Your repairman.  Finishing work, exterior, preparatory

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cuisine, especially in the life of our man. If we compare the kitchen with human body, then the kitchen symbolizes the stomach. V Chinese the words "food" and "money" have the same meaning.

Kitchen - it is the basis of the abundance and well-being of the family, it is a place of communication and gathering of all household members. People who treat their kitchen with due attention and respect will never be in poverty or get sick. A properly organized kitchen generates positive energy for the whole house, is a source of material and moral well-being for the family. Even just decorating the kitchen, you already have a beneficial effect on your prosperity and health. And if you equip the kitchen according to Feng Shui, choosing the right color for the kitchen, this guarantees that the family will get rid of bad luck.

Where is the best place for a kitchen?

The best location for the kitchen according to Feng Shui - southern part houses or apartments (south is the element of Fire, which symbolizes the main subject of the kitchen - the stove). The eastern or southeastern side of the house is also favorable (element - Wood).

The most unfavorable option is if the kitchen is located in the north (Water element). According to Feng Shui, if the kitchen is in the northern sector, it will make it less frequented and even slow down digestion. In the northern kitchen, you should especially monitor the health of the plumbing: there should not be leaking taps.

What should be the kitchen according to Feng Shui

General location

kitchen area

In the kitchen, it is especially important to have free space for good circulation of positive Chi energy.

The kitchen should not be located in the center of the apartment, because then the smells of food from the kitchen will spread throughout the apartment and attract negative Sha energy, quarrels and scandals will appear in the family.

Also, the kitchen doors should not be visible from the entrance, otherwise you will feed the guests all the time, who will go to your house in orderly endless rows.

Free space in the kitchen and free access to all items necessary for work are very important. Also in the kitchen there should always be a good inflow fresh air Therefore, the hood in the kitchen is of particular importance: as a rule, it is placed above the stove. In general, the more often you ventilate the kitchen, the better for your home.

The shape of the kitchen should be square or rectangular. If your kitchen is rounded on one side, or has sharp corners, or is L-shaped, dead zones form on it, in which negative energy accumulates, bringing illness or even death.

The kitchen must be isolated from the living rooms. If you are building a house, place the kitchen at the back of the house. It is best when there is a dining room next to the kitchen. If the kitchen is part of the dining room, they should be separated at least visually.

Unfavorable when the kitchen is near or opposite front door in an apartment: the wealth that food symbolizes will easily leave, and you will start to get sick. If the kitchen is next to the entrance, all possible negativity comes from the entrance directly into the kitchen.

It is also impossible to locate the kitchen next to the bathroom or toilet, as is often the case in our modern apartments. The water of the bathroom will “wash” all the well-being from the kitchen.

What can you do if you can not change the location of the kitchen:

Choice of cuisine

  1. Try to keep the doors to the kitchen closed at all times.
  2. Hang a windchime or a crystal above the door.
  3. Create a distraction: place a tub with a flower at the entrance, hang a photo or a picture, you can hang curtains or curtains made of bamboo, decorative thread, straw, and so on on the door.
  4. To reduce Sha, use round containers for cereals, sugar, etc.
  5. Pipes (water supply and sewerage) must be hidden behind decorative panels.
  6. All faucets must be in good working order: dripping water takes away your well-being.
  7. Use vegetable and fruit ornaments in the kitchen to decorate walls or tablecloths.
  8. Earth element (clay, ceramics, Brown color) will enhance the elements of water and wood in the kitchen, so add dishes from these materials to the interior.
  9. Use symbols of harvest and prosperity: bunches of onions, dried peppers, etc. (natural or artificial).

It is very important that piercing and sharp objects (knives, forks, etc.) are stored in special closed places and do not lie on the table. Their sharp corners generate bad energy and lead to quarrels and illnesses in the family. Sha also appears in sharp corners, in poorly lit and hard-to-reach places. Therefore, the lighting in the kitchen should always be bright, and objects and furniture should be arranged so that there is no curved space and it is easy for you to move around. Kitchen lighting should always be very good, especially in the area working surface- this is good Feng Shui, and very convenient for the cook.

Interestingly, in Slavic practice, healers say about the same thing about knives and forks: devilry can use sharp objects lying in plain sight to provoke discord in the family.

The main kitchen elements: stove, sink and refrigerator should ideally be located in the corners of an imaginary triangle, at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. The separating elements between the stove and the sink should be wooden or green, symbolizing the tree. It can be plants, their images or just green color. If this is not possible, then separate the sink and stove at least wooden countertop or board. If this is not done, then the elements of Fire and Water will come into opposition and harm you.


