Your repairman.  Finishing work, exterior, preparatory

Curiosity and a state of eternal search is the driving force behind Gemini. They should thank their patron planet Mercury for this. The horoscope for 2016 promises Gemini a unique discovery, which this time they will have to make not in the outside world, but in themselves. The cycle of sometimes difficult events will force many personal qualities. Gemini can be overcome by doubts, which is not typical for representatives of the sign. The coming period will be an era of overcoming and experimentation.

Trials and anxieties can affect the worldview, character and style of communication. The usually affable and friendly Gemini in 2016 runs the risk of turning into an ironic cynic and thereby pushing friends away from him. This is where that unspent supply of spiritual warmth, often hidden by a smile and a joke on duty, comes in handy.

It is highly likely that there will be a need to try yourself in a new type of activity. Underwater cameos also lie in wait here: a creative search can result in a frequent change of jobs, which will negatively affect the material and moral condition. The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini not to take unsuccessful attempts to heart, however, to measure seven times before taking a responsible step.

At the same time, the horoscope for 2016 promises Gemini great opportunities, the task of the representatives of the sign is to be able to see them and not miss them.

Relationships and family

In January, a harmonious period is planned in family and romantic relationships. Married couples can enjoy the idyll home comfort. Unforgettable moments await lovers. Lonely people will have harmonious communication in a friendly circle. A period of calm will help you understand and appreciate how much loved ones mean. It is not recommended to sort things out or force their development: it is unlikely that the desired goal will be achieved, but it is very easy to provoke a conflict.

According to the horoscope, June 2016 will be marked by an emotional outburst and mood swings.

For lonely Gemini, the Red Monkey has prepared a lot of pleasant and not very surprises. The horoscope does not recommend blindly following the symbol of the year and indulging in all serious things, caution and common sense will not hurt.

However, Gemini is unlikely to completely avoid a series of love adventures. Numerous meetings and partings will make life brighter and more exciting, without regrets and remorse. In the second half of 2016, some Gemini will show their dual nature in all its glory, starting several novels at the same time.

Only from the outside it may seem that the representatives of the sign have hit a revelry, in fact, according to Gemini, this is exactly what the search for a soul mate looks like.

By September, the horoscope suggests making a choice. It is important to catch the moment when numerous victories on the love fronts begin to turn into a routine. This will serve as a signal for making a serious decision to find a soul mate. If time is lost, the next chance will have to wait long enough.

In the final months, a well-deserved rest will come after an emotionally intense summer. Don't let the lull scare you, use it to put your thoughts and emotional experiences in order.

Money and career

According to the horoscope, the habitually easy attitude to money in 2016 Gemini will also have to be reconsidered. The Red Monkey has prepared for them another test: the money will literally flow like a river. It is advisable to mentally prepare for sudden wealth in order to avoid turning into a miser, a careless adventurer and other unpleasant metamorphoses.

There is another danger: money will not fall from the sky, you will need to constantly make efforts to get it. This state of affairs threatens to overwork especially zealous workaholics. You will have to overcome the desire to do everything and give preference to only the most valuable ideas.

This is a great time for doing business, but not for savings. It makes sense to invest the proceeds in the development of your enterprise professional growth. Large purchases will also be successful, for example, real estate or vehicles. Thanks to communication skills, it is highly likely to enlist the support of an influential patron for a long time or receive a prestigious title.


The horoscope warns that 2016 will be full of events. Gemini will literally be torn between a stormy personal life and work achievements. If you do not find time to recuperate, health can be seriously affected.

The condition of the skin in 2016 also leaves much to be desired. To look attractive, Gemini will need more meticulous care and additional procedures.

In 2016, you are a rising star, but this will require constant effort to avoid sliding down. Are you ready for this? Of course!

Your focus is on making progress, getting and keeping the things you love the most, and making sure you make the right decisions. This year you will be asking the right questions and you will not act without receiving firm answers and all the necessary information to them.

