

The two-tariff Swedish meter Abb FbB 11205-108 is designed for a single-phase network with a current strength of 10 to 80 A. The multifunctional device allows you not only to keep records of consumed electricity at two rates. It has a clock that indicates the exact time and date, and the switching of tariffs can be configured according to the schedule. The case of the device is reliably protected from moisture and dust; a DIN rail is used for mounting.

Long uninterrupted operation of the device has become main reason wins in our ranking. Many users have appreciated the reliability, compactness and accuracy of measurements. The Swedish counter quickly pays for itself, despite the high price. Sometimes there are problems with setting up two-tariff accounting, but all issues are resolved with the help of power engineers.


  • quality manufacturing;
  • elegant appearance;
  • multifunctionality;
  • uninterrupted work.


  • high price.

The Mercury 200.02 counter of the domestic company Intotex is distinguished by a quick payback period. The combination of an affordable price and multi-tariff accounting allows homeowners to save a lot of money. The most rational decision to purchase this device would be for users who have powerful heating devices in their house or apartment, for example, a boiler, electric boiler or underfloor heating. The manufacturer has provided the possibility of connecting his product to an automated accounting system. To do this, the device has a PLC modem. The monthly electricity consumption is remembered, which can be very useful in controversial moments with supervisory authorities.

The disadvantages of the model, the experts attributed the impressive dimensions, as well as the lack of backlighting.


  • affordable price;
  • PLC modem;
  • 4-tariff accounting;
  • fast payback period.


EKF Skat 105E/1-5(60) TOI4 multi-tariff

The honorable third place in the rating in the category of multi-tariff single-phase meters is occupied by the EKF Skat 105E / 1-5 (60) TOI4 model. It is designed for installation indoors, where the temperature falls within the range of -30...+55°C. The scope of the device is residential buildings, apartments, garages and offices. Experts singled out such advantages of the meter as low own power consumption, protection against voltage surges and powerful impulse noise, technological margin for accuracy class, durability, 5-year warranty from the manufacturer. The universal mount allows both DIN rail and traditional panel mounting.

Users are satisfied with the low price of the device, ease of installation and operation. The device is inferior to the leaders in functional content and dimensions.


  • low price;
  • 5 year warranty;
  • low power consumption;
  • universal mount.


  • modest functionality.

The Energomer CE102M S7 145-JV meter got into our rating thanks to optimal combination prices and quality. This model was awarded the "Product of the Year of Russia" award. The device has a number of modern options. The display clearly shows all necessary information, and the duration of the tariff display can be independently adjusted. This makes it easier to capture data, especially for older people. The device's memory can store all information on energy metering for the past year, and the data is saved even after a long disconnection from the network. The manufacturer has provided the ability to connect the meter to automated system accounting.

An attractive moment for users is not only low cost, but also a guarantee for 5 years. The low level of reliability did not allow to get into the top three of the model.



  • unreliability;
  • the assembly is lame.

The best three-phase electricity meters

Owners of country houses, owners of workshops, service stations, as well as heads of large enterprises are turning their attention to three-phase electricity meters. At right choice You can save a lot of money on electricity. For some, it is better to choose a single-tariff model, and for others, a multi-tariff one.

The hallmark of the French three-phase meters Schneider Electric iEM3000 is the high accuracy of readings. This quality is especially appreciated in data processing centers, in the industrial and construction sector, where there is a large consumption of electricity. The model is equipped with all modern functions, which simplifies the taking of readings for the consumer. The device can be integrated into an automatic distribution system thanks to a dedicated Smartlink. The device is mounted in an electrical cabinet using a DIN rail.

For the accuracy of the readings, smooth operation and durability counter becomes the winner of the ranking. Users are completely satisfied with his work, only the price is high for ordinary home and apartment owners.


  • high accuracy of readings;
  • wide functionality;
  • reliability and durability.


  • high price.

The domestic electricity meter Mercury 231 AT-01 took second place in the rating for an affordable price and the presence of an IRDA interface. Such a symbiosis allows the owners of shops, small enterprises or workshops to quickly recoup their investments. And the counter can be adjusted to new conditions. regulatory framework without opening the device and without turning off the power. You can set up the model for 2-4 different tariffs, taking into account 16 daily zones. The device's memory contains a log that stores information for the last 11 months. The device is equipped with two degrees of protection against penetration.