Plate - queen of the kitchen, her heart and most important subject. Therefore, it should not be located in the corner. The stove can also not be placed near the window: along with the fumes from the stove, all your well-being will go there.

The stove must always be kept in perfect cleanliness, as well as the entire kitchen as a whole. If trouble has settled in your house, first of all go to the kitchen and wash the stove clean, and you will almost immediately feel favorable changes.

Its ideal place is on the south side of the kitchen, in the element of Fire. The direction of the plate to the central part of the house is considered lucky. If the stove is oriented towards the front entrance, towards the stairs, towards the bedroom, towards the doors to the toilet or bathroom, then this will lead to poverty.

The Chinese believe that the stove should be with an open fire or at least gas. It is worse if it is an electric stove, but the microwave is considered the most unacceptable option.

Your well-being also directly depends on the number of burners on the stove: the more, the better. If you use one or two, then periodically you need to turn on all the burners. If you hang a mirror over the stove, then you kind of double the number of burners.


Feng Shui masters believe that the sink is best placed from of stainless steel, since the element of Metal destroys harmful energy structures and helps water wash them away. The sink, as a representative of the element of Water, should stand separately from the stove, which symbolizes Fire.


The refrigerator, like the sink, belongs to the sign of Water. It is undesirable to locate it in the south: food will quickly deteriorate. It is best to place it in the southeast or southwest: this will improve your financial situation.

feng shui kitchen color

kitchen color

The color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui should be green, yellow, brown, orange and white. The elements of Fire and Water are most represented in the kitchen, so some predominant color in the interior is undesirable: red, blue and black, otherwise the balance of Feng Shui energies will be disturbed.

White color is a good mediator between fire and water, it goes well with metal objects, of which there are many in the kitchen. When choosing shades, try to avoid combining a color with the opposite element. Black or blue color should not fall into southern zone Fire, Metal colors (white, silver, yellow) should not fall into the eastern and southeastern part (Wood). It is very good to use green color in the design of the kitchen.

electrical appliances

Electrical appliances in the kitchen are good for stimulating the areas in which they work. Therefore, you can consciously activate the desired sectors by placing small gadgets.

Cook in the kitchen

The chef is given special importance: it is main man on the kitchen. He should be comfortable and comfortable, because the quality of food depends on his mood. A door should not be allowed behind the person preparing food: a person may be frightened of the one who enters. If you cannot change the location of the stove and work surface, hang a mirror over the stove so that the chef can see who comes in.

How to improve feng shui cuisine

  1. Remove unnecessary things in which Qi energy stagnates.
  2. All utensils must be in cabinets; Broken, cracked or chipped dishes should be thrown away immediately.
  3. Throw away spoiled food immediately.
  4. Arrange as much as possible wooden elements, maybe green. Wooden utensils, containers and even floors enhance the elements of Water and Fire.
  5. Put in the kitchen fresh fruits in a vase or flowers.
  6. Hang an old family photo on the walls - this is how you “invite” your ancestors, your good guardian angels to the table, thank them and God for your well-being.
  7. Food should be prepared with pleasure, by a healthy person and in good mood. The bad energy of pain, irritation and fatigue will poison the food.
  8. You need to eat without haste and fuss, with a sense of gratitude. Don't eat stress. Before eating, take a deep breath, chew food thoroughly - then the Chi energy will help digestion.
  9. In the kitchen you can not quarrel and sort things out.
  10. Be careful with mirrors: if eaters are reflected in it, then you will constantly cook and feed, and the kitchen will become a walk-through courtyard.

If you listen to Feng Shui advice and arrange your kitchen according to them, your kitchen will become a desirable place for family dinners, dinners and just friendly conversations.

Kitchen - special place in the House. On its territory they enjoy food, as well as family and friendly communication, important issues are often resolved here, plans are made. The energy of the kitchen affects the relationships of households, their contacts with others and, most importantly, the well-being of the family. Nina Smolina, consultant of the international feng shui forum in Ivanovo, tells how to properly equip this space.