In May, and then in September, the planets, their positions, will create the most favorable periods for you to act. September will be especially powerful in this regard. The position of the planets will allow you to easily self-adjust life situations and bring relationships with people to the state that you would like.

Family life will bring more satisfaction, and you may also have some fateful thoughts, in particular, in September and October. Family secrets can be revealed or resolved.

Emotional and romantic ties are strongest in November, although they may also be in December. At the time when you will act most intensively, powerfully and effectively. At the end of the year, the stars especially favor you. Gemini, you can do great things this year!

Relationship horoscope for couples

For Gemini, 2016 will be both sensible and sensual. At home and in family life, everything will be in order, but not boring and ordinary. The main challenge may be to resist the temptation to focus too much on work.

In February, your social calendar may be overcrowded, but together you can choose what is most interesting, as well as less tiring or expensive. Come to an agreement on which activities are the most troublesome and politely skip them. You will have many options and invitations, so you will have something to discuss.

In August and September, problems in relations with relatives are possible. Their demands can get out of hand. Just remember that a big family always requires a lot of work.

To behave sensually well at any time, especially in November, when passions can rise to unprecedented heights. Be attentive to the health of your partner, and also remember how important you are to each other.

The end of the year is stable in terms of your relationships and happiness.

Relationship horoscope for those who are on their own

Gemini, 2016 is waiting for you Good times and big dreams light your way! You may not be traveling the world, but you may not be spending time at home either. There will be little time in your schedule for staying at home.

In March, the position of the Sun will ignite the fire and bring you inspiration, as well as several romantic hopefuls who will be very eager to woo you. Manage your schedule with enough skill and you'll have plenty of fun throughout the spring.

Someone so good it's hard to believe will show up at the end of the summer. But look doubly carefully, in any case, make decisions carefully, as events may be too emotional for you. And if the relationship does not drag on for a long time, do not worry, then it should have been so, this person is not your destiny.

In November and December you can expect hot and important dates. If by then you haven't met someone with whom you can build a long-term and serious relationship, get ready for romantic excitement. The end of the year will be emotionally like riding a roller coaster. Have fun, but be careful!

Horoscope of finance and career development

For Gemini, 2016 is a great time to strengthen their positions, gain real power at work and advance in career ladder. Now you have enough energy and all the prerequisites for this, so think twice when making important decisions or doing things. If you recently changed your profession or place of work, now you have the opportunity to take root in a new environment.

Due to the influence of the planets, the period from the second half of April to the beginning of June can be very important for you to make the year as good as possible in financial terms. Use this information when planning for the future.

There are probably many things you would like to buy, places you would like to visit and many things you would like to do, but for now, put off the important points of your plans. Lots of small expenses that you can comfortably afford will bring a lot of pleasure throughout the year, especially in November and December.

General horoscope for Gemini for 2016

For most representatives of the Gemini sign, 2016 will be a year of change and renewal in many areas of life. You will actively work on yourself, strive for self-development. Thanks to your brilliant mind and quick reaction, you will leave all rivals far behind you. But at the same time, do not forget to pay attention to how others behave, as their behavior may affect the implementation or non-implementation of your plans.
Gemini's personal life will experience interest and attention from the opposite sex, but not all relationships will be long and serious.
Difficulties in personal life will arise because of the contradiction: at first glance, you give the impression of a delightful and supple person, but your partner will not be able to bind or subjugate you.
In the year of the Monkey, representatives of the Gemini sign will live in constant nervous tension . After all, the whole point is that you do not know, and do not want to know peace and inaction.

