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T.V. Mishatkina

Ethics and etiquette

Etiquette is reason for those who do not have it Voltaire

Good manners are more important than virtue O. Wilde

The culture of communication, which determines how we feel in society, how people treat us: they love us or neglect us, is based on the observance of certain rules called etiquette. These rules have been developed by mankind for thousands of years - since the late Middle Ages. They regulate what is permissible and acceptable in a given society or in a given situation, and what is not. Of course, etiquette determines only the forms, the “technique” of communication, therefore, knowing the rules of etiquette in itself is not enough to be considered a cultured, well-mannered person. Behavior in society should be based on the general principles and norms of morality, demonstrating the connection between ethics And etiquette. Every issue related to etiquette must be dealt with in the light of ethical standards. Our manners are a reflection of our ethical ideas. Politeness and attention to people, sympathy and the ability to understand another person - these high ethical qualities that underlie moral behavior are reflected in simple norms of etiquette.

What is etiquette?

There are many definitions of etiquette. One of the most common reads: etiquetteis a set of rules of conduct adopted in society.

Sometimes etiquette is defined as:

    regulations behavior(behavior - from the "veda" - knowledge);

    regulations courtesy(politeness - also from "know", know);

    regulations propriety(decency - from the "face", "image", the person's face);

    culture actions and manners (“cultural” - in contrast to “natural”, “wild”, means “man-made, organized, ordered”).

Etiquette applies to all areas of life: specific rules prescribe how to maintain hygiene, talk, dress, behave at the table, in a team, in a family, in public places, theater, outdoor, etc. Without respect for the norms of etiquette, interpersonal, cultural, business and even political relations are impossible, because it is impossible to exist without respecting each other, without imposing certain restrictions on one's behavior.

The etiquette contains general human norms of communication, preserved for thousands of years and characteristic of many peoples. Therefore, they are observed (or should be observed) by representatives not only of a particular society, but by all people. For example, simple rules of politeness, greetings, expression of gratitude are inherent in all people without exception.

Of course, various peoples made their own corrections and additions to etiquette, related to the peculiarities of their own culture. Therefore, etiquette also reflects specific national peculiarities communication: traditions, customs, rituals, rituals corresponding to the historical conditions of life different peoples. So, the celebration of holidays - New Year or Christmas, wedding ceremonies and birthdays are celebrated by different peoples in different ways, meeting their moral and aesthetic needs.

In addition, as the living conditions of people change, the growth of education and culture in society, some rules of behavior are replaced by others. What used to be considered indecent becomes generally accepted, and vice versa.

Thus, the requirements of etiquette are historical character, they are not absolute, they relative observance of them depends on the place, time and circumstances. Behavior that is unacceptable in one place and under one circumstance may be appropriate in another place and under other circumstances. The rules of etiquette are conditional, they seem to be in the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted in people's behavior and what is not. This convention is explained by the fact that the task of etiquette is to offer people such forms - stereotypes of behavior that can facilitate communication and understanding between them. Therefore, etiquette can be considered as a special form of manifestation of moral culture, because good manners are external reflection internal human culture, his moral qualities.

True, there are exceptions. So, high inner spirituality, kindness and decency of a poorly educated simple person may not be manifested in his manners - because of ignorance of the rules of etiquette. And vice versa: the refined manners of a courteous dude and womanizer are not yet evidence of his moral culture.

In addition, all types of their communication: speech addressed to elders, peers, younger at a meeting and parting; manner of moving, eating, wearing clothes and jewelry, celebrating sad and joyful events, receiving guests - a person tries to give not only moral, but also aesthetic character. It is no coincidence that we say: "beautiful manners, beautiful behavior, beautiful gestures, postures, facial expressions." Therefore, it can be said that the aesthetic form of manifestation of the moral culture of a person accepted in society is calledetiquette.

So, etiquette is a large and important part of human culture, morality and morality, developed over many centuries by the combined efforts of people in accordance with their ideas about goodness, justice, humanity, beauty and order in their own lives.