Right place

Traditional Chinese houses were built with the main entrance to the south and the kitchen to the east or southeast. The south represents the element of Fire, while the east and southeast represent the element of Wood. V Feng Shui there is nothing accidental, inexplicable, all the rules have a purely practical basis. Why is the house oriented to the south? Because cold winds blow from the north. It was believed that the kitchen should not be located directly opposite the front door, so food was usually prepared in the eastern or southeastern part of the house. A southeast wind blew from here, which helped the fire to burn evenly in the hearth and brought the energy of the tree. Therefore, these cardinal points acquired over time an almost symbolic meaning.

The worst sectors in an apartment or house for kitchen layout, in terms of Chinese philosophy, are the northwest and southwest. In Chinese, this arrangement of the kitchen is called "fire at the gates of heaven." And here's why: the northwest patronizes the sector of the father, the older man, the owner of the house. He is also represented by the element of Metal. It turns out that the fire of a kitchen oven or gas stove melts metal. As a result, the health of the owner of the house may suffer (especially the cardiovascular system), and also the head of the family will not have authority and he will not be able to financially provide for the family. And the kitchen in the southwest of the apartment will bring health problems to the older woman - the mother. Her authority may also suffer.

Of course, it is problematic to fix something in the already finished apartment, with a legal layout. But if the location of the kitchen is unsuccessful, then at least try not to install a stove or oven in the northwestern and southwestern sectors of the kitchen along the small tai chi (the whole apartment represents a large tai chi, and each room is a small tai chi, while maintaining the orientation of the apartment on the sides Sveta). Not good for the location of the kitchen - west, it can bring diseases respiratory organs and allergies, and the north, since the conflict of the elements is too strong - fire and water.

You should not place the kitchen in the center of the house, otherwise you can forget about health and prosperity in such an apartment forever. The same applies to the stove located in the center of the kitchen. If the kitchen door is located opposite the main or "back" entrance, then all the favorable qi energy immediately disappears from it. The kitchen should not be located opposite the toilet or bathroom, as well as next to them. If the house or apartment is two-story and there is a toilet above the kitchen, then this is very bad feng shui! The house should not have two kitchens - you will be haunted by constant quarrels and disagreements with the household. It's like the Russian proverb - two mistresses in the same kitchen do not get along. It is advisable to locate the kitchen in harmonious combination with the date of birth of the owner of the house or the main earner, because now women often earn more than men. On a more professional level, masters use the Flying Stars method to plan the kitchen in an apartment or house, which allows you to avoid many troubles and improve the feng shui of your home.

Remember that:

The kitchen should have good lighting and good ventilation.

Must have windows

There should be no holes in the ceiling of the kitchen

The ventilation hatch should not be in a conspicuous place

The floor must be on the same level as the dining room floor.

The kitchen should not be walk-through

The kitchen should not be in the shape of a circle, nor in the shape of an irregular polygon.

If kitchen is not very favorable, then to retain and stimulate favorable energy, you can hang lamps or sconces on the walls, put a few lush green plants or hang a mirror, it is especially good above the dining table - for a symbolic doubling of food.

There is one more important point. In modern apartments, there is such a layout that the door and window of the kitchen are located on the same line. This is bad for family wealth and relationships, as the flow of energy rushes through the kitchen in a straight line, symbolically taking good luck out of the apartment. At the same time, the kitchen, as it were, is divided into two parts along the door-window axis. Fix this negative situation you can, by drawing a red line along the floor along the window or laying a path, symbolically connect the two halves of the kitchen. And be sure to hang rock crystal or wind music above the window or door, which will dissipate the pointed energy of sha qi.

Kitchen dwellers:

In the kitchen, two hostile elements interact - Fire and Water, so the main task is to balance them harmoniously by correctly positioning the stove, sink, refrigerator and dining table.

The stove, in terms of feng shui, plays a central role in the kitchen. She is symbolically responsible for financial well-being the inhabitants of the house. The stove must be serviceable and kept clean, then the wealth itself will go into the hands of the tenants. The most important thing is that the stove should be located in the favorable direction of the owner or mistress of the house and in good stars. The plate must not be positioned as follows:

Opposite the door to the kitchen

Opposite, next to and under the toilet (on the top floor)

Oven to the front door of the house

Under the window (lack of support)

In the corner, in the center and under the ceiling beam

Between two bodies of water (sink and refrigerator or dishwasher). This conflict is called "weeping water", portends many tears for the inhabitants of the house.

If it is impossible to avoid such a situation, you need to use an element softening cycle, where a tree can act as an intermediary. For example, cutting wooden plank, facing tiles green color or an ornament of the same shade will help reduce the conflict of elements.