Gemini's career and finances in 2016
If in professional activity in 2016 the representative of the Gemini sign will direct all his abilities to achieve one goal, then he will achieve the most brilliant success. But in year of the monkey it will be especially difficult for you in this regard, since everything will “interrupt” the desire to find variety and escape from routine and monotony.
V January 2016 in career activities Twins will not be very active, you will not have enough clarity in determining the prospects.
V February 2016 you will often be faced with a choice.
V March Gemini become active and proactive. You should especially pay attention to the date March 16(+ or - a couple of days). At this time, unexpected and important changes can occur.
April- a good time for career growth.
V May spleen or depression may begin. You should not start new projects, it is better to deal with old cases.
June- important news, news, new contracts and projects await you.
July- a favorable time for vacation.
V august at work, conflicts with colleagues are possible.
September- a month of correcting errors, drawing up plans, starting new projects.
V October at Gemini an emotional outburst is possible, a manifestation of an inflated opinion about one's abilities and capabilities.
V november you will be able to achieve the desired result.
December– strengthening positions, planning further activities.
In financial matters in 2016 it all depends on what industry you work in. Gemini sign representative. If it is a science or culture, then ambitions in achieving goals will manifest themselves quite strongly. And then the financial situation will be very, very satisfactory.
If this is an area associated with the possibility of rapid accumulation of material wealth, then all kinds of speculative transactions and risky operations can lead to adverse consequences.

Gemini's personal life in 2016
In the personal life of Gemini in 2016, serious passions will boil. V year of the monkey representatives of the sign will be an amazing mystery: you somehow combine the most passionate love and infidelity. Often life will present you with a choice.
V January 2016 Gemini new romantic relationships are possible.
V february you need to try to avoid spontaneous and thoughtless actions, then the new relationship will become strong and lasting.
V March the senses Gemini hit over the edge.
V April Relationship difficulties are possible.
V May with Gemini low energy, blues, depression.
June- the desire for change, new relationships or romanticism in old ones.
Julyauspicious month vacation, with all the ensuing consequences.
August- you want elevated feelings, something unusual. The month is unfavorable for weddings.
September- This month will provide an opportunity to experiment in relationships.
October- propensity to complicate relationships. Changes in desires are possible.
November-changes in personal life.
December- a difficult choice to be made.

Gemini Health in 2016
The health issues of Gemini in 2016 are not amenable to unambiguous definition. For you, the whole point is "the primacy of spirit, not matter."
If you are lucky and happy with life, you are not afraid of any disease. Otherwise, you will suffer all sorts of ailments, but at the core is the vulnerability of the nervous system. The most common manifestations are headaches, insomnia.
Twins are like batteries that need to be recharged from time to time. In this regard, you are recommended positive emotions, walks in the fresh air, good rest and sleep.
Weakness organisms are lungs. Therefore, in 2016 Gemini will be susceptible to diseases such as pneumonia or pleurisy. In addition, eczema and various blood diseases are possible.

You are always looking for a balance between conflicting things. Often these tactics lead to success, but 2016 strongly recommends changing your lifestyle. Be more confident in yourself, set goals and strive for them. Only in this way can success be achieved.

In January, astrologers promise that Gemini will have to reconsider their plans. The events that will enter the whirlpool of your life will make you change your views on everything that surrounds you. You will look to new horizons. This includes those things that you avoided for some reason, fearing that you could not do it. However, this time everything will work out and you will be able to complete the upcoming tasks flawlessly.

February for Gemini can start with some troubles that will try to unsettle you from the events that you have outlined for yourself. However, you should not react to all the negativity, but simply continue to do your job with high quality and everything will pass by itself, and you can only benefit from all this.

In March, the Monkey promises you many calm moments and the arrival of romance in everyday life. For many Gemini, this relationship can become more than a simple meeting. Presumably, you will meet your fate at the end of March or at the beginning of April.

At the same time, the horoscope warns that your distrust of your partner can ruin everything. Learn from this lesson and learn to trust, this will help you in the future. Don't put your partner in a golden cage. Get rid of stress and go to nature, take a break from the hustle and bustle, indulge in pleasant thoughts. If you have work to do, you can simply take your laptop and go to work in the park. Of course, this pace will not help you earn a lot of money, but you can relax and find peace.