Users note the simplicity and ease of use of the counter. Automatic self-diagnosis detects problems at an early stage in a timely manner. The disadvantage of the model is the measurement of only active energy.


  • affordable price;
  • wireless data access;
  • reliability and aesthetic design.


  • does not read reactive energy.

Owners of houses and workshops that work on the same temporary tariff should pay attention to three-phase meter electricity CE300 R31 043-J. This affordable appliance has an LCD screen that displays electricity consumption figures. The device is mounted directly to the power network or used as an intermediate link transformer. The domestic device was created taking into account the harsh Russian winter, it retains its performance even at -40 ° C. The model will regularly serve both in a residential building and in unheated workshops or garages. Although affordable, the meter has modern options such as DIN rail or intrusion protection.

According to users, the model favorably differs in price, ease of installation and unpretentiousness. Weak side tool steel common mistakes at work.


  • affordable price;
  • LCD screen;
  • accounting for energy in two directions.


  • There may be malfunctions.

Another single-tariff three-phase electricity meter was included in our review. This is the Energomer model CE300 R31 145-J. The device proved to be excellent when working in private homes, small car repair shops and woodworking shops. The device is made as simple as possible, which has a positive impact on the price. The accuracy class (1), narrow terminals for connecting wires did not allow the meter to get into the top three in the rating. It is the last drawback that users are most often dissatisfied with.

The device is not without annoying failures that occur during voltage drops in the mains. Therefore, in regions with unstable power supply, additional stabilizers will have to be installed.


  • low price;
  • ease of connection and operation;
  • wide temperature range (-40...+60°С).


  • direct measurement;
  • narrow terminals.

Incotex Mercury 230 AM-03

The Russian meter Mercury 230 AM-03 closes our rating of three-phase electricity meters. This model is also designed for single tariff power consumption, so it is simple and reliable. In addition, the device is inexpensive, it is also an additional trump card in the competition in the domestic market.

The device in modern times loses somewhat to the leaders of the rating. The manufacturer has equipped the electricity meter with an analog type of indication; it does not have an interface. It takes into account active energy in one direction, there is a backstop, which prevents the readings from being rewound in the opposite direction. The indicator light indicates the presence of current by emitting a red color.


  • affordable price;
  • 3 year warranty;
  • simplicity and reliability.


  • analog indication;
  • modest functional equipment.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

In today's world, these devices are indispensable. After all, everyone in the house has electrical wiring, therefore, there must be an electric meter. But here's the problem. As soon as the time comes to replace or, we go to the store and a flurry of variety of choices falls upon us. We start to get lost and end up choosing the wrong thing. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out what counters are, and which one is right for you. Today, there are two main types of meters: induction (mechanical) and electronic.

Induction (mechanical) electricity meters

Fig.1. Induction single-phase electricity meter

Spinning disc counters are familiar to almost everyone. These are the ones that have a spinning wheel behind a transparent panel. Surely, many have watched the speed of its rotation more than once - the higher the speed, the greater the energy consumption. And the counter readings are indicated by numbers on special reels.

Principle of operation such counters is as follows. The electric meter has 2 coils (Fig. 2 - 1 and 4 pointers) - a voltage coil (serves as a limiter alternating current, an obstacle to interference, etc., creates a magnetic flux commensurate with the voltage) and a current coil (creates an alternating magnetic flux commensurate with the current).

Fig.2. The principle of operation of the induction electric meter

The magnetic fluxes created by the coils penetrate the aluminum disc (Fig. 2, pointer 5). In this case, the flows that the current coil creates penetrate the disk several times due to its U-shape. As a result, electromechanical forces appear, which rotate the disk.

Further, the axis of the disk interacts with the counting mechanism in the form of a worm (gear-screw) transmission (Fig. 3), which transmits the necessary signals and information to the digital drums. The higher the torque of the disk, the higher the power of the supplied signal (the torque is equivalent to the power of the network), and hence the greater the power consumption.

Fig.3. Worm-gear

When the power of the applied electromagnetic signal decreases, the permanent magnet braking (Fig. 2, pointer 3). It evens out fluctuations in the frequency of rotation of the disk due to interaction with vortex flows. The magnet creates an electromechanical force that is inverse to the torsion of the disc. This causes the drive to slow down or stop altogether.