The ideal option is when the hostess, standing at the stove, can see anyone who enters the room. Again, there is a reasonable justification for this from time immemorial. After all, if you do not see the incoming person, then you can be very scared, and this negative energy will turn into food and saturate the whole family with negativity. And the masters still recommend a gas stove, not an electric one, since open fire symbolizes wealth and fiery feelings. And at one of the seminars, Chinese masters forbade us to use microwaves at all ...

When material difficulties arise in the family, a congestion in business, you can perform a ritual associated with a stove. You need to take 9 ice cubes and 9 teaspoons of large or sea ​​salt, and thoroughly wash the stove with this mixture, voicing your problem (you can do it to yourself). Of course, all this must be done with firm confidence that everything will be resolved successfully. The more burners on the stove, the better the financial situation of the family. Try to turn on all the burners every day for at least 10 minutes, because a working stove can bring and increase well-being in your home. Even if you're not cooking anything, put the prettiest pot on the stove.

The refrigerator is the second most important piece of kitchen furniture. Good feng shui is a refrigerator filled with fresh, good products. Empty is associated with a lack of money. Clean out the refrigerator more often, throw away stale food. Any disorder symbolizes obstacles and interference. By removing spoiled food from the refrigerator, you thus clear the space for new opportunities, wealth and prosperity. The Chinese have such a tradition - every lunar New Year, they put a red bag with three coins tied with red ribbons in the refrigerator. Such a bag or envelope guarantees that the family will always have money for food. The best sectors of the kitchen for installing a refrigerator are the southeast (wealth sector), east and north, as the elements of Wood and Water dominate here. But the south, southwest and northeast do not fit at all, as they belong to the warring elements of Fire and the controlling elements of Earth. You can not put the refrigerator next to the stove, bread machine and electric kettle.

Washing and Dishwasher should be located in the same sectors as the refrigerator, since these items belong to the elements of Water - north, southeast and east. The most important condition for washing is the absence of current taps. Such a problem indicates a constant drain on the family's finances. Do you need it? So always make sure they are correct.

The dining table brings the family together. It should match the size of the kitchen and the number of people who usually use it. It is also very good if the table has “prosperity dimensions”, for example, 100x89, 108x125 or 128x145 cm. The shape of the table can be square, rectangular, octagonal (for such tables, the corners must be rounded), round or oval. Square and rectangular tables symbolize stability, support, reliability, rounded ones bring benevolence and understanding in the relationships of households, and octagonal tables (BAGUA symbol) symbolize harmony in all areas of life. Unfavorable forms for the table are triangular and semicircular, as well as in the form of the letter G. Such forms symbolize instability and instability. The number of chairs around the table should be even, in Feng Shui this is considered more favorable. Best of all, if there are 4 of them, this technique is suitable for those who cannot keep money and spend it very quickly. Four is the number of stability. Try to arrange the chairs so that none of those sitting on them is with their backs to the window or door.

The best material for a dining table is wood, and the worst material is glass: the plate seems to fall down, and abundance with it. You simply cannot do without a beautiful tablecloth for a dining table. You can use the formula of eight directions. If the dining table is in the eastern or southeastern sector, then the tablecloth is green, if the table is in the southwest, northeast or in the center, then the tablecloth is chosen in shades of earth (beige, yellow, brown, pink), if the table is in the northern part of the kitchen, then the tablecloth is blue, in the south - red, orange, in the west or northwest, tablecloths in shades of metal (gold, silver), as well as gray or white color. Or here are some more Chinese secrets about the color of the tablecloth. If you cover the dining table with a green tablecloth, you will imbue yourself with the "spirit of wealth and success", because green is a symbol of growth, like many banknotes. If you cover the table with a yellow tablecloth, then "feed yourself with the spirit of the sun, warmth and life." Yellow is the color of gold and sunlight, giving life, warmth and light. And you can combine these two moments in one, if the tablecloths are of a different color, put yellow flowers in a green vase! And here is a tip from Russian traditions - put it under the tablecloth large bill and you will always have money for food.

What definitely should not be in the kitchen is a TV. Once Bulgakov's character - Professor Preobrazhensky said: "Never read Soviet newspapers before dinner ..." So here's a TV from the same opera. The hostess, having seen enough negative news, will put her emotions into food, which she will feed the whole family. In an energetic sense, this is just a nightmare. And the family, gathered around the table and staring at the screen, does not receive any benefit from the dinner and does not receive communication. But for us it is already a luxury - communication!