Date: 21.05-21.06

Green color

Symbol: Gemini

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Antipode: Sagittarius

Gemstone: Agate

Compatibility: Aquarius

In the summer, Gemini is waiting for a lot of different events, as astrologers promise, so save up strength and energy. In June, thoughts will begin to visit that it is time to change jobs. It would not hurt to sign up for some courses and gain new knowledge. Such thoughts will cause you some circumstances, but you should definitely ask the opinion of your loved ones, do not make hasty decisions.

In the second half of summer, gloomy thoughts will disappear and it will be possible to safely take up rest. During this period, you are planning a surge in love adventures.

If you want a wedding, now is the time. It is at the end of summer that the foundations of a strong marriage are laid. Even those Gemini who are not looking for a mate will be subjected to a flurry of admiring glances, gifts from fans, flirting and compliments. During this period, it is good to accumulate positive energy, which will then help you in the future.

Romance will move from summer straight into autumn. But here work will gradually begin to supplant it. During this period, your superiors will notice the zeal and talent that you show in your work. A pleasant financial surprise awaits you. Now you can make the purchase you've been dreaming about for a long time. The end of autumn and winter of 2016 will bring Gemini success in business - you will simply bathe in applause and compliments. And if you are a creative person, during this period you can create a wonderful masterpiece.

Gemini woman

This year you should take care of your financial condition and start making plans from January. Think it over well, pay attention to the fact that it may be worth changing your activities and finding yourself in another profession. Such changes will have a very positive effect on you, and by February you will feel a surge of creative strength and energy.

But in April it will be necessary to accept important decision that will be related to your work. Don't rush, think things through. because no need to rush this time.

In May, single Gemini will have to find their happiness. The middle of the month will be favorable for you to build a family. Look around - in your environment there has long been a person who loves you, you just have to make out him.

Have a good rest in the summer and accumulate energy for future work, which will overtake you in August. Also during this period there are many interesting things to be solved, which at the same time will require maximum concentration and energy from you.

Remember your loved ones and pay more attention to your parents. Autumn will pass relatively calmly, during this period it will be good to take care of your home.

By December, your finances will be on the rise, but it's worth working for, no matter what. did you change jobs this year or not.

Gemini man

Winter 2016 is the time to take care of yourself, your image, as well as your health. Do not overload yourself so that there are no health problems. In the spring you will have a lot interesting projects, listen to your intuition and choose the one that is closest in spirit. Success in such an undertaking is guaranteed.

In April, you will have changes in your personal life that will primarily affect married Gemini men. Reconsider your attitude towards your partner and understand for yourself what does not suit you. Now is the time to solve all these kinds of problems.

In May, go out of town more often, breathe clean air, and get healthier. This will help to overcome chronic diseases.

Spend the first half of the summer in active work. Take on the most incredible projects - this will help in career growth. In August, it's time to go to the southern countries.

In autumn, as astrologers assure, you will be able to reconsider your plans for the future and, perhaps, even change your occupation. In general, autumn will be calm and unhurried. But look more closely at your surroundings - not everyone wishes you well.

In December, you can relax and enjoy being with family and friends.

love horoscope

It is worth remembering that only close people will help you overcome all obstacles.

1st decade (May 22 - May 31)

This year you will find many interesting and exciting adventures, romance and unexpected meetings. Lonely Gemini can find a connection with the person they never even noticed before. However, this relationship will not last long. Just enjoy these moments. Be persistent and don't give in to temptation entirely.

2 decades (June 1 - June 11)

You have many chances to create your own family. Of course, everything will not be completely smooth, but be patient. Look for a compromise, you should not be too categorical. Remember everyone's personal freedom, give them some time for themselves. If you get overprotective in March, take it for granted and be understanding. In April, as the horoscope promises, life will improve and harmony will come.