Every cultured person should not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand their necessity. The ability to behave in society is very important: it facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates good, stable relationships. Let us consider the specific rules of human behavior in different situations.

Each of us at least once was called to observe etiquette. Do you really know what etiquette is? If you find it difficult to answer this question, then let's figure it out together!

Etiquette is part of our culture; all those rules and norms that describe how a person should behave among other people. The use of this concept in the form in which it exists today is attributed to Louis XIV. However, the very rules of conduct at certain events and in different situations existed in antiquity. So, "Domostroy" (XVI century) is the first known Russian set of rules of conduct.

Etiquette changes over time. Therefore, what was mandatory 100 years ago today will seem at least strange. Norms and rules of etiquette "adjust" to each era.

If everything is clear with the very understanding of the term "etiquette", then what is etiquette for? Is it so important to comply with existing norms? Since etiquette is not a set of binding rules, everyone is free to decide for himself whether to adhere to it or not. However, following etiquette can make your life much easier.

Firstly, etiquette is those norms and rules that are known to many, which means that by adhering to them, you can always find mutual language with the people around you. Secondly, your knowledge of etiquette contributes to a polite and respectful attitude towards people in general, and directly to those with whom you are dealing. And, as you know, your attitude towards others affects how they will treat you. Thus, etiquette is the rules of the game that people agree to follow in order to make life easier in society.

Speech etiquette

We have dealt with the concept of etiquette. But there are several types of etiquette, among which speech etiquette. What is speech etiquette? The very concept of "etiquette" is quite broad, and includes not only norms of behavior, but also clothes, attitude towards people, manners and more. As for speech etiquette, it is still the same set of rules or norms that determines exactly how a person should build his communication.

So, for example, people who are much older than you in age or position should be addressed by name and patronymic. On the other hand, it is enough to address people close to you by name. Speech etiquette also determines which type of communication to choose depending on the situation.

Speech etiquette is all those words that have already become part of our Everyday life and are indicators of politeness. These include, for example, wishes for a good day or health, as well as words of greeting and farewell.

Business Etiquette

In addition to speech etiquette, business etiquette plays an important role in our lives. What is business etiquette, and what are the components of this type of etiquette? Business etiquette is established rules for behavior in business area; those. the order of conduct that we adhere to at work.

Business etiquette consists of the following parts:

  • non-verbal communication - gestures, facial expressions, gait, etc.;
  • manners of the subordinate and leader;
  • business clothes;
  • features of the etiquette of the country, a particular area;
  • speech etiquette;
  • negotiation etiquette, including telephone;
  • Internet etiquette.

Etiquette is what will help to achieve success not only in work, but also in everyday communication. Knowing how to behave in a certain situation will set you apart from other people.

IN modern society Recently, people have often begun to talk about the rules of etiquette. What is this concept? Where did it originate? What are its features and types? It is about etiquette and its significance in society that will be discussed in the article.

The origin of the concept and its meaning

The main types of etiquette are: court, diplomatic, military, general. Most of the rules coincide, but great importance is attached to the diplomatic one, since deviation from its norms can harm the prestige of the country and complicate its relations with other states.

Rules of conduct are established in many areas of human life, and depending on them, etiquette is divided into:

  • business;
  • speech;
  • canteen;
  • universal;
  • religious;
  • professional;
  • wedding;
  • festive and so on.

General rules of etiquette in specific situations

Greeting is the very first and main rule of conduct cultured person, since ancient times it has been a criterion of upbringing of a person. For more than 40 years, the world has been celebrating Hello Day every year.

The second main rule of etiquette is the possession of a culture of communication. Her skills and ability to conduct a conversation allow you to achieve what you want and conduct a competent and polite dialogue with people.