If you take your soul to the arrangement of the kitchen, then you can count on good luck. And from the following publications you will learn how to equip other areas of the house.

The stove is your breadwinner, and the well-being of the family largely depends on its location. In order for the house to have prosperity, the energies that feed the stove must come from a direction favorable for the head of the family (I hope you remember that there are four such directions). That is, it is important that the place where the gas or electric current actually enters the stove is located correctly.

If your family members do not have common auspicious directions, arrange household appliances involved in cooking, so that it is oriented in different directions. For example, the stove might be in your favorable direction, while the microwave or kettle may be in your spouse's favorable direction. In this case, it should be noted that there are directions in which it is not worth installing the plate in any case:

  • right in front of the door. In this case, the flow of qi entering through the door will “hit” the slab, thereby weakening its energy. In addition, while cooking, you will find yourself standing with their backs to the door, and this position creates internal discomfort;
  • under the toilet located on the top floor (this applies to two-story apartments and houses). The toilet refers to the water element, which will conflict with the fiery energy of the stove;
  • between two objects related to the element of Water, for example, between a sink and a refrigerator. As you already know, this position of the plate creates a conflict of elements. In Feng Shui, it is believed that Fire in the middle of Water portends tears;
  • in the northwest corner of the kitchen. This position is called "fire at the gates of heaven." If it is impossible to move the slab to another place, place some attribute of the Earth near it, for example, ceramic dishes, a yellow or brownish towel, a picture depicting mountains or a plowed field;
  • in front of the window. The window above the stove symbolizes the lack of support, in addition, the wind can blow out the burners.

The best directions for the stove, microwave and kettle are south, southwest and northeast.

In addition, I want to give you some more advice regarding the stove.

  1. The stove, of course, should always be clean. Wipe it down immediately after you've finished cooking. Do it from time to time general cleaning plates, cleaning its most inaccessible corners. Do not arrange warehouses in the oven in the form of old frying pans and ownerless lids. Even if the stove is old and nondescript, remember that it represents well-being, treat it with respect. It is very good to keep some beautiful pot on the stove - this is a symbol of the fact that you always have food in your house.
  2. Burners are recommended to be used alternately, otherwise those that are idle will create a stagnation of energy. If you are used to cooking on one or two, and the rest are inactive or not working at all, this is bad. Clean, repair all burners and use each one in turn. 3. Gas stove it is preferable to electric, since open fire symbolizes warm relationships and fiery feelings. But microwave oven it is advisable to use it to a minimum, only in cases where you need to quickly heat up food - its high-frequency radiation destroys the energy of products.

The kitchen is the heart of any home. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s an apartment in a city high-rise building or private house somewhere in the suburbs. According to the teachings of the Eastern sages, strong energy sources of wealth and abundance are concentrated in this part of the house, which is why interior designers often use feng shui elements for the kitchen so that, as they say, the house is a “full bowl”.

Someone mistakenly believes that feng shui is bizarrely arranged figurines and bluish smoke from incense sticks, but this is not so. At the heart of Eastern philosophy lies the increase in the well-being of the house, the creation of a favorable aura that contributes to the achievement of harmony and the intended goals. To do this, all rooms must be not only comfortable, but also meet certain requirements.

It is believed that the ideal location of the Feng Shui kitchen is in the southern part of the dwelling, identified with the element of Fire and reflected in the stove, or the eastern part, which the Chinese sages associate with the Tree. Other parts of the world are unfavorable. Fire and Wood have been associated for thousands of years with the warmth and comfort of the hearth and the aromas of the homemade food cooked in it.

Food gives a person strength, saturates with energy, nourishes the body and spirit. And because of this, the fact in which conditions this food is cooked becomes even more important, because an illiterate and incorrect arrangement of furniture and utensils can not only discourage appetite, but also cause serious diseases.

It is great if the room intended for cooking is isolated and of the correct shape: square or rectangular, without sharp corners, sloping walls and with a large window. Such a room helps to get rid of aggression, reduce depression and improve the overall emotional state.

A few simple rules

Whichever side you look at, the Chinese have a serious approach to arranging a kitchen. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the kitchen should always be clean with enough light and fresh air. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the correct ventilation system, because the presence of foreign odors, the echoes of burnt or spoiled food contribute to the accumulation negative energy which in turn has a negative effect on the household. In addition, correct good hood contributes to the emergence in life of successful acquaintances and new perspectives and opportunities.