3rd decade (June 12 - June 22)

This year will be a period of creative flourishing for you. If you want to be in public more, then be sure to take your soulmate. This period falls in the middle of autumn. Spend more time together at joint dinners and visiting theaters.

It is possible that you can make an offer.

Business horoscope

Distribute your opportunities - and you will expect great success. In the second half of the year, additional earnings await, and it is also possible that you will be offered a new promising job.

1 decade

All of 2016 is a career-friendly year, especially as your position in the workplace can be strengthened. You can also expect success in your personal business, especially in the areas of: advertising, promotion. You will be able to get investors.

2nd decade

In 2016, the Gemini has a chance to become a leader, and, perhaps, to start their own business. Work selflessly - and this will help you find a climb up the career ladder. But don't get too carried away, just keep going.

3rd decade

Beware of scammers and deceivers. If you are offered to invest finance, think it over carefully. Having successfully invested money, you will feel the profit by the end of the year. Don't start a new business until you've paid off your debts.

Family horoscope

Listen to your loved ones.

1 decade

Pay more attention to your parents, be interested in health and generally try to take care of them. To improve my emotional condition, take a trip. It will be useful to make new interesting acquaintances with people who will meet during the holidays.

2nd decade

Plan a child - this is a very favorable period. Spring and autumn are favorable for marriage. It will also be useful for you to do home improvement and make repairs. Look closely at the nuances.

3rd decade

Be careful and try your best to save your family. Avoid conflicts and quarrels - maintain harmony in relationships. It's simple - listen to your loved ones and take note of their advice.

Health Horoscope

You will work hard, but you should also rest.

1 decade

Jupiter this year will allow you to maintain excellent physical shape, and your intellect will work in full force. Diseases will pass by, but it is worth planning your daily routine. Eat right, exercise. Do not forget about vitamins, natural herbal teas and more. Maintain your immunity.

2 decades

The beginning of the year will require Gemini to do chronic disease prevention. This will help to avoid their exacerbation. January and February can be dangerous due to injuries, take care of your limbs.

3rd decade

To avoid a breakdown and significant fatigue, distribute the work schedule correctly. For proper rest walk on fresh air, run, you can go hiking and also travel.

What awaits Gemini in 2016: a general horoscope

Geminis are meticulous, and before making a choice, they prefer to weigh everything first. It is this trait that often brings them luck. But in 2016, the Red Monkey recommends Gemini to be more confident and not hesitate in making decisions. Already at the beginning of the year, you will review many of your plans, you will want something new, your soul will require changes. You can safely take on a project that interests you, the success of which you previously doubted, or agree to a partnership that you have avoided until now. Your prospects have every chance of success, the main thing is to clearly move towards your goal. The end of winter may bring some disagreements with your bosses and colleagues, but if you don't react to the negativity and continue to work hard, then come out of this situation with honor.

By the beginning of spring, Gemini's life will enter a calmer direction, you will feel uplifted and romantic. Your days will be filled with positivity. You may even meet a person with whom communication will develop into a serious relationship - you will realize your feelings already in the middle of spring. But the Red Monkey is in a hurry to warn you: trust your soul mate, do not give in to jealousy, and you will be appreciated. good decision will go out into nature or just walk in the park more often. Forget for a while about financial well-being because peace and peace of mind are also important. Spring for Gemini is a time of harmony and romantic impulses, just try to relax, you will always have time to return to work.

In the summer of 2016 Gemini expects a whirlpool of events, so by this period it is recommended to gain energy and strength. Many representatives of this sign will want to change their field of activity, learn something new, go to courses and even go abroad. But do not rush to rush into the pool with your head and make hasty decisions - consult with people close to you and listen to their advice. By the middle and end of summer, your life will again be filled with romantic colors - you will accept the right decision, and it will be possible to think about rest and personal life. It's time to go on a trip or even get married - this is the perfect period for such changes. Already married twins will bathe in love and enjoy married life.