Currently, telephone conversations are the most common form of communication among the population, therefore great importance telephone etiquette, or the ability to conduct this kind of conversation, plays in society. It is customary in a telephone conversation to clearly express one's thoughts, to be able to stop in time to give the interlocutor an opportunity to speak. Some companies provide special training for employees on the ability to conduct telephone conversations.

Good manners are the main component of cultural communication, some of them are taught to us from childhood, and we master the rest in everyday adult life.

The essence of etiquette and its significance in society

From a practical point of view, the meaning of etiquette lies in the fact that it allows people to use forms of politeness to communicate with other people.

It is important in communication appearance a person, the ability to behave correctly in public places, at a party, at holidays.

Of considerable importance are the manner of speaking, the ability to tactfully conduct a conversation. To be a good interlocutor, you need to know what you are talking about, to be able to express your thoughts in such a way that they are interesting to the interlocutor.

You need to be able to manage your negative emotions and negative mood. According to the rules of etiquette, the most The best way defeating negativity is a human smile.

Society appreciates the ability to listen to the interlocutor, attention and attentiveness, the ability to come to the rescue in time and provide a service to someone who needs it.

By the behavior of a person, his skill and style of communication with other people, you can easily determine the level of his upbringing.

So what is etiquette? This is a set of rules and manners of behavior generally accepted in society, as well as a culture of actions. The established rules of communication and behavior of people reflect their way of life, living conditions, customs, therefore etiquette is also the national culture of the state.

ETIQUETTE (fr. - etiquette - label, label) - a set of rules of conduct relating to the external manifestation of attitude towards people - (treatment with others, forms of address and greetings, in public places, and clothing). E. - component external culture eb-va (Culture of behavior). It includes those of its requirements, to-rye acquire the character of a strictly per - lacent ceremonial and in compliance with which it has special meaning certain form behavior. Although E. ultimately expresses the content of those. or other principles of morality, respect for a person, in a class society, as a rule, it becomes a conditional ritual, has a purely external form, divorced from its moral content, a strictly canonized character. It is expressed in complex system detailed rules of courtesy, clearly classifies the rules for dealing with representatives various classes and estates, with officials in accordance with their rank (who should be addressed properly, who should be titled as), the rules of conduct in various circles (court E., diplomatic E., E. of the "highest society", etc.). At the same time, for strict observance of E; an unfriendly w disrespectful attitude towards people can be hidden. He. in essence, it is often a legalized form - hypocrisy in everyday relationships between people. Emotion is built on a completely different basis in socialist society, reflecting the process of democratization of social life and the establishment of truly humane relations between people. E. here is greatly simplified, becomes incomparably more free and natural, acquires the meaning of everyday benevolent and respectful attitude towards all people, regardless of their position and social status. Courteous treatment of a woman, respectful attitude towards elders, forms of address and greetings, rules of conversation, bringing at the table, treating guests, fulfilling requirements; imposed on a person’s clothing in various circumstances, all these laws of decency embody general ideas about the dignity of man, the simple demands of convenience and ease in the relationship of people. The emphasis on external form is manifested here only insofar as it reflects ideas about beauty in the behavior and appearance of a person (ethical and aesthetic). On the whole, E. under socialism coincides with general requirements courtesy, it is based ultimately on socialist humanism. As for the ritual forms of E., they are preserved in the main. only in the sphere of diplomatic relations (compliance with the so-called diplomatic protocol). But they also reflect a fundamentally new thing in people's relations - they provide for equal treatment of representatives of different countries.

Ethics Dictionary. - M.: Politizdat. Ed. I. Kona. 1981 .