This group of counters is the cheapest and simplest. Widely used induction electricity meters in Soviet time(and at the present time, most of the apartments have just such devices installed). But gradually they are being replaced by electronic meters due to a number of shortcomings of induction devices. For example, induction electricity meter cannot take readings automatically, and there is often an error in the readings.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction meters


  1. Reliable in use
  2. Many years of operation of the meter
  3. Independence from power fluctuations
  4. Cheaper than electronic


  1. The accuracy class is quite low - 2.0; 2.5
  2. Virtually no protection against theft of electrical energy
  3. High own current consumption
  4. At low loads, the error increases (the lower the accuracy class, the greater the error)
  5. When accounting for several types of electricity (active and reactive), it becomes necessary to use several energy meters
  6. Energy accounting is carried out in one direction
  7. Large dimensions of devices

Electronic electricity meters

Fig.4. Electronic electricity meter

These devices are somewhat more expensive than induction, but today they are the most profitable and priority meters to use. They have a higher accuracy class and allow you to take into account multi-tariff.

Electronic electricity meters work by converting the input analog signal from the current sensor into digital code, equivalent to power consumption. This code is sent to be decrypted to a special microcontroller. After that, the amount of electricity consumed is displayed on the display (or digital drum).

The most important component of these counters is the microcontroller. It is he who analyzes the signal and calculates the amount of electricity consumed. And also transmits information to the output, electromechanical devices and display.

Fig.5. The principle of operation of an electronic electricity meter

The device itself consists of a housing, a current transformer, a signal converter and a billing module. If we disassemble in more detail, the counter also includes:

  • LCD display (or digital drum)
  • secondary power supply (converts alternating voltage)
  • microcontroller (calculates input pulses, calculates consumed electricity, exchanges data with other nodes and meter circuits)
  • converter (converts an analog signal to a digital one and then converts it into a pulse signal equivalent to the consumed energy)
  • supervisor (generates a reset signal during power failures, outputs an alarm when the input voltage drops)
  • memory (stores electricity data)
  • telemetry output (receives a pulse signal about energy consumption)
  • real time clock (counting current time and date)
  • optical port (reads the meter readings and also programs it)

Advantages and disadvantages of electronic electricity meters


  1. Accuracy class - from 1.0 - high
  2. Multitariff (from 2)
  3. One meter is enough when accounting for several types of electrical energy
  4. Energy accounting is carried out in 2 directions
  5. Measure the quality and volume of power
  6. Store electricity metering data
  7. Data is easily accessible
  8. In case of theft of electricity, unauthorized access is detected
  9. Possibility to take readings remotely
  10. Can be used for automated technical metering and control of electricity metering (ASTUE and ASKUE)
  11. Long term metrological interval (LMI)
  12. Small in size


  1. Very sensitive to voltage fluctuations
  2. More expensive than induction
  3. Quite difficult to repair

Marking on electricity meters

In addition to the types of counters, there are a few more nuances that you should be aware of. On any electric meter there is a certain marking, conditionally indicated by letters and numbers.

Fig.6. Designations on the electric meter

FROM Device type (meter)
A, R Type of metered energy (active energy/reactive energy)
O Single phase meter
3, 4 Number of phase wires in the network (four-wire / three-wire)
At Versatility
And Type of measuring system (induction counter). Next may be three-digit number , which means the design of the meter (the design of the meter can be induction or electronic).
T Tropical meter type
P, M Execution type (straight-through - if there is no connection to the transformer / modernized). Further abbreviations may be "380/220 17A, 2001", which means the operating voltages in the wires, the maximum current flow and the year of manufacture. Also at the end of the inscription may be factory number.

As for the accuracy class of the electric meter, these parameters determine the accuracy of the readings of the consumed electricity. In apartments, as a rule, class 2.0 meters are installed, but they can be higher. What does this mean? And the fact that your electricity meter can take into account 2% more or less electricity from its own capacity. Or, more simply, the error of the counter. The smaller the number, the smaller the error. In general, in domestic conditions, a class 2.0 electric meter is sufficient. Higher accuracy classes are more likely to be needed in plants where more power is needed.

So, today we can not limit ourselves in the choice of electric meters. Each of them has its own specific features and functions. In this article, we have analyzed the main features of these devices and the principles of their operation, which will help you navigate the variety of choices.

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