The romantic mood will not leave you in the fall of 2016, but do not get carried away - remember about work. And here pleasant surprises await you - the authorities will notice you, appreciate your zeal and performance, and raise you in a career or financial plan. And here you will finally be able to fulfill your old dream, whether it's buying a car or traveling to the islands. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the horoscope for the year of the Monkey promises Gemini great luck and a real smile of fortune - you are recognized as a professional in your field, bathed in compliments and applause, and creative people and will create a real masterpiece. What you have been going for the whole of 2016 will not keep you waiting long and will pay off with interest.

Gemini man: horoscope for 2016

The Red Fire Monkey advises Gemini men to pay attention to their health. It is better not to put it off indefinitely and take care of yourself already with the advent of the new 2016. Winter is a great period to solve health problems and even change your image. Review your regimen, go for a consultation with a specialist, try to refuse bad habits And your body will thank you.

In the spring, with renewed vigor, you can safely take on new projects that interest you, but do not forget to consult your intuition - it never fails you. Your undertakings will have every chance of success. family twins expect a change in relations with their soul mate, and the right decision will depend only on you. Go out of town, develop - pay attention to the family.

Summer will meet you with active work, especially the first half of the season. Don't be afraid to take serious and complex projects- you will cope with them, besides, it will advance you up the career ladder. But the end of summer is best to devote to rest. The ideal option there will be a trip to the South, because the sea and the beach are exactly what you need. You will not only have a good rest, but also gain the necessary vital energy.

Autumn, according to the horoscope for 2016, is a time of change for Gemini. Perhaps you change your plans, and even change jobs. Don't be scared by this run - autumnal period will pass for you slowly, smoothly and calmly. However, you should not relax either, take a closer look at your surroundings, there may be envious people in it. By the end of the year, you will be able to completely relax and enjoy life surrounded by loved ones.

Gemini woman 2016 horoscope

With the advent of 2016, Gemini women are advised to focus on their financial situation and plan all their affairs in advance. Do not rush into making serious decisions, try to think everything over carefully. Perhaps you are not doing what suits you, and then it is better to think about changing the type of activity. Such changes will give you energy and strength, do not miss your chance.

With the advent of spring, it is better to think about your personal life, take time for your family and children. You will also have to make a difficult decision related to work and career. Do not rush to answer, weigh all the pros and cons. The end of spring will delight single Gemini women, because this is the time to build a serious relationship. Take a closer look at your surroundings - and you will see a person who has loved you for a long time.

Summer is a time of rest, try not to think about work, but accumulate more energy - you will need it at the end of the season. During this time, you will have to solve a lot of current affairs, which will require maximum concentration. But do not forget about your loved ones, visit your parents, pay attention to them and show care. And by the end of the summer, with a calm soul and renewed vigor, you will start a new interesting job.

The autumn period will flow for the Gemini women slowly and peacefully. The horoscope advises advises to take advantage of a quiet period and pay attention to household chores and comfort. By the beginning of winter, you have every chance to increase your financial situation, but this will entirely depend on you. Your stable financial well-being depends on how hard you work.

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2016

In 2016, it is very important for Gemini to remember loved ones, because it is they who will lend a helping hand and support you in difficult times. In your personal life, you will find complete harmony, romantic adventures and the whole ocean. bright colors. And it doesn't matter if you are single or have already found your soul mate - 2016 will be generous with positive emotions. If you are still without a couple, then be prepared for the fact that you may have a loved one: the one to whom you were indifferent before. But you should not build far-reaching plans - most likely, this relationship will be short-lived. Keep your head up and show your composure, especially in the first half of the year. Just enjoy this period, because the horoscope for the year of the Monkey promises you a lot of romance and interesting adventures.

The second half of the year does not exclude the possibility that Gemini will be able to start a family. Be patient, especially in matters of everyday life and housekeeping. Yes, not everything will go smoothly, but you can easily find a compromise if you are not too persistent and categorical. Do not forget that your loved one also has the right to personal time and space, do not limit his freedom. If you notice excessive guardianship on his part, accept it with understanding, allow yourself to be pampered and be patient. And soon all possible disagreements will subside by themselves.