See what "ETIKETE" is in other dictionaries:

    ETIQUETTE- (fr.). 1) rules and forms of address at court, in the highest circle, etc. 2) a piece of paper with the designation of the company, price, product name, etc., pasted on the product. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ETIQUETTE 1) ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ETIQUETTE- Etiquette, etiquette, husband. (French étiquette). 1. only units Established order mode of action, behavior, forms of treatment (in high society, at court, etc.). Observe etiquette. Court etiquette. “As for how to behave, keep the tone, ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    Etiquette- Education * Greatness * Genius * Common sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Deed * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Mystery * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    etiquette- See decency... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. etiquette, sign, decency; politeness, decency, bonton, decency Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    etiquette- Appetite, jackboot, galvanism, hood, flirt, chest of drawers, fashion, public, role, roulette, symmetry, stage, toilet, shandal, screen, selfishness, crew, etiquette. If we leave aside card argotism, then words borrowed from foreign languages, in ... History of words

    ETIQUETTE- male, French rank, order, secular custom of external rites and decency; accepted, conditional, breaking politeness; ceremonial; outward certitude. tny, related to this, to observe etiquette with importance and perseverance, as if it were a matter of business. Explanatory ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    ETIQUETTE- (from French étiquette). A system of requirements established in a particular culture for human behavior in various situations. In language classes, speech etiquette is studied as a set of rules of speech behavior that are implemented with ... ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    Etiquette- traditionally accepted rules of conduct.

Being in society, we cannot disobey certain rules and foundations, because this is the key to comfortable coexistence with others. Almost every resident modern world familiar with such a word as "etiquette". What does it mean?

The first origins of etiquette

Etiquette (from the French Etiquette - label, inscription) is accepted norms behavior of people in society, which should be followed in order to avoid awkward situations and conflicts.

It is believed that the concept of "good manners" arose in ancient times, when our ancestors began to unite in communities and live in groups. Then there was a need to develop a certain set of rules that would help people control their behavior and get along together without resentment and disagreement.

Women respected their husbands, earners, the younger generation was brought up by the most experienced members of the community, people worshiped shamans, healers, gods - all these are the first historical roots that laid the meaning and principles of modern etiquette. Before his appearance and formation, people were disrespectful to each other.

Etiquette in Ancient Egypt

Before our era, many famous people tried to come up with their most diverse recommendations about how a person should behave at the table.

One of the popular and famous manuscripts in the III millennium BC, which has come down to us from the Egyptians, was a collection of special advice called "Teachings of Kochemni", written to teach people good manners.

This collection collected and described advice for fathers, recommending that their sons be taught the rules of decency and good manners so that in society they behave appropriately and do not tarnish the honor of the family.

Already at that time, the Egyptians considered it necessary to use cutlery during the dinner meal. It was required to eat beautifully, with a closed mouth, without making unpleasant sounds. Such behavior was regarded as one of the main advantages and virtues of a person, and was also important component cultural component.

However, sometimes the requirements for observing the rules of decency reached the point of absurdity. There was even a saying: "Good manners make the king a slave."

Etiquette in Ancient Greece

The Greeks believed that it was necessary to wear beautiful clothes, behave with family, friends and just acquaintances with restraint and calmness. It was customary to dine in a circle of close people. Fight only fiercely - do not retreat a single step and do not beg for mercy. It was here that table and business etiquette was first born, special people appeared - ambassadors. They were given documents on two cards folded with each other, which were called "diploma". This is where the term "diplomacy" comes from.

In Sparta, on the contrary, a sign of good taste was a demonstration of the beauty of one's own body, so the inhabitants were allowed to walk naked. An impeccable reputation required dining out.

The era of the Middle Ages

In this dark time for Europe, the decline of development in society began, nevertheless, people still adhered to the rules of good manners.

In the 10th century A.D. e. Byzantium flourished. According to the code of etiquette, the ceremonies here were held very beautifully, solemnly, magnificently. The task of such an exquisite event was to dazzle the ambassadors from other countries and demonstrate the power and greatest power of the Byzantine Empire.

The first popular teaching on the rules of conduct was the work "Discipline of Clericalis" published only in 1204. Its author was P. Alfonso. The teaching was intended specifically for the clergy. Taking this book as a basis, people from other countries - England, Holland, France, Germany and Italy - published their own etiquette manuals. Most of these rules were the rules of conduct at the table during meals. Questions about how to make small talk, receive guests and arrange events were also covered.