According to Feng Shui, the location of the kitchen opposite the bathroom is considered unfortunate, but it is easily compensated by hanging a curtain made of wooden beads or natural panels on the bathroom door. natural materials. If the premises are located on one side, then it would be best to “isolate” the contact wall with ceramic or mosaic tiles.

Taps, plumbing and sewer pipes must be in good condition against leakage and hidden behind decorative panels. Water escaping from drainage system, washes money out of the house, escalates the situation in the family. The same thing happens if the refrigerator is located outside the kitchen area: in the dining room, corridor or on the loggia.

Cleaning is an important moment in renewing the flow of Qi energy. Regular rearrangement of small things and dusting will open up new horizons for the house. There should be no extra furniture at all - only the most necessary for the hostess. The absence of garbage is also a sure step towards the normalization of positive energy. In the kitchen, you can not quarrel and swear, shouting and raised tones violate the unity and harmony of the house.

mood color

When choosing materials, elements of decoration and decor, as well as furniture and interior items according to Feng Shui, one should take into account the fact that not all shades are suitable for kitchen area.

Since the kitchen combines three elements: Fire, Water and Wood, when decorating a room, you should stick to this particular palette. However, the predominant shades of the water element will “flood” the well-being of the house, while most of the fiery tones will “burn out” the harmony of the home. The ideal option there will be colors associated with the Tree:

  • all shades of brown;
  • yellow;
  • green and its derivatives;
  • Orange;
  • saffron;
  • color of henna, clay or ocher;
  • various shades of spices.

This color scheme will best balance the feng shui atmosphere, giving enough warmth and light in space.

It is strongly not recommended to use black, red or blue in their rich version in the decor of kitchens in order to prevent quarrels and conflict situations between family members. But the white color, being a symbol of Metal, will be an excellent conductor between all three elements and will perfectly complement metal objects: a sink, a stove, utensils and decor elements.

Another important point: the color of each element can be applied in a strictly defined zone.

For example, blue and blue shades cannot be used in the decoration and interior items of the southern, “fiery” part of the kitchen and vice versa. White color and other symbols of the Metal element should be used minimally in eastern zone premises, initially associated with the Tree.

Planned rearrangement

When arranging the technique, three main elements should be distinguished:

  1. sink;
  2. refrigerator;
  3. cooker.

Ideally, their location should coincide with the vertices of a regular triangle, the sides of which will be at least 70-85 cm. This is done in order to protect the objects of Water from the “fiery” plate. The space between them must be filled with Tree elements:

  • countertops made of natural wood or other material in shades associated with the earth;
  • various household items and kitchen utensils in green, brown or white.

When choosing the location of the main elements, you need to remember that:

  1. The stove should not be placed next to a window, in a dark corner, near a sink or washing machine. The location of the plate opposite is considered unfavorable. kitchen door- this is for diseases and constant stress. If it doesn’t work out otherwise, then a mirror or a reflective surface should be hung above the stove, allowing the hostess to see the incoming person, and the stove itself, after cooking, should be covered with a lid, if any. The kitchen stove must be in good condition, with all burners (burners) working and perfectly clean. Feng Shui philosophy advises to use alternately all the burners of the stove, so the inhabitants of the house will be able to fully realize all their capabilities. The more often and more the stove is used, the greater the chances of success, normalization of health and well-being, therefore perfect place for her in the center of the southern zone.
  2. The sink is a symbol of Water and the most suitable material for it is stainless steel. Its placement is mainly affected by the location of the slab: they cannot be nearby, and a pot with a green flower plant placed between objects can compensate for the dangerous proximity.
  3. As for the refrigerator, it absolutely has no place in the south, because of this, the products will quickly deteriorate. Southeast or southwest will be the most the best areas. Oriental sages advise hanging a small mirror on the refrigerator door as a symbol of prosperity.
  4. A washing machine, just like a microwave oven, is generally not recommended to be placed in the kitchen.

Decor and interior items

Kitchen utensils, decor elements and interior items should, first of all, be identified with the motifs of fertility and wealth. The most beautiful things should be left in sight: dishes, decorative utensils. But knives, forks and other sharp objects should be kept in a box. Special attention given to light sources: they should evenly illuminate the room so that there are no “dead” dark zones.

Feng Shui is an ancient science with many schools that interpret this teaching in different ways, but they are united in one thing: harmony in the home gives rise to love and family well-being.