If you are a creative person, you can expect to be promoted up the career ladder. You will want a secular life, you will be happy to attend all kinds of receptions, which can cause misunderstanding and jealousy on the part of your soulmate. The solution to this problem is simple: spend more time together, talk heart to heart, go to the movies, arrange a romantic weekend. Try to keep a balance in your relationship and this will help you maintain harmony. Just do not forget to give your loved one maximum attention, and your family life will return to normal.

Gemini finances and careers in 2016

In 2016, the Red Monkey promises Gemini the implementation of their plans and great success, subject to well-distributed opportunities. This will bring you a good income and even additional financial profit. You will have every chance for a new high-paying position, especially if you are looking for Good work. Take advantage of a profitable acquaintance - and career growth you are provided. Try to immediately strengthen your position in the service, this will significantly increase you in the eyes of your superiors. Those Gemini who have their own business expect good luck in the field of advertising, promoting projects, as well as attracting investors and clients.

Many representatives of this sign in 2016 have all the prospects for a successful career. This can be either a leadership position or an opening. own business. Here everything depends solely on you, how purposefully you will work. If you can show yourself on the favorable side, then your responsible attitude to business will be noticed and appreciated, and this is a direct way up the career ladder. But do not immediately grab the stars from heaven and lose your head from success. Remember that when working with people, communication norms and elementary rules of behavior are very important. Try to be loyal and fair and you will get respect in return.

It is also important to remember that with a successful career in business, there is always a real risk of fraud that you should beware of. The threat of being deceived, unfortunately, is the fate of many entrepreneurs. Therefore, upon receipt of the next advantageous offer carefully consider and consider everything before making a serious decision. With proper management, by the end of the year you will be pleasantly surprised by a very tangible profit. But the horoscope is in a hurry to warn you: do not start a new business if old debts hang on you. Deal with them first, and only then make decisions. With such a schedule financial success you are provided.

Health Horoscope for 2016 for Gemini

Since 2016 is full of working days for Gemini, try to rest periodically. Even if you feel in excellent physical and mental shape, it does not hurt to give the body a break. Take care of your health, and no diseases will touch you. To do this, it is enough to properly plan your regimen, correctly compose a diet, pay attention to sports and good sleep. Do not stay up late, do exercises, go to the pool. Drink vitamins and homeopathic remedies to maintain immunity and body performance, and it is better to replace coffee with herbal decoctions and natural teas.

With the advent of the year of the Red Monkey, prevention is also recommended for Gemini, since there is a risk of developing chronic diseases and exacerbations. To avoid this, consult with a specialist, do not spare your time on this, because we are talking about your health. It is better to play it safe and then work calmly, without unnecessary worries. But be careful, as there is a risk of injury, especially to the limbs. Try to be attentive on the street, at home and at work.

It is important to remember that the representatives of this sign in 2016 should correctly draw up their schedule. This applies to both work and life. If this is neglected, then there is a risk of chronic fatigue and loss of strength. Therefore, the horoscope for 2016 advises to walk more often in the fresh air, relax outside the city, go jogging in the morning, walk more, sign up for a pool and even travel. Let it be a few short holidays, but they will significantly rejuvenate the body and nourish it with strength.

Horoscope for Gemini for 2016 by year of birth (Chinese calendar)

Gemini - Rat

You are strongly advised to give increased attention close people. Show maximum attention and warmth, listen to their advice, show more understanding. Even if you have to sacrifice personal and work plans. You should not hide anything from your family, especially serious plans, because this can undermine their confidence in you. Just be sincere with them, and you will be answered with love and reciprocity.