A little later, the word "etiquette" itself appeared. He was introduced into constant use by the well-known Louis XIV- King of France. He invited guests to his ball and handed out special cards to everyone - “labels”, where the rules of conduct at the holiday were written.

Knights appeared with their own code of honor, a huge number of new rituals and ceremonies were created, where initiations took place, accepted vassalage, concluded an agreement on serving the lord. At the same time, a cult of worship arose in Europe. beautiful ladies. Knightly tournaments began to be held, where men fought for the chosen one, even if she did not reciprocate them.

Also in the Middle Ages, the following rules arose and to this day there are such rules: shaking hands at a meeting, removing a headdress as a sign of greeting. In this way, people showed that they had no weapons in their hands and that they were determined to negotiate peace.

Lands of the Rising Sun

For example, refusing a mug of water or a sidelong glance could lead to a whole war of clans, which could last for years until the complete destruction of one of them.

Chinese etiquette has more than thirty thousand different ceremonies, ranging from the rules of tea drinking to marriage.

Renaissance era

This time is characterized by the development of countries: their interaction with each other is improving, culture is flourishing, painting is developing, technical process. The concept of the effect of body cleanliness on health is also emerging: people begin to wash their hands before eating.

In the 16th century, table etiquette stepped forward: people began to use forks and knives. In place of pomp and festivity comes modesty and humility. Knowledge of the rules and norms of etiquette becomes hallmark elegance and extravagance.

The history of the development of etiquette in the Russian state

Starting from the Middle Ages and until the reign of Peter I, Russian people studied etiquette from the book of the monk Sylvester "Domostroy", published under Tsar Ivan IV. According to its charter the man was considered the head of the family, whom no one dared to argue with. He could decide what was good for his loved ones and what was bad, had the right to punish his wife for disobedience and beat the children as educational methods.

European etiquette has come to Russian state during the reign of Emperor Peter I. The artillery and naval education originally created by the ruler was replaced by a special school where secular manners were taught. One of the most famous was the work on etiquette "An honest mirror of youth, or Indications for everyday behavior", written in 1717, which was repeatedly rewritten.

Unequal marriages between people of various classes were allowed. People now had the right to enter into marriages with those who were divorced, with monks and clergy who had been stripped. Previously, this was not possible.

The rules and norms of behavior for women and girls were most complicated. Prohibitions pursued the female sex from the very cradle. Young girls were strictly forbidden to dine at a party, talk without permission, show their skills in languages ​​or any other field. However, they had to be able at a certain moment to blush shamefacedly, suddenly faint and smile charmingly. The young lady was forbidden to go out alone or be alone with a man for even a couple of minutes, despite the fact that he could be her good friend or fiance.

The rules required the girl to wear modest clothes, speak and laugh only in a hushed voice. Parents were obliged to monitor what their daughter reads, what kind of acquaintances she makes, and what entertainment she prefers. After marriage, the rules of etiquette for a young woman softened a bit. However, she, as before, did not have the right to receive male guests in the absence of her husband, to go out alone to social events. After marriage, a woman tried very carefully to monitor the beauty of her speech and demeanor.

Events for high society to the most early XIX centuries included both public and family invitations. Various balls and masquerades must have been held during all three months of winter, because this was the main place for making acquaintances between potential wives and husbands. Visits to theaters and exhibitions, fun walks in parks and gardens, slides in holidays- all these various entertainments have become more and more common.

In the Soviet Union, such a phrase as "secular life" was abolished. People of the upper classes were exterminated, their foundations and customs were ridiculed and distorted to the point of absurdity. Special rudeness in dealing with people began to be considered a sign of the proletariat. In the same time different kind bosses have moved away from subordinates. Knowledge and possession of good manners were now in demand only in diplomacy. Solemn events and balls began to be organized less and less. Feasts have become the best form of leisure.

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