Examples of cuisine according to the rules of Feng Shui (photo)

A cooking area that meets this doctrine requires a special location, sometimes this is not possible, therefore, it should be ensured that right design providing a flow of positive energy in the room. To organize such a room, it is important to adhere to the requirements that satisfy the features of this philosophy.

Feng Shui Kitchen - Rules

Feng Shui traditions dictate to us that having arranged in accordance with them kitchen area, we attract success to the home, a happy and joyful living of all its inhabitants, without adhering to them - we let lack of money, illness and troubles into our lives.

The arrangement of the kitchen according to Feng Shui involves compliance with several simple requirements:

  • correct placement (southern, eastern, southeastern sides of the dwelling) and its layout (square or rectangular shape of the room);
  • definite, right color solutions(indispensable predominance of green, white tones);
  • rejection of mirror surfaces, protrusions and level differences;
  • the location of the stove, taking into account traditions (you can’t put the “queen of the kitchen” in the corner), freedom of movement;
  • correct operation household appliances and kitchen appliances;
  • high-quality and sufficient lighting;
  • the absence of unnecessary things and broken (or cracked) dishes;
  • perfect purity.

Feng Shui kitchens serve as the basis of abundance, so its improvement should be approached with special attention respecting traditions. Having equipped it according to all the rules corresponding to Eastern principles, without violating them, you will have a beneficial effect on the material and moral condition of the residents, saving them from failures, illnesses and troubles, and will help positive changes in the lives of family members.

Feng Shui kitchen wallpaper

The right decision become wallpaper in pastel colors, the use of bright, red or blue colors can destroy the harmony of balance, the masters of this teaching are advised to avoid "screaming" tones. Feng Shui wall murals used in the kitchen help create active specific areas, they should be chosen with a calming and positive story depicting floral scenes, still lifes, trees (preferably peach ones).

The color of the wallpaper in the kitchen according to Feng Shui is designed to calm the energy inherent in the Fire and Water elements, visually enlarge the space, make the room lighter, it is best to make it white. Dark-colored wallpapers should not be glued; brown and gray colors, they slow down vital processes, interfere with activity. The ideal solution become wallpaper in green, beige colors. You should not buy cheap and low-quality wallpapers, opt for expensive, wear-resistant, washable and cleanable ones.

Feng Shui Kitchen Paintings

The plots in the paintings chosen for the Feng Shui kitchen should reflect a warm and cozy atmosphere, you should decorate the walls with the image of people in love, still lifes, beautiful animals, birds, fish. Feng Shui kitchen design welcomes some red details. Bright red can be present in the paintings - in the form of flowers in the field, still lifes with fruit. Special meaning attached to paintings with three-toed toads, turtles or elephants painted on them, especially depicted on a green background.

The image of rivers, seas or springs, twigs in a vase of water, any other Water element will be well reflected in the atmosphere of the room. Fish and water are a symbol of abundance, so it is good to have an aquarium in the kitchen according to Feng Shui, it will attract money to the family. The shape of the aquarium is better to choose round or rectangular, and the number of fish is odd. The principle of this philosophy is “I am what I see”, so do not decorate the walls with plots that carry aggression, depicting sick and impoverished old people, choose something that will bring positive emotions.

feng shui curtains for kitchen

A detail that draws attention to itself, important for the interior - these are curtains. For window openings you should choose curtains that completely cover them, reaching the floor. During the day they move apart, letting the positive energy of the sun into the room, at night they twitch, preventing the darkness outside the windows, which brings bad luck and troubles. At different times of the year, curtains of different colors should be used:

These colors bring good luck, health, prosperity, happiness and joy to all family members. Models choose not complex, without deep folds, give up lambrequins, heavy fabrics. good option Roman blinds will serve. Do not use multi-layered, complex cut models. according to feng shui - not the most the best solution on the organization of living space, the masters of philosophy believe that in such a room it does not make sense to adhere to its rules at all. A cooking area combined with a living room will disrupt harmony and worsen the luck of the head of the family.

feng shui kitchen mirror

The opinions of experts about the appropriateness of mirrors in the kitchen are ambiguous. It is believed that the work surfaces reflected in the mirror "double" the amount of work, but it can be considered a plus that they increase the number of cooked dishes with which the table is lined. Aspects of the teachings of Feng Shui call mirrors very strong elements that can bring both good and harm.