Gemini - Tiger

In order for 2016 to bring you prosperity and stability, you must work hard despite all the intrigues that may appear around you. Only persistent striving for the intended goal will bring the desired results. The horoscope advises you to listen only to yourself, the advice of others can play a trick on you. Not only your financial situation, but also career advancement will depend on how much you trust your intuition.

Gemini - Dragon

The coming year will give you a serious test. Situations that require quick decision and informed choice will regularly appear on your way. What should be followed in such cases? There are three important factors that will help you: advice from close friends, your own intuition and good intentions. Remember that selfish goals are best avoided. Heed to inner voice, consult with your relatives - and everything will definitely work out for you.

Gemini - Horse

The Year of the Monkey promises you stability both in your personal life and in your professional life. As for the financial sector, in this case you need to be very careful and show maximum flair. If investing in any business carries a certain risk, it is better to abandon this idea. Do not spend money if you are not sure of success. It is also better to refrain from borrowing large sums, even to close people - there is a possibility that there will be problems with the return.

Gemini - Monkey

This is the perfect year for you to improve your skills and acquire new knowledge. Don't miss this chance, because in the future it will bring you high paying job or even leadership position. It is possible that you will find another job, more profitable and prestigious. The most important thing is not to sit in one place, in this case need to act! Don't miss out on the rare opportunity you are given.

Gemini - Dog

This is your year! After all, very soon you will meet a person who will play a significant role in your life. You will either find a true friend or meet your true love. You don't have to look for him for a long time, she will find you herself, but on one condition: smile! Be more open with people, say "no" to sullenness, do not refuse to meet people, go to parties ... And your sincerity will attract the person you have been waiting for a long time like a magnet.

Gemini - Ox

A very prosperous period awaits you, it will not be difficult for you to achieve your goals, and quickly and easily. But do not expect that this will happen without your participation, like winning the lottery - you will have to show all the stubbornness of your character. Remember that you are a stubborn and hardworking person, even in the most seemingly hopeless cases. Move in the right direction, set specific goals for yourself, soberly assess the chances of their implementation - and you will be able to achieve a lot.

Gemini - Cat (Rabbit)

The 2016 horoscope warns you of changes in your life, in that part of it that concerns the professional sphere. Have you thought about changing jobs? It's time to make it happen! You are energetic and creative enough to take a huge career leap and even start your own business. You will feel the freedom that you must definitely use. You have a lot of ideas! Believe in yourself, these changes will bring you financial success and moral satisfaction.

Gemini - Snake

For you, this year will be filled with family comfort and home warmth. If you are planning a wedding in the year of the Red Monkey, then you can be sure that your family will be so happy and strong that many will envy you. If you are already married, then taking care of the house and children will bring you a lot of joy. And if you are still single - look around, perhaps your soul mate is next to you. Also, you may well soon meet a stork - expect replenishment in the family!

Gemini - Sheep (Goat)

In the new year 2016, you will finally be able to cut off the ties that weighed on you, without any damage to you. For example, your leadership will change and a harmful boss will leave, or a morally unscrupulous partner who incited you will be fired. If you wanted changes in your personal life, due to the fading of feelings, then everything will end well here too - the separation will be painless, and a more suitable person will take the place next to you.

Gemini - Rooster

2016 year of the Red Monkey promises you joy and harmony, but on the condition that you take care of your nerves. Avoid quarrels and scandals, do not get involved in skirmishes, avoid conflicts. Don't worry about things that don't apply to you personally. Close people will help you with this: children, parents, lovers, and even former spouses. The main thing is not to withdraw into yourself, do not push away the help of relatives. Share your experiences with them, do not be ashamed of your problems.

Gemini - Boar

In the coming year, your pride will put spokes in the wheels. You will often be visited by thoughts that you are too good for such an uninteresting business, or you are not going to forgive because of a strong offense. Your number one task will be not to succumb to arrogance and arrogance, and to respond to everything with a smile. Advice from the Red Monkey: get over yourself! Accept the helping hand extended to you, agree to a friendly meeting. And then success, luck and happiness await you.

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