Proper cuisine Feng Shui does not allow mirror tiles as decoration or decorative material for surfaces, it is a symbol of the fact that everything is cut into pieces, and people too. If, nevertheless, you decide to equip a mirror, the best place for him there will be space above the stove or a wall opposite the dining table. The food on the table, reflected in the mirror, will become a symbol of prosperity.

Following the traditions of this teaching, a sink should be used from stainless steel, since the element of Metal will destroy negative energy and help the water wash it away. It is necessary to install a sink, personifying the water element, away from the stove belonging to the element of Fire, this will help to avoid conflict between them. Knowing what a Feng Shui kitchen should be like, having correctly chosen a sink, make sure that the entire plumbing system is in good order, and drainer located in the sink - was always closed, this will prevent the outflow of money from the house.

feng shui kitchen table

When purchasing a table in accordance with this philosophy, it is better to choose its round shape, in the form of an oval or octagon, quadrangular tables are acceptable. Semi-circular or triangular patterns should be avoided, they can lead to conflicts. An important aspect when choosing is the material for the manufacture of the product, a seemingly fragile and fragile glass model will create a feeling of instability. Give preference to a strong, wooden product.

The table should correspond in size to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the number of people sitting at it, the feeling of crowding behind it is projected onto the disastrous financial situation of the family. A studio layout, a living room combined with a Feng Shui kitchen, can lead to family quarrels or conflicts, but if it is impossible to refuse this option, then the space should be divided using decorative partitions and screens.

Feng shui cuisine - cooker

The most important element which provides the correct principles of doctrine, is kitchen stove, she is a breadwinner, a home. According to this philosophy, the stove is a source of wealth, it must be kept in perfect cleanliness and serviceability. The place for it is chosen away from the sink, there should not be a refrigerator nearby, and the person preparing food on it should not have their backs to the doorway.

The most favorable sector of the kitchen in Feng Shui is the south, personifying Fire, and the main element on it is the stove. The undesirable direction for the kitchen is the north, it is dominated by the element of Water. The room itself is also divided into sectors, it is very important to arrange everything in them correctly, harmonizing the space. By choosing the environment, equipment, corresponding to the chosen philosophy, taking into account the characteristics of the sector, you can very quickly achieve positive results.

How to choose the color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui?

Specified philosophy defines the kitchen area as the central energy room in the house, so the choice of colors is very important for her. The color of the Feng Shui kitchen provides powerful, stable financial flows, and affects the well-being of the people living. Favorably acting, creating harmony, are considered soft green and yellow shades, cream, red, orange and pink colors should be used in limited quantities.

There is an opinion that the most suitable color, for finishing surfaces and furniture. serves as white, this color is easy to dilute with other tones, it goes well with chrome-plated metal faucets, a sink. The best option is the mediation of white color between the elements of Fire and Water. You should not use a color combination of opposite shades, if the colors of the element of Fire prevail in the room, then the colors of the element of Water should be used in it to a limited extent.

feng shui green kitchen

This color is considered optimal, it is identified with nature, it personifies life. The rules dictating the selection of the color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui say that in a room where the ratio of green and white colors is used, prosperity, harmony and happiness will reign. Also, this color, according to experts, has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional and the physical state people. It is good to buy flowers for the kitchen according to Feng Shui, which carry vital energy qi, which can improve mood, add vigor and strength to a person, create an atmosphere of kindness, warmth and comfort.

feng shui red kitchen

In a small amount, this color may be present in the kitchen according to Feng Shui. It represents the color of fire, so it is important that this color is used in the kitchen. To know what color to make a Feng Shui kitchen, you should understand that the element of Fire can not only create, but also destroy, which means that red elements in the room should be used in limited quantities. So that the use of red does not harm the energy of the room, use it in a balanced way with shades of water. Taking red as a basis, you will attract trouble, danger and problems to your home.

yellow feng shui kitchen

This color is associated with sunlight. The interior of the Feng Shui kitchen, made in yellow colors, will fill the energy of the space with a positive flow, protecting the house from negative, negative, unkind emotions and events entering it. This color can be made both primary and accent, adding it a little as decorative element: paintings, vases, feng shui clocks in the kitchen.

Competent creation of a Feng Shui kitchen activates a powerful flow of energy that will spread to all dwellings and its inhabitants. The efforts made, the fulfillment of all the traditional rules and requirements necessary for decorating the kitchen in accordance with the indicated Eastern philosophy, will result in happy changes, happiness and health for the people living in the house.

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